Comments Posted By busboy33
Displaying 281 To 290 Of 657 Comments



"However, busboy33, if you want to get this thread back to race baiting, let me ask you, how have the libs treated conservative Negroes and Hispanic/Latinos over the past 20 years?"

I certainly understand how shocked you must be as you interpret my question as race baiting. You managed to quote the first paragraph in my comment in #36, but for some reason you failed to quote the 2nd paragraph. You know, the one where I pointed out specific examples of people apparently going bananas over Obama's race. I'm sure that's only because you were so shocked at my 1st paragraph that you were unable to proceed any farther. I know you would never have deliberately ignored the uncomfortable examples on purpose, so it must have been my shocking question . . . you have my apologies.

Of course, you also missed the specific examples I gave in #33, the one that was specifically adressed you. Easy to miss.


Funny . . . I thought that's what I was asking.

Do please leap to the moral high ground. I'm sure you are shocked (SHOCKED, I say!) that I am "race baiting". I thought I was asking why specific commenters were specifically making racial allegations that I specifically detailed . . . but I guess I was wrong.
Or, you're ignoring the embarassing examples that I mentioned and are just bellowing to make them go away.
. . . Nah, that can't be it. Must be my fault. Silly me.

"how have the libs treated conservative Negroes and Hispanic/Latinos over the past 20 years?"

To try and answer your question . . . who? Could you narrow down your "conservative Negro and Hispanic/Latinos" so I can answer? I hope you are not maintaining that every single "conservative Negro and Hispanic/Latino" has been treated in exactly the same way by every single "liberal".
One does come to mind . . . Clarence Thomas. Was he shat on by "liberals"? Yes.
Was it because he was a "conservative Negro"? No.
I'm sure you disagree, and I'm also sure that some "liberal", somewhere, called him an Uncle Tom. There is a difference between a person who is liberal and "Teh Libral Konspiracy".
Let me give you an example. There are Conservatives who compare Obama to a monkey (see the Curious George dolls waved at McCain rallies during the campaign as just one exemple). That's a pretty racist thing to do. Does that make conservatives racist? No. Does it make the dickheads waving the dolls and laughing racist? Yes.

"we were fighting a war on three fronts, Afghanistan, Iraq, and our Homeland . . ."

Sorry -- I missed the last one there. When did the Homeland front open up, and exactly who are we fighting in the Homeland?

". . . and Bush left with a 450 Billion dollar deficit after 8 years. Obama is quadrupling that. Are you comfortable? Is this how you would handle your own finances?"

Am I comfortable with debt? Of course not. But turning my smart-ass filter off for a moment, I respectfully think you're playing games with the numbers.
Certainly, the health care reform is expensive, and I do put that at Obama's feet -- I also think it's a good idea. I'll certainly agree that the government is incompetent (not Obama . . . the government), but I believe that private insurance has failed more than the government. You are certainly free to disagree, but we're talking about opinion now, not fact.
Aside from healthcare reform, what deficit-increasing measures has he taken that wern't directly a result of the ecconomic situation he inherited from Bush (which you admit was a trainwreck)? If I drive a car at a brick wall, then throw you behind the wheel just before the crash, you're going to cause damage to the car. Is that your fault, or mine?
You rail against Social Security and Medicare -- how on Earth is that Obama's fault?

"We have been lied to and cheated out of our money and trust."

. . . and private, for-profit insurance companies haven't?

"Everything he has done since taking office has been a huge rush. Why? What’s the hurry?"

The ecconomic stimulus measures were "rushed" because we were and still are in an ecconomic crisis. The healthcare reform is being "rushed" (although I fail to see how something that has been discussed for more than a decade qualifies as "in a hurry") because he's trying to get it done while it's still possible to make it happen, before the lobbyists shut it down . . . and you damn well know it.

" Do you know him well enough to trust him with your life…your wife’s, your child’s?"

Never met the man, never "looked into his soul", so I suppose the answer to that is no. Of course, I can answer that question with a no for every single president that has ever been elected . . . so what makes him special?

"No one need dislike Obama, but that doesn’t mean we know him well enough to trust him with our futures or our country."

As I said above, I don't know any president well enough to trust them with the lives of me and mine . . . do you? Did you know Bush well enough (and if so, did you expect him to be such a complete fu@k-up or were you betrayed)? Did you you know McCain well enough?
What "don't you know" about Obama? What makes him so mysterious and shadowy? I assume you didn't vote for Kerry or Gore. Was it because you didn't know them well enough compared to Bush, or was it because you thought their policies sucked? What makes Obama different than any other Democratic politician?

(*smart-ass filter re-engaged*)

. . .y'know, aside from him being black. I'm sorry, a Negro. Which as you loudly declared is totally not an issue.

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 1.08.2009 @ 08:52

Awwww . . . .conspiracies are more fun.

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 31.07.2009 @ 18:59

I know this thread has drifted off topic, but let me ask this:

For those that think Obama is the front for the Black Conspiracy . . . what has he done that advances the conspiracy? I know there's alot of "action X seems perfectly inocuous, but if you believe that Obama is the AntiChrist then the action can be seen as part of the plot" rationale floating around, but what has he done that is suspicious WITHOUT being pre-disposed to hate him?

I'm asking seriously. Jill @ #31 sees actions going beyond reparations. Jackson sees an ANC White House takeover. I see neither reparations or tribal dance, at all, anywhere. What are my deluded eyes missing?

I'm no Obama-worshipper. Give me a reason to dislike him and I have no problem jumping on board. But I need a reason.

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 31.07.2009 @ 16:55

From FunnyMan:

"In that regard people like Beck are not helpful because they only preach to the choir and damage the conservative brand."

Amen. Are the Repubs worried that the "Fear Of A Black Planet" crowd is going to go Democratic? Comments like Beck's "Obama hates white people and white culture" and Limbaugh's "Obama is a racist" chase everybody off except the people that were going to vote Repub anyway . . . and 30% ain't winning elections.

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 31.07.2009 @ 16:41


I assume your coment was in regards to my #25 (otherwise I don't understand it at all). Generalizations are bad. Wild hyperbole is bad.

Why would Jackson think people in the white house are going to run around in ANC colors? That's not generalization -- it's a specific comment from a specific person. What evidence, at all, is there that Obama is going to start wearing a dashiki? If there's absolutely no evidence to suggest that, why think it? I feel pretty confident using my psychic powers to read Jacksin's mind and saying he wouldn't think a white President would wear African National Congress colors, so if it's not a knee-jerk suspicion of a black person . . . what is it?

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 31.07.2009 @ 13:03


Sure -- I haven't made any claims about people's race, or any claims about people's behavior being a result of their race. See how easy that was?

Your turn.

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 30.07.2009 @ 23:36


"The image of Johnny Cochran, Lee Bailey and the other clowns clad in the ANC colors at the Simpson trial may be repeated at the White House."

You've sold me -- no racial animus here.

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 30.07.2009 @ 18:17

@Gayle Miller:

"No president has done more to combat AIDS in Africa."

Sure. And good for him.

"No recent president has had to face the kinds of challenges from terrorism that President Bush had to face."

Okay, sure. I'd quibble about how you phrase it, but I'll concede that statement.

That's it? Therefore "canards against President Bush are devoid of reality and truth"? Wow. Setting the bar awfully low, aren't you?

No recent President has taken over during such a craptacular economy combined with two seperate wars. Wow -- Obama has reachesd 50% of Bush's greatness in only 6 months.

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 30.07.2009 @ 18:16

@ Commie Stooge:

As what would be classified as a liberal, I wholeheartedly endoese this idea. Please. Dear God please.

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 30.07.2009 @ 00:01

In regards to the issue of antiObama = racism, while I'm sure this is fairly obvious let me just state it: most of the Lefties I know that think the racism strain is stronger than Mr. M. gives it credit for is based on the intensity of the attacks against Obama. Sure, Repubs attack Dems and vice versa, but the perception is that the attacks have gone to a whole new level. Kerry was attacked. Gore was attacked. Clinton was attacked. Pelosi gets attacked. But those attacks generally didn't seem to rise to the "DemonicSocialistAntiChrist" level that the Obama gets as standard. As you said, the policies aren't radically different than the Dem policies of the past, so the exponential increase in rhetoric appears to be based on something else . . . and it seems to many Blues that the only difference now is skin color.

Maybe the over-the-top voices are just getting more play than they did. Maybe the media is so sensitive to the issue of skin color that they're focusing on those voices more than in the past. Maybe the rise of blogging and the Internet has amplified those voices. Maybe liberals are so focused on finding racism that they are only locking in on the fringe, and ignoring the true Red body politic. Maybe . . . but it isn't too hard to find comments like Beck's "Obama hates white culture" that raise just about every warning flag.

I want to agree with Rick that the whack-a-doodles are the ignorable minority of the RedState. I would be staggeringly disappointed in America if that wern't the case. Here's hoping Rick's assessment isn't just wishful thinking.

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 29.07.2009 @ 14:53

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