Comments Posted By jackson1234
Displaying 71 To 80 Of 190 Comments


Let's get really brave. Would Obama have been nominated let alone elected but/for his racial background? If you want to show brass balls, Rick, make that your next blog post. I dare you, and don't care what conclusions you draw. I will go on record now. But/for the novelty of the racial background, someone without that ethnic mix who had the same experiential background balanced out by eloquence and smart campaigning would not have been nominated let alone elected. From what has been hinted, even Obama and his handlers thought the same. Therefore, the racism argument is pure bullshit except at the margins (you wrote as much but didn't really ring that bell).

As for this post, I am certain a tiny sliver of Obama opponents are racists. I'm certain a sliver of his supporters are as well. This meme is just a way to detract from the mounting and substantive opposition to Obama and his policies.

Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 20.08.2009 @ 11:52


Here is why they care, to answer your last question: elections. Otherwise, there would be no need to obfuscate. They actually have put their majority--at least in the House--in grave risk, and those Democrats there most likely to lose in 2010 know it. Otherwise there would be no need for the kabuki Professor Brainbridge laid out.

The problem for the Democratic Left is that these lies have been so transparent even Joe Sixpack sees them. If the Left can convince the Blue Dogs to commit hari kari, they possibly could ram through this legislation. But it will come with such a high cost that I doubt it happens although it would be a great gift to the Right in a political sense.

Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 19.08.2009 @ 09:34


Excellent, substantive post here, and one the MSM would do well to expand upon. I am afraid the nebulous aspect is a feature and not a bug, though. The co-op approach appears designed more to save face than to accomplish anything at this juncture.

I also have to wonder if state insurance commissioners, who tend to be as power mad as any left-wing D.C. pol, would cooperate with their counter-parts in other states...and this assumes that the states still would regulate insurance provided via the co-ops. Or would the co-ops be federally regulated? Would the infrastructure be self-regulating?

I agree that if private businesses could combine and pool and expand their base of insureds would be a great idea. Would government consent to being cut out of that loop, though? And again, what would be the regulatory structure?

Again, good job here, and something to chew on.

Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 18.08.2009 @ 10:25


Palin will have lots of company. She may even get an honored seat beside Barack Obama, who also has taken to pathological lying in support of the bill.

In all seriousness, this White House's PR has been so dismal that the language used did lend itself to this type of exploitation. Even worse, given the blatant lying by Obama and Company, there is justified reason for a little paranoia here and there.

Finally, if the Town Hall hostility has done anything according to the polls, it has turned independents against the White House and toward the protestors. This doesn't surprise me given that the Left's same tact against Bush also worked.

Face it, Rick. These are hard and ugly times, both sides do the very same thing, and it isn't realistic to expect anyone to stop any time soon.

Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 14.08.2009 @ 11:09


I will give you amusing. As someone wrote elsewhere, it would be a healthy thing if the Obama Administration actually took up all its time spying on the majority of the nation that opposes this idiotic health care legislation.

On a serious note, what in the hell has happened to the President and All His Men? As I recall, shortly before the economic meltdown and McCain's horrible "suspend the campaign and deal with the economy" stunt, the president had fallen behind in the polls. It was sheer luck, if a horrible recession can be called such a thing, that propelled Obama into office despite McCain's dreadful campaign.

I have come to wonder if the Obama communications team had started to falter late last summer, and by a fluke were able to coast until a month or two ago. Now they seem adrift and lost. I also don't think Obama would condone domestic spying on "enemies," but that implication is not unreasonable given what Douglass and Company have said and done. These people need PR 101 or they are in for a long, long, long three and one-half years.

Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 7.08.2009 @ 09:07


So connect these dots for me, Chuck: (a)health insuracy executives; (b)the GOP; (c)conservatives; (d) Joe and Josephine Sixpack; and (e) the secret location where they all conspire and receive their instructions (microwave transmissions and encrypted Internet sites don't count. Get a grip, man. This is sheer insanity, far beyond the Birthers because this is the mainstream Left.

And Harry and Bald Ninja: too freaking funny.

I don't know how the Democrats and/or the Left kept their inner lunatics concealed in 2006 and 2008, but one damn thing is for sure: they can't now.

Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 6.08.2009 @ 12:01

I'm glad to see you write this, Rick.

The analogy between the Birthers and the Town Hall Conspiracy Cretins is in a sense a weak one because the latter actually includes prominent Democrats and liberals, as you point out. The Birthers are the fringe, and by God, the Town Hall Conspiracy Enthusiasts are mainstream Left. For all its faults, the Right does even compare in number to the gullible and crazy people on the Left who subscribe to these whacked out theories.

Obama has made two fatal mistakes in recent weeks. The first involved Gates. The second was when he and his Administration became part of the Black Helicopter Brigade. Mark my word: this Administration just jumped the shark quicker than any in my time.

Dear freaking Jesus. The Left has become unhinged again, and that can only benefit Republicans and conservatives. It does mean trouble for the United States since these conspiracy morons run it right now.

Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 6.08.2009 @ 11:13


I guess we can include the Dems' new "Townhall Conspiracy Theory" to the Truthers, Birthers, and other whackjob paranoid theories. 2010 can't come soon enough.

Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 5.08.2009 @ 14:44

Remember Nancy Pelosi's assurances that the Tea Parties were "astroturfing?" It has been so long since the Left had actual spontaneous demonstrations that they no longer realize that, yes, they happen.

I'm not so certain anyone can do anything to prevent angry people from shouting at their MoC, particularly when he or she is ignorant, blatantly lying, or both. Maybe it is bad PR. Maybe it isn't. One thing is for certain--there's not a damned thing that can be done to stop it.

Most of the country now opposes this legislation. This has gone far beyond the conservative movement and it is quite real.

Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 4.08.2009 @ 11:18


A small quibble with Campos here:

"The most amazing aspect of this whole thing, for me, has always been the imperviouusness of policy makers, and even more so people who consider themselves serious academics and scientists, to the overwhelming evidence that there’s no way to do this."

Oh, yes we can. Make insurance rates higher (this also happens in the free market, as Michael pointed out, although not in larger pools), deny coverage (same), or more ominously, tax employers out of business who don't have government-mandated exercise and nutrition programs (Obama-type public madness here).

Campos absolutely is right about BMI and mean mortality rates. There is a strong correlation between diabetes and morbid obesity, and some evidence of a link between obesity and heart disease. What doesn't get mentioned as often, of course, is the total lack of correlation between cancer and weight. I'm certain the red meat police will be put on that one, although recent studies tend to show no correlation there, either.

Campos nails this hysteria when he imputes it to the left-wing's incessant need to demonize groups to advance hair-brained schemes. The attempt to hang health care costs around the necks of the elderly prompted such outcry that new demons were needed after the old folks came after Democratic party hacks. Maybe you fat folks need an equivalent of AARP and need to bitch more and need to bloc vote all the time. Then new demons can be created.

Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 30.07.2009 @ 14:21

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