Comments Posted By jackson1234
Displaying 51 To 60 Of 190 Comments


Not only are you right, the tragedy is compounded by the fact that a man perhaps even more incompetent--and certainly less capable--followed this hypocrite into office. Our nation has fallen into deep shit.

Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 15.09.2009 @ 14:13


It shows how inconsequential Obama's speech was that this tempest in a teapot got so much play. Sure, the media thought it would help Obama, but there also was the fact that nothing newsworthy came out of the speech itself.

I don't like lack of decorum from either side, but would note you are right about how the Left acted while Bush spoke. And in the crowning irony of this whole episode, Democrats quietly worked to plug the loophole that would allow illegal aliens to do precisely what Wilson claimed: receive national health care. That loophole was the immigration status verification the same Dems whom raised hell about Wilson kept voting down.

Fucking hypocrites.

So in the final analysis, Wilson overshadowed the president's speech and forced the issue of illegal aliens receiving health care to the fore. In other words, Obama did lie. Unfortunately, given Wilson's success, look for the Left to employ the same crude tactics when a Republican president gets elected in 2012 or whenever. Wait, you are right, they already have and Wilson emulated them.

Orwell lives.

Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 11.09.2009 @ 11:42


Up front and to be fair, it always was unrealistic to expect this speech to have any major impact on how senators and MoC's eventually would vote. That was the type of process bullshit the media narrative advances even when it patently untrue.

I honestly doubt one vote was changed last night. It wasn't because of the president's communication skills or lack of veracity, either. To have been successful, the speech needed to go into specific detail about what the final legislation would include. Given the deep divisions within his own party, Obama could not deliver that speech. Instead, he simply regurgitated the same broad themes he has set forth since he took office. There is no more of a "plan" now than it was in July.

I am more convinced today than ever that whatever emerges from this Congress will bear no resemblance whatsoever to what any reasonable person would call health care reform. It will be some face-saving piece of crap that will be signed, sealed and forgotten much like the now defunct catastrophic insurance program. The president will claim victory and the Republicans and Blue Dogs will claim they stopped nationalized medicine. Meanwhile costs will continue to skyrocket and the uninsured and underinsured will remain in jeopardy.

As someone who doesn't want government-run health care I should be happy. As someone who realizes there are deep problems and flaws within the current system, I cannot be happy. The bottom line is this president was a fantastic campaigner but he is piss poor at governance. It will be a depressing three years ahead of us.

Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 10.09.2009 @ 11:21



What blog are you reading?

Yours, but the tense is "were." You didn't help yourself with the little tirade above, either.

Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 9.09.2009 @ 09:07

This is completely related to your previous blog post, wherein you asked someone on the Left to explain why Van Jones would be defended. Your question went unanswered, in my opinion.*

The Left, and I won't draw a moral equivalency here because it doesn't exist, learned the wrong answer when they were in the minority for more than a decade. It wasn't the circle the wagons at any cost, be shrill as hell when asked to explain, and utter failures to embrace logic that ushered them back into power, however long it lasts. It was the Right's failure and events divorced from tactics that did.

Nonetheless, the Left now believes that it is beyond reproach, that it in no way deserves criticism, and people on that side are to be defended at all costs.**Therefore, you were attacked for even bringing up Van Jones. John Cole, when he reads anything you have written that criticizes the Left, simply dismisses it as wrong.

You also have made some strained analogies in the interest of fairness between left-wing lunacy and the Right, too. But these have been honest if mistaken attempts and quite rare. In Cole's world, the Left always is right, the Right always wrong, and anything to the contrary is wrong. If someone's side doesn't have perceived excesses, there can be no moral equivalence.

*busboy offered a very good reason but for only a small portion of the Left, black Americans, whose tendency in recent years to subscribe to whacked out conspiracy theories has grown scary.

**There are many thoughtful liberals and this is an over-generalization, but less than it was two decades ago. Minority status truly drove most nuts.

Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 8.09.2009 @ 12:46


Hell, Klein and Benen, while certainly minor offenders, were pretty unhinged at times themselves during Bush's presidency. The only cause for their alarm is that they are afraid of the return fire you describe. Frankly, while not to condone it, it does the heart a little good to watch these hypocrites squirm as they see "the other side" engage in the very same behavior. Obama just had the misfortune to fall more rapidly than Bush and weakness invites bullying.

Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 4.09.2009 @ 12:21


Serious question, Chuck, because I don't know. Does Phelps seek the destruction of the United States? I know he is a registered Democrat, but that is beside the point because he is a Christianist kook. I anticipated someone would bring up Robertson and Falwell because they claimed the 9/11 attacks were the result of their Imaginary Friend's wrath, but even they never applauded such an act. Communists do. I think it was a natural segue for Jones to embrace Trutherism along with his Marxism.

Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 4.09.2009 @ 10:05

Why in the hell would you even think Jones' beliefs are a bug and not a feature? Until folks come to grips with the unpleasant fact that mouthbreathers like Hannity were right (and they were dead wrong) about this president's radical associations, we can expect more strained analogies to the Bush Administration. Incidentally, even the biggest Christianist kook does not call for the destruction of the United States. Communists routinely seek this nation's demise, and if you came across something that indicates Jones denounced his Marxism I missed it.

Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 4.09.2009 @ 09:47


Pretty sharp analysis with one exception: the "implosion" of the Democratic Party already has happened as the Far Left and mainstream Democrats have turned on one another. While too early to say how this will impact the 2010 election, it appears an unknown number of moderate Democrats already have been deemed expendable by this Administration.

The decision to sacrifice 20 or considerably more Blue Dog Democrats actually was made when this Administration and the House leadership rammed through Cap and Trade. By the time moderate Democrats realized what had been done to them, Cap and Trade had barely passed.

There simply is no way for Obama to uncouple that ruthless calculation from his push for health care reform, unless...the Senate kills Cap and Trade, which seems more likely with the current legislative carnage.

So the next ruthless Obama calculation will be to deny safe left-wing Democrats both health care with a public option and any substantive type of Cap and Trade, which in my mind is a wonderful turn of events. The left-wingers will bitch and moan yet fall into line, and the Blue Dogs will vote for a very watered down "reform" and hold their collective breath in anticipation of next year's election. A substantial number are gone already, but this cover will salvage a few others.

You can take the politician out of Chicago...

Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 3.09.2009 @ 08:36


Sorry for the assumption, Chuck.

Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 2.09.2009 @ 14:28

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