Comments Posted By VanisleScotty
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Speaking of Rick Warren you decribed him as "a man who equates gay love with incest". Normally you are much more informed and balanced. Your obvious passion about this issue not being an issue has clouded your judgement on this. Rick did not equate gay love with incest.

If you look into the original quote in context, he was stating a number of new ways of redefining marraige that he would oppose, not equating them. He was making the point that he is opposed to redifining marraige because he supports the long standing transcultural definition of marraige, regardless of how someone might try to redefine it.

If I say I don't like brussel sprouts and I don't like liver (I don't like either) I am not equating them. I am simply listing multiple foods I dislike. He was simply stating multiple definitions of marraige he would oppose because he believes in the traditional definition of marraige.

I always enjoy reading your opinions, keep them coming. This one will no doubt have people screaming from both sides.

Comment Posted By VanisleScotty On 23.12.2008 @ 19:11

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