Comments Posted By libarbarian
Displaying 11 To 13 Of 13 Comments


Its lame when Michael Moore gets cheap applause by bashing Americans overseas.

Its even lamer when the President does it.

Comment Posted By libarbarian On 16.05.2008 @ 11:04


What Krauthammer is saying – and what I am agreeing with – is that a line has been crossed, most notably on the Republican side, that seeks to give religion a privileged position in policy debates – absolute moral authority with a vengeance based not on the efficacy of one’s position on the issues but rather on the strength or nature of their religious beliefs:

We became our enemy a long time ago. Being "Religiously Correct" is part of being "Conservatively Correct" which is now as important to Conservatives as being "Politically Correct" is to liberals.

I remember how in the 80s we used to mock and disparage the Politically Correct notion that the "oppressed" had a privileged viewpoint which was inherently more valid than that of others. We pointed out that while the "oppressed" had a legitimate viewpoint that they were no less subject to human weakness and error than anyone else - that being oppressed did NOT necessarily make ones moral or political vision any clearer and, in fact, sometimes warped and obscured it.

Sometime during the 90s we stopped fighting PC and instead adopted the notion for our own. Conservatives, and especially Christian Conservatives copied the language, arguments, and positions of the PC police and their only change was that they put themselves in the role of the oppressed.

We were amazed when PC feminists screamed "sexual harassment" because there Botticelli's "Venus" hung on the wall. Now Conservatives scream "War on Christmas" because of signs saying "Happy Holidays" and we nod along.

Where we used to see liberal students who protested having to read the works of "dead white men" as a bad sign of growing ignorance, we now applaud when Conservative and Christian students protest having to simply read (not agree with, just read) Marx, Darwin, or any other author that doesn't actively reaffirm their prior beliefs.

We used to condemn it when hordes of leftist students intimidated school officials and others into doing their bidding while maintaining that "The personal is political". Now Conservatives styling themselves "citizen journalists" post the personal information of people on their websites specifically so their readers can harass and intimidate them for saying something unpalatable.

Comment Posted By libarbarian On 14.12.2007 @ 17:56


The modern conservative movement is just as guilty as liberalism.


I hadn't noticed that the conservative movement, which used to mock, among other, feminists who thought paintings of semi-clothed women by renaissance masters constituted an assault on women, have spent the last three years bitching about how "happy holidays" signs constitute an assault on Christians.

One of these days conservatives are going to see that they copied all the worst behaviors of liberals. The sounds of so many empty heads exploding will be so very very satisfying.

Comment Posted By libarbarian On 16.11.2007 @ 18:17

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