Comments Posted By Travis Monitor
Displaying 31 To 40 Of 175 Comments


"I could keep going but I have limited time today."

You should. Any discussion of modern TV news journalistic integrity that fails to include the infamous "fake but accurate" record of CBS News misses the point ...
... and the point is not 'bias', they are all biased, but what the news outlets are telling us that is (a) false and (b) not the whole story, and that Fox is far from the worst of the lot, and indeed are telling real, sustantive stories not told elsewhere. the fact that say Van Jones story was not picked up by the ABCBSMSNBCNN/NYT/WaPa lib Media monolith condemns *them* for wallowing in ignorance, not FoxNews/Beck for pushing the story.

As for CNN, formerly run by "friend of Bill Clinton" Kaplan ... they hurt themselves on multiple occasions:
failing to report Saddam Hussein's atrocities so their Baghdad correspondents would be well-treated ...
Tweaking their lineup to please the Obama campaign:
Engaging in bogus bias to help Obama campaign:
Broadcasting an insurgent-made recruiting video ...

The list goes on. CNN's only merit is that they are actually a news organization, at least most of the time, albeit a biased liberal one staffed by Obama koolaid drinking libs, unlike say MSNBC, which is naught more than an agit-prop house that fronts for Media Matters (a Soros org) material.

It's laughable that the Obama White house can 'deprive' Fox news of "legitimacy". ROFLMAO.... They Obama White House is practicing Alinskite 'isolation', standard left-wing isolation techniques that will divide us from eachother and keep Democrats away from FoxNews ... but guess what, who loses credibility? Obama! He shows he has a contempt for 1st amendment press freedom, is thin-skinned and cant take the heat of criticism, and fails to appreciate that attacking Fox only drives their viewership UP.

Only FoxNews, by their reporting will add or detract from their own legitimacy, just as CNN and CBS hurt their credibility via their own actions, not based on how any President treated them.

Comment Posted By Travis Monitor On 23.10.2009 @ 14:11


correction: should be "exemplar *of* moral rectitude"

Comment Posted By Travis Monitor On 23.10.2009 @ 13:32

"As a left-leaning Independent . . . Why exactly is Harry Reid majority leader?"

Duh, because left-leaning indies like you MADE IT HAPPEN when you voted Democrat. What, you think they'd pass over Reid for a statesman like that camera-hog scheming Schumer, that genius Bab 'bouncer' Boxer or that exemplar or moral rectitude Chris 'countrywide' Dodd? Indeed, no, Reid was the next mental dwarf in line to lead this bunch.

As PJ O'Rourke put it, giving money and power to Congress-critters is like giving whiskey and car keys to a bunch of teenagers and hoping nothing bad happens.

Comment Posted By Travis Monitor On 23.10.2009 @ 12:25


"I think you speak of something that doesn’t really exist. The Republicans in the Sentate HAVE tried to make the bill better by proposing amendments and by trying to work with Baucus to better the bill, but the Liberals are stopping them. I personally think that the individual mandate for health care is a poison pill that Republicans should oppose at all costs."

100% Agree.

Comment Posted By Travis Monitor On 11.10.2009 @ 21:04

"Obama’s outreach was sincere and more than patient, to the point of hurting his own agenda. "

Dick Bottoms, You Lie!

Your name and your shilling are about as insane and ludicrous as the decision those five Norwegian fools made last Friday.

Serious GOP alternatives have been ignored, shunned, and turned down. Serious issues like tort reform and buying insurance across state lines - tossed aside. Legitimate issues and concerns - like taxpayer funding of abortions, have been DISHONESLTY dismissed by Obama, and then in House/Senate action REBUFFED (viz the Hatch Amendment was voted down).

Basic GOOD GOVERNANCE RULES WERE ALSO TOSSED ASIDE. Like the Bunning Amendment to just let the bill be written and made available for 72-hours... The mad rush of Democrats can't even wait 2 days.

Most Gop Amendments in the Senate committee, to protect Medicare Advantage, ensure granny wont get killed, stop giving benefits to illegal aliens, reduce the mandates - turned down. The minor Amendment tweaks the Republicans *did* manage to get in the Senate Finance markets WERE ALL GUTTED SECRETLY BY THE DEMOCRATS on the committee in a final "manager's amendment" submitted by Jay Rockefeller.

Dick Bottoms: You are not fooling anyone with your shilling. The Senate and House Democrats and Obama have done zero listening to Republicans and feel zero compunction about smashing the GOP over the head with partisan leftist garbage legislation. Maybe the Dems feel entitled to that attitude with their large majorities, but dont go around lying to us about what is really going on.

Comment Posted By Travis Monitor On 11.10.2009 @ 20:57

"The only reason they even care about republican support is as “cover” for their members from conservative districts."

As if on cue to prove this point, they wheeled out Bob Dole as a prop in support of this. Never mind that he's a lobbyist at a firm that's been paid off to support ObamaCare, and never mind that he's been out of office for 12 years.

... all to project the phony and false image of 'bi-partisan support' for an egregious act of destroying the nation's fiscal solvency, harming the healthcare of most Americans, and destroying innovation, choice and freedom in 1/6th of the economy.

Comment Posted By Travis Monitor On 11.10.2009 @ 20:44

"I fail to see any reason to “cooperate” with the Democrats on this bill. The whole premise of it should be anethema to conservatives."

I agree. The key issue is not whether to compromise, but WHAT constitutes a 'compromise' and what constitutes the folly of caving in principles to adopt a dreadful bill.
Simple rule: Mandates, higher taxes, huge spending/cost additions, and new bureaucracies is NOT compromise.

The Baucus bill is clearly the latter, and I blogged on Travis Monitor to that effect when the Baucus bill 'co-ops' were bandied about as a 'compromise'. They are not.

It's [Baucus bill] not a compromise. A real compromise would address the 'pre-existing conditions' issue with some sort of assitance and regulatory changes and stop there - no mandates, no higher taxes, no huge new bureaucracies. The Baucus Plan is the all-pain no-gain version of ObamaCare.

Comment Posted By Travis Monitor On 11.10.2009 @ 20:40

"Can’t the government just GTF out of our lives already?"

NO. For the simple reason that most people in DC do NOT have that attitude, and those few that do are tormented and have their political careers destroyed by the Permanent Iron Triangle of pro-Government careerist-elitists in the Left-liberal-Media, the Bureaucracy and political branches of Government.

Comment Posted By Travis Monitor On 11.10.2009 @ 20:33


#16 Todd: "Steve and Brad–good luck with your strategy of…whatever that is. It’s kind of funny, actually, since your views and tactics are VERY similar to the Soviets’ in the first half of the last century: They squelched any kind of internal dissent and actively dumbed down the population to maintain control (many intellectuals ended up in gulags for the crime of having ideas and actually expressing them)."

Todd does the moral equivalent of what would call for a Godwin's Law invocation.

What Brad actually was lamenting was "Self censuring" ... aka "flip side of the useful idiot coin." so anyone against self-censoring is a Stalinist?

Arrogant, deluded nonsense like this, which presupposes some superiority to the conservative heathen rabble, reminds me that the Right side is still the right side, because the left is just sooo out of it.

Seriously. For all his faults, Glenn Beck > New York Times still holds. (He got 2 honest bigtime stories that made a difference and NYT lied to their own readers about it.) And yes, that *is* damning more than praising.

Comment Posted By Travis Monitor On 5.10.2009 @ 22:04

"Quite simply, it is insufficient to point to the opposition and say they’re bad people with bad ideas."

Insufficient, sure, but when it's the truth its a mighty good place to start.

" We need to be good people with good ideas."

" But all too often, those who most loudly preach “family values” messages are found to be philanderers or worse;"
Only nihilists argue that the existence of sin requires to abolition of morality. Power corrupts on a bipartisan basis. But point taken on the immoralities of Edwards, Kennedy, Clinton, Gov. Donald Siegelman, Rep. William Jefferson, Tony Rezko Charlie Rangel, former Detroit Mayor Kwame "Text Me" Kilpatrick ... oh wait, wrong party.

"those who attack the policy proposals of the Democrats have nothing substantive to offer on their own;"
Those who make these claim haven't done their homework. There are plenty of ideas and policy prescriptions on the conservative shelf, collecting dust at places like Heritage and Cato and AEI until the Pelosi/Reid/Obama era, that prevents them from being anything but pipedreams, is over.

" those who cry the loudest that the Obama Administration is ruining America were the ones who cheered the loudest when the Bush Administration was doing the exact same things."

There is always some amount of political hypocrisy on both sides - those who cheer the loudest that the Obama Administration is helping America were the ones who jeered the loudest when the Bush Administration was doing the exact same things - but seeing exact parallels is misguided. On foreign policy we see some parallels, but on domestic policy, many dramatic turns, not 'exact same things'. Some conservatives had already gotten off the Bush bus on spending, on immigration, and most especially last year on TARP. Well, that concern has become blown up into a massive migraine now Obama is pouring it on massively like never before - $1 trillion boondoggle Govt bailout falsely called 'stimulus'; the $400 billion supplemental; $9 trillion in planned deficits and another $2 trillion if obamacare passes; plus the crazy corruption-inducing jobs-destroying cap and trade scheme.

Barack Obama is the 'more cowbell' of American liberalism, taking its worst impulses to a new level: More taxes, spending, Government control, new legislation, etc. than ever before. There is a mad rush to do bad bills quickly and sign the Federal and state govts up for responsibilities we cannot afford. The 2 key numbers are these - 3 million jobs lost so far under Obama; $9 trillion in projected deficits. This goes far beyond what Bush has done, and the sheer fiscal recklessness of the Obama agenda should concern people across the political spectrum.

Comment Posted By Travis Monitor On 5.10.2009 @ 21:52

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