Comments Posted By chris
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Moon Jaguar,
"Everything on the list creates or saves jobs! Jobs for the people who produce and sell food, rehab government buildings, build scientific equipment, enforce the law, build computers, operate college libraries, build and run wastewater plants, and on and on. Jeez, people, try to see the bigger picture!"

So let me understand this. Unless a program burns money or ships it off to a foreign country, I would assume at least ONE person receives that money. And if I assume that ONE person doesn't hoard it all, but spends some of it, some economic activity will occur. That would suggest that regardless of how the money is spent jobs are created.

Call me simplistic, but since the past 8+ years the government has spent more than it had and increased federal spending, why haven't we continued to create jobs? As best as I know the Federal budget has increased every year over the past ___________ decadesand yet we haven't seen a coincident steady drop in unemployment. And would it be fair to say that if the federal government just spent "enough" money it would eliminate unemployment?

Comment Posted By Chris On 15.02.2009 @ 10:05

"Last I checked Republicans were still blaming Bill Clinton for everything."

There may be some Republicans blaming Clinton for (____________), I believe the courage lies in identifying issues/faults with any past administration regardless of party. That will move the discussion beyond partisanship.

For example, George Bush, IMHO, expanding a program, with good intentions, that was already headed toward bankruptcy (Medicare). Bill Clinton, in his desire to address unfair real estate practices and expand the value of home ownership to lower income brackets, pushed regulation to "strongly encourage" lenders to lend to those with less than stellar credit. Both of these actions had great intentions but lead to seriously negative financial consequences. And I'm one who believes in better access to costly prescription meds and in the value of home ownership.

"And, I’m sorry, but did you see “midnight basketball” on Rick’s list?"

I probably wasn't explicit in creating "hypothetical", but not too unreal, examples to illustrate how either "side" can, with good intentions, waste money.

Comment Posted By Chris On 15.02.2009 @ 09:58

"et’s add up the cost of all these terrifying new government programs and see whether they equal Mr. Bush’s prescription drug program. Or Mr. Bush’s Let’s Turn Iraq Into Vermont initiative. Not even close. Put it all together and it doesn’t equal the amount we’ll spend on the bottle caps of all those meds, or the amount that will be stolen by Iraqi politicians and end up in Switzerland and the Caymans."

When will your points not include reference to George Bush. Isn't saying "Oh yeah, well your guy did it too" simply reinforcing the disgust at wasteful spending. If I spend $1 billion on high tech security devices in the Airports that don't work and don't make us safer, is that any better or worse than spending $1 billion dollars on midnight basketball and other community organizing activities that neither "organize" nor help the community?

And finally, if spending is all that it takes then I'll present my proposal that I presented over at Poligazette: Why not $50,000 to every church in America to spend on community activities. Churches are well known for hiring cheap and getting folks to work overtime for free (and even work on Sundays), getting people to churches will get folks "fellin' the love" and politically, its a winner for the Dems (pulling all those "Palinites" over to their side.

Now some would worry about church/state issues but hey its "spending" right!? Others might worry about "fake churches" springing up to get the money. Who cares, its spending right?

Comment Posted By Chris On 14.02.2009 @ 14:28


Imagine how much even worse the Obamans would be doing if the outgoing Bush administration had not bent over backwards to smooth the Transition. By all accounts, to reasssure and safeguard the country, 43's administration cooperated with 44's to an extent unparalled in American history, at least with transferring between one party and the other.

Left to their own devices, the Obama Administration are like teenagers teaching themselves how to drive a stick shift, grinding the gear box while failing to get out of Park.

Comment Posted By Chris On 4.02.2009 @ 09:58


I have never understood the urgency to act that is being communicated by the White House. Bush did this and so is Obama. We have already seen that dumping money into this blackhole doesn't solve the problem. It delays the inevitable for a short time. Actual thought and work to solving the problems takes time. The panic reaction has gotten us nowhere.

Obama wants this big bill to demonstrate his leadership ability, for people to know "I won". To his advantage, Obama has the same Congress that knows no other solutions other than to throw money at the problem.

The bill is attractive to Democrats because it has all of their dream programs. The problem is it clearly will not work as you have pointed out. Currently they are operating like a monkey with a hand in the cookie jar. They have a handful of cookies but the hole in the jar is too small to get their stuffed hands out.

Comment Posted By Chris On 31.01.2009 @ 19:32


My reaction is the opposite of Rick's. I am more than ready for a respite from the Great Eight Year Left Wing Temper Tantrum. Let 'em run things for awhile and experience the joys of responsibility rather than bomb-throwing. Yeah, I'm sure they'll screw some things up, but we've survived that before & we can again.

Comment Posted By Chris On 19.01.2009 @ 12:39


Well I'm a tax professional (CPA) and I'll say I'm not scandalized. The guy prepared his own taxes, probably using Turbotax. Believe it or not, even a smart, educated buy like this didn't necessarily read the documentation that came with the statement of his IMF income(which, since it was foreign-sourced, wouldn't involve the usual IRS approved forms). So he filled in the Miscellaneous Income line without checking the "subject to SE tax" box. He's an economist, not a tax nerd. Of course, he shouldn't have been preparing his own return. I know this sounds self serving, but nobody who has anything more than a W-2 should.

Comment Posted By Chris On 16.01.2009 @ 18:37


And as a follow up here's a good example of our desire for more "care" even if it provides "less" benefit. As an FYI the Dartmouth Atlas is a great resource regarding this phenomenon.

Comment Posted By Chris On 15.01.2009 @ 12:31

To respond to your initial question. Yes, we can "have a system like they do in France". However, keep in mind:
1) Healthcare is inextricably interwoven into the culture so "what works" in France may not work in "the US"
2) It will cost more money
3) We Americans spend more on health care than any other nation. And no that's not because of insurance company greed, nor greedy doctors, greedy hospitals nor spendthrift patients. We Americans like buying healthcare, particularly the "latest" and most "technologically advanced"

To be fair to Mass Health. They did improve the percent having health care. However, they clearly underestimated the costs.

Given enough money getting universal coverage is easy. Managing cost is the hard part

Comment Posted By Chris On 14.01.2009 @ 14:11


I agree that U.S. interests would not be harmed by the disappearance of "Palestine." In fact, they would probably be strengthened with the demise of the fanatical death cult that the "Palestinians" have become. How U.S. interests would be furthered by having a liberal and multi-ethnic democracy swallowed whole by this death cult and its supporters is a mystery to me, much like Chuck's belief that Christians and Muslims are the same.

Comment Posted By Chris On 3.01.2009 @ 07:13

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