Comments Posted By busboy33
Displaying 91 To 100 Of 657 Comments


@Rob Miller:

“ligean dó gáire a Bhuaigh”

Well, I'm not usually one for laughing at "opponents", but if you insist . . . HaHaHaHa!

Nope. Still don't like it.

Seriously, of course if she wins her supporters will have the last laugh (not they need to win to holler). The question posed by the original post was CAN she win? All things are possible, but I don't think her supporters understand how disliked AS A POLITICAL CANDIDATE she is.
Let me emphasize that last part. She seems like a real nice lady. I'm sure I'd enjoy hanging out with her. Nice smile, nice personality, charming, pretty. All that's great. But as the leader of my country? Hell no.
Can she change that impression? Sure . . . but it would require her to change what has made her so profitable. She'd have to start talking about the issues in a detailed, informed manner. She'd have to convince me that quitting her job was something I shouldn't worry about happening again. She'd have to convince me that she wants to govern all of us. And I just don't see that happening.

Do I think the 08 campaign was tough on Obama? In terms of a solid opposition candidate, sadly no. I say that as a McCain supporter. I would have voted for him in 2000 . . . but I don't know what happened last year. The McCain I admired was replaced with an offensive, pandering cretin. Between McCain circa 2000 and Obama . . . I may well have voted for McCain IF Palin wasn't on the ticket. I wouldn't accept be responsible giving her access to launch codes.
Now in terms of the crowds at the McCain/Palin rallies . . . well, "tough" probably isn't applicable. "Offensive" certainly seems more on the mark. You do remember the Curious George dolls, don't you? Explain how that was in any form a political critique. Do I, as a voter, want to be associated with that behavior? No.

The unedited interviews -- I've seen them. She looked like an idiot because she didn't know the name of the newspaper she read (hint: guessing "The Wasilla Times" probably would have been safe).
Did they edit that in there? Did she answer in thew cut parts? No. Couric even asked her the same question 48 hours later -- she hadn't bothered to learn the answer. Edited? No.
Her bumbling, catchphrase-laden answer(s)? Were they clear and coherent in the unedited video? No, they wern't. She looked just as ifnorant there as in the edited version.
Correct me if I'm wrong. Please direct me to the parts where she knows what she reads. Or the unedited answers that make sense.
I'm sure you believe that one of her edited answers was glowing with sheer brilliance . . . but that doesn't change the moronic answers that DID get aired. Those embarassments were un-edited. The blame for them falls squarely on her.
Let me give you an example. Let's assume Obama gives an interview. In it, he's asked about our exit strategy for Afganistan, and he provides one of ythe most insightful, thought-out, reasoned responses ever uttered. The next question to him is "and what do you do in your spare time?", and he replies "I like to slap babies and kick puppies." When the interview is broadcast, they only show the second question and answer.
Was the tape edited? Yes. Would he have looked better in some respect if the edited portions were broadcast? Yes. Does that mean he didn't say the slapping babies/kicking puppies part? No. That's squarely on him, and he should be roundly criticized for it. If he said something like that, he'd be a fu@king moron, and anybody who wondered why he wasn't getting more support would be equally as clueless.
Sound familiar?

btw -- why is he a Neo-Marxist? Because he supports health care from the government? If that's the reason, was W twice the Marxist? He pushed SCHIP, he backed Medicare D . . . that's TWO government funded health care programs.
So . . . Bush: Neo-Marxist?

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 17.11.2009 @ 00:35

sorry for the run-on comment . . .

@JBurke again:

"All that said, Sarah Palin really is ignorant — probably not stupid, which is not the same thing, of course."

Agreed. The problem is, rather than taking steps to become more well informed, she appears to be prideful of her ignorance -- and that IS stupid.

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 16.11.2009 @ 20:10

@John Burke:

"This is all part of a sickness that affects liberals disproportionately — an incurable sense of superiority that is impervious to any and all empirical evidence to the contrary."

Yes, Republicans are well known for their fair and dispassionate critique of opposition politicans. As for a sense of superiority, again it's pretty well accepted as fact that Republicans and Conservative opinions in America today stress humility and self-reflection.

Certainly no "Pelositas are commie elite hippies that will fall before the righteous wave of Truth waving concentration camp photos" attitude from y'all. Yeah . . . that's so liberal.

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 16.11.2009 @ 20:07

@Rob Miller:

you may be confusing contempt for fear.

I don't know a single person on the Left that is afraid of Sarah Palin. They (and I) may fear what would happen if she got the launch codes, but we certainly don't fear her as a person or a politician.

PLEASE run her in 2012. Pretty please. With sugar on top. Run a campaign that is even more offensive and hyperbolic than 2008.

I'm dead serious -- please. I'm begging you.

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 16.11.2009 @ 20:02


She wrote a 400+ page book? No kidding?

Then what did she pay Lynn Vincent (the ghostwriter) for?

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 16.11.2009 @ 17:05


@Karen H.

No -- that would have made him a terrorist.

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 16.11.2009 @ 16:44


You're right, of course. He should have given the emperor a shoulder massage maybe? Or just "looked into his soul"?

If this is the "chink in the armor" of Obama for y'all . . . that's pretty sad.

I've said it before, I'll say it again -- NOBODY said he was the second coming of Jesus except you nimrods.

Without a flaw? Of course not. Better than Bush? Now THERE was a guy that knew how to win friends and influence people!

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 15.11.2009 @ 17:51

Good God Rick, are you serious?

So he fu@ked up the bow by combining it with a handshake -- that's worth a giggle. I giggle when other pols screw up protocol (not that I'd do any better), so a giggle is certainly fair.

But seriously . . .

"So is it a big deal that Obama bows to the son of Hirohito, a man who could have easily stopped the attack on Pearl Harbor but didn’t? The son of a man who acquiesced in atrocities as his army literally raped its way across Asia? The son of a man whose real war crimes would have had him hanging from a gibbet without the intercession of McArthur who needed him as a figurehead to control the post-war Japanese population?"

This language seems to imply that the problem wasn't that he combined a bow with a handshake, but that he didn't greet the Emperor of Japan by spitting in his face and then kicking him in the nuts. What else could possibly suffice for such an evil, despicable, loathesome man?
And just to make sure . . . you don't have a problem with the emperor, right? You're offended because of what his dad did? Did I read that right?

What -- the giggle wasn't enough? Too little meat for the crowd?

Honestly, you torpedoed a perfectly good jab at Obama with this nonsense.

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 15.11.2009 @ 15:04


Just saw this in a re-read of the comments . . .

@obamathered #21:

Just so I'm clear, are you blaming the fact that Bin Ladin hasn't been captured or killed on Obama? Beyond that, the reason has something to do with polling? As in, there are polls that show Americans don't want him captured or killed?

From someone who has posted some fundamentally stupid comments in the past . . . this is far and away the most laughable crap you've ever typed. Oddly, I'm both disgusted and somewhat in awe at the sheer brass balls blaming Bin Ladin's survival on Obama takes.

Well done?

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 15.11.2009 @ 15:23

@Richard Bottoms #24:

Now THAT should be televised. Hell, make it pay-per-view.

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 15.11.2009 @ 15:07

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