Comments Posted By Todd
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We have no leverage against Iran's building a nuke when Israel has loads and they aren't part of the NPT. Actually, I think Iran will develop the capacity but not the actual weapon. They're blustery, but Iran has not attacked another country in centuries. Our "alliance" (joke--what do we get out of that, other than a coffer drain) with Israel is toxic to our interests, and if we ever actually brokered peace there, several of our problems would be helped if not solved.

Comment Posted By Todd On 1.10.2009 @ 06:53


Funny man, I really agree that "one of the strengths in the US was their creative process, was the ability to invest in new and exciting techniques and win (or fail)." That's why I find myself so discouraged now. That whole aspect of society is being squelched and replaced with suspicion and anger when confronted with new ideas. It seems to me much of the country is not coming into the 21st century very readily, and instead is stuck in very old ways of thinking and operating which don't serve anyone (including them) well in today's context.

I'll be in Omsk in January--I'll need to see if there's anything to check out re: House...Dead.

Comment Posted By Todd On 1.10.2009 @ 05:31

funny man said:

"The other astonishing thing for me as a German always was that most Russians forgave us long ago because they knew unhinged, brutal dictatorship and what it does to people. That is why I get furious about these casual, ignorant comments about Obama because it is a real disrespect for the victims of these regimes. I might have disagreements with Obama but I know that I live in a country where there are laws that protect me etc etc."

You're absolutely right: As a matter of fact, Germany and Russia have quite close ties in many spheres. The USA and Germany are supposed to be good friends/allies, yet the GOP uses today's Germany as an example of what horror we can expect if a public option for health care is passed. I say, bring on the horror! Their conservative government that just got elected would be teabagged to death in the US by gun-toting folks carrying signs with Merkel and Westerwelle made into all sorts of unsavory characters.

Comment Posted By Todd On 30.09.2009 @ 22:35

Cmblake6, you're obviously as out-there as Perry and I'd watch the seditious rhetoric if I were you. You and your wacko friends do not have the right to determine "rightful intent" and what you are advocating is the very opposite of what America is. Your site deserves it's own slot as nuthouse example on this blog. I just hope the FBI is keeping an eye on you all.

@Surabaya Stew--yes, thanks. I knew that was a statistic that was bogus in its context, but it's interesting how people leave out context to further a false idea...

Comment Posted By Todd On 30.09.2009 @ 19:07

funny man, I think very few in the DDR or anywhere else in the "communist" bloc were convinced they lived in paradise, at least toward the end. That said, it wasn't a hell-on-earth giant gulag as so many in the West think. Many people simply went about their lives as we do in the US, minus some of the material comforts we had in the West. Now they have those comforts here but very few can afford them (prices are obscene here and salaries are shocking--I don't know how they manage). There is a kind of nostalgia in the former DDR as well as former USSR--not for "communism," per se, but for the simplicity of their lives back then. They acknowledge that Soviet communism was a failed experiment, but they also know that life is more precarious than ever now.

They have free healthcare here (along with private) and while the old soviet clinics are a comparison to the West, people get treatment and they don't have to wait any longer than in the US. My nephew (privately insured) needs to see a specialist and has been on an appt. waiting list for weeks. I obviously don't have free healthcare here since I'm not a Russian citizen, but it's pretty close. Office visits are $10 and last year when I was having back trouble, I got a full spinal x-ray for $6.00. A full course of Augmentin for a sinus infection costs $17.00 here (a fraction of what one pays there). Most things here are more expensive than in the US, but medical care has remained cheap and subsidized because it's considered a fundamental right. Those who don't want to use the state clinics are free to go to the private ones.

You're right about Siberian women. Winters are indeed very cold but surprisingly sunny.

Right--it's 1am--gonna head to bed. It's been interesting checking out this blog...

Comment Posted By Todd On 30.09.2009 @ 12:05

The coming Civil Defense Force? The only place one can find any information about that is on far rightwing blogs. Also, Bob, you should cite sources with such statistics--it would be interesting to know more about this 52% unemployment.

Comment Posted By Todd On 30.09.2009 @ 11:02

funny man, I was also in the DDR and know exactly what you mean. I now live in Siberia (literally) and see the remnants of the failed attempt at communism around me every day--it makes it all the more infuriating to read garbage from Perry and the like. Very interesting that it was scrubbed from Newsmax...

I don't agree that sedition is terrorism (very tired of that word thrown about with such ease), but it's illegal and immoral. Looking at the tea parties and the popularity of Beck and those guys, many people in this country don't have the capacity to critically analyze situations and come to a thoughtful conclusion. Perry is dangerous and I hope that he faces legal problems as a result of publishing such rhetoric.

Comment Posted By Todd On 30.09.2009 @ 10:10

“The plotters would be too busy sitting around arguing about the make up of the post-coup government and could never come to an agreement. Besides, liberals talk too much. All those angst-ridden soliloquies about what they were about to do would put the audience to sleep in about 15 minutes. There would probably be more action in a movie detailing the mating habits of Three Toed Sloths than in a left wing coup film.” LOL!! I’m a proud lefty liberal and I think that’s pretty darn funny!

Less funny: Advocating military coups like this Perry guy is doing (isn’t that illegal to advocate such stuff?). He goes on about the Constitution yet writes about subverting it! This is dangerous talk, and EVERYONE should speak out against it. The aim would be nothing less than to bring down 230+ years of our republic.

Comment Posted By Todd On 30.09.2009 @ 06:36


Oops, I'm sorry--I posted my comment to the wrong story...

Comment Posted By Todd On 30.09.2009 @ 06:37

"The plotters would be too busy sitting around arguing about the make up of the post-coup government and could never come to an agreement. Besides, liberals talk too much. All those angst-ridden soliloquies about what they were about to do would put the audience to sleep in about 15 minutes. There would probably be more action in a movie detailing the mating habits of Three Toed Sloths than in a left wing coup film." LOL!! I'm a proud lefty liberal and I think that's pretty darn funny!

Less funny: Advocating military coups like this Perry guy is doing (isn't that illegal to advocate such stuff?). He goes on about the Constitution yet writes about subverting it! This is dangerous talk, and EVERYONE should speak out against it. The aim would be nothing more than to bring down 230+ years of our republic.

Comment Posted By Todd On 30.09.2009 @ 06:33

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