Comments Posted By greyneck
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After reading your posts on your blog, and some of your columns, I have a rather strange question for you. Why would you presume to call your web site "Right Wing Nut House? As far as I can tell from your columns and blogs, you are not a right winger, John Bircher, Strict Constructionist, or as I think of mysself and a lot of other conservatives, to far to the right to be called anything but a constitutionalist. I do find your writing entertaining, but rather tortured reading as I think you are more of a moderate Dem than anything else, much to PC to ever be a leader of anything. But that is the greatness of the Web. I will continue to look in on your posts as an alternative to some more conservative voices.

I am indeed a strict constructionist to the core. A fiscal conservative, a believer and defender of American exceptionalism, an advocate for a strong defense and robust American foreign policy, a promoter of a just and moral society, and a follower of Russel Kirk's 10 principles of conservatism.

All of these things I have written about passionately on this site. The name of the site is what my enemies on the left call me - a right wing nut. It is a slap at their limited intelligence and lockstep stupidity not reflective of any place I occupy on some kind of conservative measuring stick.

I consider myself a conservative. If you wish to place a "moderate" or "RINO" or even "fake" in front my my self identifying term, that is your right. Just know that I ignore it. You are either a conservative or you're not. And that's that.


Comment Posted By greyneck On 25.10.2008 @ 14:16

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