Comments Posted By caseoftheblues
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OK what don't you Dems/Socialisit is NOT that hard of a concept and it is being played out in EVERY single country in the world that has government/socialized healthcare every single day of the have a limited amount of, drugs, doctors, beds, etc and a huge infux of people demanding all that FREE you have to start limiting access, services, drugs, institute waits least 3 of Obamas cloest advisors openly admit that certain populations should get lesser to no care, they are the elderly and those who are incapable of contributing fully as citizens (which I interpet as most of Obamas supporters...but that is another post) which means the cognitively impaired and or disabled. It is right there in their books and articles in the Lancet etc. Could one of you...any of you answer if the bill/bills have ALL been shown to INCREASE US medical costs not decrease, that kind of throws the argument for "this is unsustanable we must reduce costs" things out the window.....AND it establishes 52 government agencies that will be involved in your medical decsions so that throws out the improved care and access...I myself would rather have 1 insurance agency that I can fire/leave in between me and my doctor as opposed to 52 government agencies that have NO accountablility and that I have no power and no legal recourse to do anything about. As for the Choice thing...if they want to increase choice why so many provisions that make it impossible or illegal for me to get private insurance and that seem to be written to keep forcing me into a Govenment Plan...that is basically Medicaid???? So increased costs, less quality, less choice...what the f#@k???

Comment Posted By caseoftheblues On 9.08.2009 @ 06:07

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