Comments Posted By baz
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Wow... gotta say that it's refreshing to see an *old-time* Conservative, someone who is honest.
Good job, Rick!
And just a note, to those that bring up the 70s & Carter. Had Pres Reagan not killed Carter's energy initiatives, we wouldn't be in the mess we're in now.
Probably no Iraq, 9/11, we'd have been weened off oil already, alternative technologies would've advanced, with the research tax credits, etc.
I don't like Carter, but as much as everyone likes to bash Carter, the guy was prescient about energy... and Israel/Egypt have remained in relative peace for 30 years.
Lastly, I think my fellow Conservatives, need to get off the kool-aid, and start opening their minds again. Too many of us, have invested so much into the Limbaugh/Hannity ditto thought process, that the world is moving by us. Anger & hate aint going to get us back into power... it'll be ideas & creativity, something the right has forgotten about for years. The Dems aren't the Dems of the 70s anymore. They actually get fiscal responsibility, more than their forebears. We need more of an argument, than they're *Liberals,* to regain power.
Another example, most of the military people I know, and there are many, are voting for Obama.
Why? Because the Libs are the ones unfailingly supporting the troops, these days, with their actions.
They actually learned from Viet Nam. We on the other hand, just keep believing we're the righteous. We need to wake up, and revise our thought processes, and arguments, and move into the present. It aint the 70s anymore.
The old arguments don't work. And this election is illustrating that people are moving away from the old *time-tested* arguments.

Comment Posted By baz On 17.10.2008 @ 07:20

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