Comments Posted By jeremiah
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Rick, your view would be easier to accept if the output from our public (and private) educational system were more attuned to our Constitution and its importance. We may, on January 20, be treated to the spectacle of an elected official taking an oath to preserve and protect our Constitution (because that is the only thing that the oath requires him to do), when that same official is on record as fundamentally in disagreement with its embodied principles including judicial restraint, the president's warmaking powers and others. (I suppose we should be surprised but not shocked, because outright lies and complete misrepresentations are the stock in trade of ideologues of all stripes.) Thirty years ago, that prospect would have been impossible to imagine. Today, few will even see the inconsistency and that deficit in understanding and appreciation for what America ALWAYS was intended to be will open the door to all manner of mischief. People who have lived or whose families have lived under socialist governments understand this on a deep and emotional level and we can only hope that they will turn out today to repudiate even the possibility of that outcome. However, because of the poorly enforced immigration laws, among other causes, we now have a much larger percentage of our citizens who have grown up under and become used to a government that continuously and corruptly re-distributes the wealth of it honest citizens to those in need, and who have been waiting for the United States government to move into that mode. Already some 40% of our legitimate citizens are no longer paying income taxes. It is a matter of (way too little) time before that failure to enforce begins to cost us even more dearly. An Obama administration will, with an effective super majority in both houses of Congress, do more lasting damage to our economy and way of life in two years than most of us can imagine. Most appalingly, the judiciary at all levels will be changed and liberalized even further than it has been to date, thus taking more liberty from us by denying the legislative process. And, since immigration will not be fixed but proably eased in the next two years, a tipping point may well be reached where 50% of our voting citizens no longer pay taxes. That will be the end of the U.S. and its economy as we know it. I am afraid - very afraid - and nothing you have said here assuages that fear.

Comment Posted By jeremiah On 4.11.2008 @ 09:01

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