Comments Posted By forest hunter
Displaying 11 To 20 Of 28 Comments


It also points to the hypersensitive political foolishness that some of the more radical hijackers of sanity have stooped to over the years. An accident is just that. The slightest mistake is made and it can't possibly be admitted to and move on without extremist going bananas. Of course there should be differences in the transparency and speed in "coming clean", relative to the things that you mentioned above. As a member of the human race, I screw up at times, but when awareness of it is known, I can admit it without being hammered politicly, partly because I don't concern myself with the thoughts of others and how they think of me. Context being what it is and all.....

Comment Posted By forest hunter On 13.02.2006 @ 08:58


The times posted in the comments are EST?

Comment Posted By forest hunter On 11.02.2006 @ 12:08

If you've got the time to tell me, when's the real time in Japan ? And------- you'll be fine Rick! Shimpai nai des! Do what you do best and use both hands!

Comment Posted By forest hunter On 11.02.2006 @ 11:25


This may be good example of what feelings can do to anyone who gives them free rein. Feelings and emotions are like the current cartoon fizzle created by the loonies, they'll end as soon as they began and after all, they're feelings, all things have a place and time.

Comment Posted By forest hunter On 11.02.2006 @ 11:43


Gumshoe's got it zactly right! When the bow of the boat is all that sticks out, even the rats swim off-so nobody'll steal'em!

Comment Posted By forest hunter On 11.02.2006 @ 03:46

Naturally, FEMA would be slow due to the magnitude of the catastrophe, but more so based on as I said their history and the people that make up the "organization". Their track record is what it is for variant reasons, legit and not.

I think a levee topping is when the water is at the top of the levee and a breech/opening is called a levee breach, but I'm no expert.

Also, as was mentioned briefly in the post, the damned politics. It's likely that had a much greater impact than any one like me can ever know. It seems clear that the NO's city/County officials really bear the brunt of the planning failures, certainly in the pre-disaster portion.

The inherent problem with crooked or incompetent people throughout (as I said earlier) the various agencies has a great deal to do with what's lacking. GOOD leadership is built long before and even during the hard times. Cops on payroll that don't exist and cops walking out are clues to the who's, if someone wants to find out what's broke and fix it, as opposed to those pointing fingers blaming the White House for every thing under the sun. (I wonder how many knee replacement surgeries would've been done if Jack Bauer had been site)

Personal responsibility seemed as rare as clean water. Big screen TV's and shopping carts heaped with clothes being toted off, filled our TV screens every day over here(JAPAN). My Japanese friends were trying to figure out why all these things were being done and why people were there at all. I told them that many who stayed behind were thieves and gang members. Others were likely people who wanted to protect their belongings from the irresponsible jerks that thrive in situations such as those.

The US is the best place I know of, but it most certainly can be better. It's up to good people to do good things as a matter of habit, as natural as breathing. Feeling is not an actionable resolve, though it serves as internal motivation, it's not all it's cracked up to be. GAMBATTE!

Comment Posted By forest hunter On 11.02.2006 @ 03:23

The Gordon Lightfoot line was EXACTLY what I was thinking as I followed the events from here.

Having seen a couple baby monsters stomp a mud hole in whatever gets in its way, gave me all the perspective I'll ever need when it comes to "preparing" for the next one. As I recall there were no Asian casualties. Could it be that "typhoon/hurricane coming soon" is more than just a movie title. The knowledge gained from experience is what I would call wisdom and to say the knowledge is power is akin to saying ice cream is cold, snow is white and cold and water crashing onto your shores and pouring in from the lake you live beneath is all of the above!

If you live in the bottom of a mud hole and you've been served a three day notice, that the mother of all hurricanes is on its way to a county near you, one would wonder why you're still there. Size matters! When the water reaches your waist and you bend over to see the reflection in the water, hopefully you'll see the reason why you're in trouble.

FEMA, to my knowledge, has never been able to "Git er Done" in an effective or timely manner as its history indicates. Some enormous Government Agency runnin' around with bandaids and bottles of water in helicopters just takes my breath away at their heroism and power. NOT! How many times do you watch the same movie, before you get the story line.

Depending on someone else to do your thinking/actions is preposterous! When's the last time you saw our government do an effective job at say anything? I'm not bashing my country by saying this, though it might appear that way. The "Size Matters" thing and the people that make up this system is where the seeds of stupidity have been fertilized and grown into the fruits of what we have to this day.

The Times bangin' away on the politics drum, is its natural redundant position, solves nothing and is precisely the problem with any system that does not reward good actions by good people. Worse yet, the inverse is elevated to higher position-easier than firing them for just being stupid cause "you can't say that", without the ACLU and PC police inspecting your large intestine with busted hooks and barbed wire.

I'm waiting for the day when we'll hear the monster Government toilet flush and the gangrene meat on staff in virtually every level of City,County,State and Federal Government, but I'm not holding my breath.

Martin- I'm not pickin' on you and truly sorry to hear about your Grandmothers house.

Comment Posted By forest hunter On 10.02.2006 @ 21:58



Comment Posted By forest hunter On 9.02.2006 @ 06:21

OT completely this:

Rick, Have you ever watched the John Wayne classic- The Man who shot Liberty Valance. It is replete with some very interesting symbolisms that in my opinion have never aged. I realize the over simplicity may not compare with accepted standards of those more refined than I but in the words of my respected ex-father in law, "If you want to find out an answer to something important ,you should ask the dumbest basturd and the smartest guy you know, before you decide." If nothing else, it'll be an entertaining show provided you enjoy classic westerns and John and .....

Comment Posted By forest hunter On 9.02.2006 @ 04:19


Antonio Ze bias Ze berserkias, as he's known on his home planet and their constituents have no concern for consequences. That would in some minimal regard have a bit to do with reality.

Comment Posted By forest hunter On 8.02.2006 @ 02:45

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