Comments Posted By Todd
Displaying 51 To 58 Of 58 Comments


Bibi Netanyahu is as big an obstacle to peace in the region as Hamas. He's a religious fanatic who, by the way, doesn't give a rat's rear about his "ally" (what a joke--total one-way alliance there). He wants us to yet again sacrifice our soldiers, money, credibility, and safety to carry out missions which serve Israel's interests, not ours. The "threat" from Iran is overblown--even hardcore conservatives like Pat Buchanan admit this.

My grandfather died a few months ago at the age of 92. He had been a lifelong Republican and had worked in state and federal government. He also fought in WWII against Japan. He was horrified by what had become of the country he loved so much and what had become of the party he had dedicated so many years to. The Bush years took an emotional toll on him that I would have never imagined possible, and to have people like Six praising Bush's non-service and standing up for the man who did immeasurable damage to our country is pretty upsetting. My grandfather fought for freedom: Bush sent our men & women to war over ideology, not freedom (with the far right in Israel having a huge hand in that decision). American ideals seem to be in the express lane on the Tidy Bowl highway--patriotism has been replaced by nationalism and the "home of the free and the brave" has become the police state (see Pittsburgh for a recent example) of the paranoid (Beck and teabaggers).

Comment Posted By Todd On 30.09.2009 @ 11:21


Whatever, Jay. Keep on believing your doom and gloom scenarios and worshipping at the altar of Al Gore. The same man that uses 10 times the amount of energy as the average person and flies around in private jets. Keep on listening to Madonna who has stock in some of the worst polluting companies in the world. Yeah, keep listening to them because, after all, they "care about the environment."

Sorry that so many of us don't buy your BS...

Comment Posted By Todd On 10.07.2007 @ 00:17

What the left-wing trolls here just don't seem to get is that many people are in favor of conservation, protecting the environment and reducing or eliminating our reliance on foreign energy sources. However, we aren't buying Al Gore's apocalyptic message of doom and gloom, and we aren't in favor of crippling our economy.

I see the same little trolls, ME, and jay k., all over the blogosphere whining and complaining. The problem is, they don't understand the argument and their beliefs have no basis in reality. Why is it significant that the numbers were low for Live Earth? It shows that people aren't buying the doom and gloom message of Al Gore and his followers, and that pisses them off. See, if you don't buy into their doom and gloom scenario, then you obviously do not care about the environment and, therefore, must be some right-wing fanatic. What they can't handle is the fact that people know the debate isn't settled. In fact, we know that as more evidence comes out, it shows that Al Gore doesn't really know what he's talking about.

Rick, when you're dealing with people that have the maturity level of pre-schoolers, you know you're never going to "win" a debate, because they're usually too ignorant to know what they're talking about. The more the truth gets out, the more irrational and immature they get.

Just keep shining a light on the truth and eventually they'll scamper off, as all cockroaches do...

Comment Posted By Todd On 9.07.2007 @ 15:11


Has anybody seen the new TSA regs that recharacterize human bladders as carry-on compartments?

Comment Posted By Todd On 11.08.2006 @ 11:56


Well said. And yet, I'm saddened by the fact that as I read this post, I see a huge skyscraper ad for her book on your blog. I understand the ads are served from a remote service, but I hope you'll put the money where your sentiments are and ask the ad provider to block Coulter ads from your site.

Comment Posted By Todd On 7.06.2006 @ 18:12


I think the ACLU have a case. And it's chilly with Big Brother, especially for these 'eco-terrorists' busted by the FBI up in ANWR this week.

Comment Posted By Todd On 26.12.2005 @ 19:08


I know this is old, but Palm Springs is in California, not Florida. Trust me, with all the murderers and child predators in Florida, the Gods would not hang out there.

Comment Posted By Todd On 6.07.2006 @ 15:03


It is a television show. That's all, people. It is frightenigly close to real life, which is also what made the X-Files awesome, but still a TV show. 24 is the best show on television, and if these things printed about Clinton dilly-dallying during the golf tournament are true - wow.

Comment Posted By Todd On 27.04.2005 @ 09:51

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