Comments Posted By arch
Displaying 31 To 32 Of 32 Comments


Forget Foley. Focus on the real issues.

The issue is terrorism. Democrats want to allow them secure communications and freedom to travel, conspire and organize to attack us again. They are rooting for Al Qeada to win in Iraq.

The issue is illegal immigration. Democrats are already registering illegal immigrants to vote. They support La Raza ("The Race") and ignore the impact of open borders on our overburdened public education and public health infrastructures or our national security.

The issue is increased taxation. Democrats are desperate to roll back the Bush tax cuts that propelled our economy out of the recession diverting the money into new social programs to buy votes.

The issue is Phoney Environmentalism. Kyoto would devastate the US economy and cause massive unemployment here while spurring the Chinese and Indian economies.

The issue is George Soros. He doesn't support radical left causes because he wants a better world. He made $11B as a currency speculator and the US Dollar is his next target. Soros wants the US economy to crash. He's betting against the United States.

Mark Foley is not an issue. He is no longer in the House of Representatives. His office is sealed and his records are being investigated. He will be given due process and, if guilty, punished like any other citizen (except William Jefferson).

Conservatives must stay in the game and "move on."

Comment Posted By arch On 5.10.2006 @ 07:30



I agree about JFK completely, but You forgot JFK's betrayal of the 2506 Brigade at the Bay of Pigs. And you failed to mention that JFK agreed to make Cuba exempt from military intervention and agreed to pull our missiles out of Turkey. You probably missed that detail because in typical Kennedy fashion, he had the records sealed.

Also, remember that Kennedy was awarded the Navy Cross for PT109. I've tried to imagine the citation. It must have read, "due a shortage of torpedos and ammunition, Lt (JG) Kennedy maneuvered his vessel into the path of the enemy ship, inflicting severe paint scratches on the bow as the enemy destroyer, making 40 knots, cut his PT109 in half."

Didn't Kennedy tell the south vietnamese military that it was okay to assassinate Presiden Diem? That's hardly staying the course.

Wasn't the war on poverty part of the Great Society? That program destroyed the fabric of urban black families and made liberals feel good.

In case you have forgotton, like most of your liberal friends, the US was attacked by terrorists. You do recall the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks. Oh, or you a "truther".

Comment Posted By arch On 5.10.2006 @ 08:29

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