Comments Posted By jackson1234
Displaying 151 To 160 Of 190 Comments


I'm glad your teen cousin is intelligent. The average youth in this country is dumber than a bag of rocks. If anything, talk radio goes over their heads. The solace is that these young know-nothings will turn fiercely on Obama in about a week when they don't get a free car. Whether they go back to the polls to kick out the failed Santas is another matter, of course.

Unlike you, I'm actually optimistic from a political standpoint. The Obama Administration will implode more rapidly than Bush did because the current economic illiterate will be associated with his failed policies in his first term. In a way, that implosion has started, albeit in a slow-mo way.

Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 27.02.2009 @ 09:31


Even a Big Tent has boundaries. Arnie and I would submit Snowe, Specter, and Collins crossed that line when they supported Obama's indefensible and ruinous economic policies. We can all disagree about abortion, among other issues, but this should be the one area where Republicans are in lockstep. In truth it is, based on polls, and the principles that bind us make us realize that the tiny Republican minority that has signed onto this nonsense really isn't so much part of the party as it is political opportunists.

Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 23.02.2009 @ 10:04


The GOP can be both optimistic and, yes, exploit the mounting rage over Obama's gross over-reaching, particularly in regards to deadbeat mortgagees.

When you write:

We are already seeing the result as it has pitted ordinary Americans who are resentful of where the bail out money has been going against other Americans who will be the beneficiaries of government largess. He may have underestimated the extent of this backlash although it remains to be seen if this rage can be channeled by Republicans into doing something constructive...

it happens to be correct. So how to construct a positive message from the gross inequities responsible citizens have been forced to swallow? First, acknowledge their anger is very legitimate. Then, show them a positive way out of the crisis that doesn't involve responsible home owners bailing out rift-raft in McMansions in the middle of former hay fields. The policy will have to be practicable and explained.

I'm not pessimistic about the GOP's chances in 2010 and 2012, not because it has done such a good job (although the opposition to Obama's excesses has been helpful), but because the Democrats have taken what is a suicidal course.

We can do two things at once. Legitimate taxpayer anger not only should be acknowledged because it is good politics, but because it is the right thing to do. That alone won't get us back to majority immediately, but along with a positive alternative we will be well along our way.

Our opponents have handed us a golden opportunity. I hope the two-track approach I have laid out will be taken.

Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 23.02.2009 @ 09:48


Here is the nut quote from you:

"The problem is that if the stimulus doesn’t work – and there are many smarter than you or I who say it won’t in its present form – then the American people will feel betrayed."

I cannot for the life of me understand why Obama has become so invested in this monstrosity. Maybe it is his inexperience, maybe it is hubris, maybe he really believes this legislation will work, which I doubt perhaps because I don't want to think him this gullible. Regardless, Obama seems determined to use all means at his disposal including the fear-mongering you cited. Maybe that is an attempt to avoid Carter's fate. I don't know but doubt it will work.

It is obvious the president will not back away from this bill. He appears ready to sacrifice his chances of success for reasons I cannot begin to fathom. It is tragic, not for Obama so much as for the nation.

When you have people like Krugman telling him its not enough, I think he believes he's being reasonable. But he is being disingenuous with all that unrelated spending because he knows most of it could never pass if it was standing on its own. The only way about 300 billion of that spending could be passed if he attached to a bill that he could scare people into voting for.


Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 9.02.2009 @ 10:40


One more thing:

Republicans need to keep far, far away from this disaster unless it improves dramatically--if that is even possible. While this indicates more temporary job creation than people like my best friend expect, the report is totally toxic.

Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 6.02.2009 @ 11:48

Funny man,

The irony is that even the temporary jobs created by the ridiculous spending will be nowhere near 3 or 4 million. A Keynesian economics professor of some repute who happens to be my best friend is upset with that aspect of the stimulus package. This is a guy who voted for Obama and supports him in general, mind you.

So although as you suggested the temporary make work is the easy part, even that is woefully inadequate from the perspective of left-leaning economists. I suspect we will hear a helluva lot more about the "jobs saved" claim, which cannot be proved one way or another, is this monstrosity becomes law.

If Obama were as smart as I once thought, he would have moved away from this abortion several days ago.

Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 6.02.2009 @ 11:04

Funny Man:

"It is likely the stimulus will pass and create a lot of jobs."

Name a serious person (Paul Krugman doesn't count) who believes this to be true. It very well may pass along party lines, and if so the Democrats will own it and better pray that history doesn't repeat itself. I suspect at this point even Obama knows it will do precious little before 2012 let alone 2010 but is so invested he cannot back out of this disaster.

Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 5.02.2009 @ 16:17


I disagree strongly that the so-called stimulus bill is "salvageable" in that it can be shaped into legislation that actually will do what it was purported to accomplish, which is create jobs. The package can be passed if all Democrats hang tight, but many of them will bolt if enough Republicans don't jump on this sinking ship. The one thing Democrats really watch, polls, has turned on them.

As a matter of fact, I would contend this pork-laden monstrosity is a much worse problem for Obama than tax cheat-appointees. There is no way Obama will not offend a great many people with this package. If he strips out the 50 percent or so that is unabashed pork, the left and many Democrats will turn on him. If Obama leaves that shit in there, he will lose the greater publc.

Tom Daschle's latest scumbaggery will be forgotten in 2010. A wasted trillion dollars will not be.

I will wait to see how the dance with the military plays out before I put that on the same plane or even above the stimulus fiasco. You may be right here but it is too early to tell. What isn't too early to tell is that the first piece of shit legislation Obama backed also was the first piece of legislation he backed, and it is a major disaster.

Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 4.02.2009 @ 14:18


I agree that Gingrich is a conceptualist, with all the positives and baggage that carries, but can the same really be said of Obama? Or did I misread you there? I have thought of Obama as a master of rhetoric but haven't really heard him put forth "concepts" or "visions" or "theories" or however you want to describe it. Platitudes from Obama, yes. I apparently missed where these came together as concepts. I have read you long enough to know you don't equate "hope" and "change" with a concept. I noticed you also used the term "descriptions" in relation to Obama so again there is a big chance I misread you above.

Not on the same scale as Newt but Obama has articulated our problems (using platitudes at times) but in way that ordinary people can grasp them. Otherwise, I don't think he could have been elected.


Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 2.02.2009 @ 16:38


What a fucking day. I agree with everything you just wrote, Chuck. Intrusions into privacy ultimately make us less secure just as dimunition of property rights ultimately make things tougher. Good point.

Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 28.01.2009 @ 14:52

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