Comments Posted By andophiroxia
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I just listened to the song and it's a satire. It's pretty true of the race hustlers. I remember Jesse Jackson calling Obama a n___er and saying he wanted him castrated. I notice libs are conveinently forgetting that. Basically, the old-time race hustlers are pissed off that after years of their "hard work" some young upstart stealing their thunder. That's all the song is about. So, it's ok for everyone to make fun of and ridicule "whitey", but everyone must be balkanized into their own ethnic group to make fun of: Asians can make fun of asians, blacks can make fun of blacks, but whitey has to ridicule himself and that whitey is free game... uh ok. I would think true equality would be everyone making fun of everyone equally, no matter what they are. Humor pokes fun at people. If it's racist, people don't have to listen to it.

Hell, even his running mate said, "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."

I'm suprised that Biden didn't get the crap storm that this song is getting now. I would think Biden's comment would be considered more offensive, or at least very stupid.

You know what I find interesting is that the white supremacist groups are quite censored. I don't think their message is good at all, but played alongside any (insert ethnicity here) supermacist, it just all sounds the same with different epithets in the same, predictable blanks.

Comment Posted By andophiroxia On 30.12.2008 @ 10:29

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