Comments Posted By jackson1234
Displaying 91 To 100 Of 190 Comments


Jackson ultimately was a very sad human being. If our nation were not so obsessed with wealth and engaged in banal celebrity worship, he would have been forcibly committed many years ago and possibly helped. As it is, he was allowed to engage in self-mutilation unhindered and child molestation without major consequences. Even his enablers--and I include the plastic surgeons and parents of the children--were given a pass for the most part.

I believe as far as artistic impact, you may sell him short in one aspect although you did touch upon it. The man fairly well made the music video channels such as MTV and VH1 what they are with his over-the-top productions in the Eighties. What that is worth is another matter. I deeply suspect the video has cheapened music in that it emphasizes the visual over the audio, but that thesis is above my pay grade.

What isn't above my pay grade is that a pop star was allowed to descend into depravity and become a one-man freak show because he could sell tickets and CDs. That speaks more about our society than the man.

Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 26.06.2009 @ 11:00


Hubris and misplaced moral certitude may make this young and inexperienced president reluctant to lobby for anything. Obama is, to paraphrase, guilty of at least one thing: he believes his own propaganda. Someone certain they are right may not feel any need to convince.

Given how radical and ineffective his economic policies have been, I'm frankly glad he is ineffecutal in implementation of more of them. He has tried to throw Congess, led by his party, under the bus rather than take the lead. Good. He doesn't seem to have a clue that the window of opportunity for unpopular legislation has started to close in anticipation of 2010. Tomasky apparently doesn't, either.

It very well may be May 2009 was the high (or low, depending on persepctive) mark of this Administration.

Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 23.06.2009 @ 12:44


I'm afraid The Guardian has it about right. The mullahs will countenance bloodshed to stop the riots.

One thing is certain. The United States will be used as a scapegoat regardless of what Obama or anyone else here does or says. Given that reality, a cost/benefit analysis of support for the protestors probably doesn't work. Therefore, it may be time for a forceful statement in favor of peaceful protests because one of these days, if not this time, those in the streets will be in power. If you are going to be used as a scapegoat regardless of what happens, a more forward-looking response could be in order.

I actually feel for the Administration on this one because it is a tough call and what I wrote above could be plain wrong. I'll listen to any other viewpoint because it is such a tough nut to crack.

Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 19.06.2009 @ 11:52


In the days of the first Mayor Daley, burly men would deliver turkeys each holiday to city employees. My aunt worked for the city, and since she had already bought her bird, the old woman told the nice men she didn't need one. She was told in no uncertain terms to take the goddamned turkey. She did. Fast forward, and my aunt could have been a bank.

Sometimes things are simple. Rick, you have nailed it. This is typical Chicago political thuggery. The above described event happened in the late Sixties, and apparently things haven't changed much. I initially dismissed the IG story as trivial but as it has unfolded came to realize it is emblematic of what ails this Administration--its origins. The flirtations with lawlessness should be no shock.

You also are right about Barosfsky. If Republicans somehow were to regain the House in the next cycle (unlikely, but increasingly possible), it will be when details of where the money from this massive spending orgy actually went.

Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 18.06.2009 @ 10:06


Joe, translation:

"Oww, owww, owww. Please stop."

Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 18.06.2009 @ 14:04

Oh, and Levi: is Letterman the face of the Democratic Party? Just askin'.

Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 17.06.2009 @ 13:21

Mr. Simpson is so pre-June 2009. Ms. Yokey speaks for the vast majority of us now, I think. Frankly, focused opposition always is assisted with a healthy but not lethal dose of outrage, straight or gay or bi or whatever.

Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 17.06.2009 @ 13:19


So you dug and dug and dug, Michael, and the closest analogy you could draw between an ostensibly objective network broadcasting its signature news programs from the White House to push an Administration's pet issue was with...right-wing talk radio entertainers who admit they have a POV broadcasting from the White House. If Obama had invited left-wing newspaper columnists (but I repeat myself)rather than ABC your example would be valid. As it is, your analogy is beyond pathetic. You are in full and ineffectual spin mode now and not even worth the waste of my time.

And to answer a question you originally posed, Rick: I'm afraid the only way ABC "reporters" will leave is if, like Linda Douglass, they have an undisguised job waiting for them with this Administration.

Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 17.06.2009 @ 09:35

If you had provided something that somewhat approximated even a strained analogy I would have, Michael. As it is, you just reverted to defensive partisan hackery because you know there isn't an example of something presented as a straight news broadcast from FOX along these lines during the Bush years. I'm disappointed in you, actually.

Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 16.06.2009 @ 14:03

I don't have to "explain" anything, Michael, since you couldn't provide that example. Just change where I wrote "usually" intellectually honest to "infrequently."

Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 16.06.2009 @ 13:47

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