Comments Posted By Tim
Displaying 51 To 60 Of 65 Comments


This is the kind of story you tell when you really have nothing else to go after. It is pure distraction, equivalent to p*ssing in the ears of your republican base. I feel so sorry for republicans because all their party has to offer them are cheap, underhanded distractions that have nothing to do with what really matters. Why don't John McCain's supporters talk about what they're going to do to fix this country? You can never underestimate the republican's capacity for steering the dialog toward the ridiculous and the irrelevant.

But what else is new, Rick? The republican movement has served this country disastrously in the past 8 years,(not opinion, fact) why should your service to voters and rational thinking people be any different?

This is spew. You sound more like losers with every passing day...keep it up..

Having a president who is on a first name basis with a man like William Ayers goes right to the heart of Obama's campaign. He doesn't talk about issues. He brags about his judgment. Fine. His judgment in choosing to carry on a close, personal relationship with this guy is abominable.

I pity you if you are so in the tank for your candidate that you can't see that.


Comment Posted By tim On 26.08.2008 @ 11:13


...looking back,looking forward, what it once was...this is all just semantics. What America wants is new management. Just as Chuck Tucson mentioned above, Republicans had it their way and showed the damage they can do to our country. They have played their full hand and now we can see the pillagers for what they are. The lies, the deceit, the greed, the divisivenesses and the blatant exploitation of a country's fears have brought us all right where we are. In the 2000 election when we should have been thinking about how we're going to survive the 21st century, all the right could do was scream and cry over who should be allowed to make life-long monogamous commitments and who cannot. After all that, I think it takes a lot of nerve to nit-pick about what Barack Obama promises to do. Here's all I need to know - Is he going to clean out the Republican cancer that has infested our government?

I don't think McCain can, will or wants to.

So Barack it is..... Go Barack Obama '08!

Comment Posted By Tim On 14.08.2008 @ 17:53


....Oh unless you cheat again....then you might win...

Comment Posted By Tim On 20.06.2008 @ 16:23


Oh Sweet Jesus...Please stop your whining.

Comment Posted By Tim On 23.05.2008 @ 22:45


"...given his incredible lack of experience and zero track record in getting anything done, I would guess that if he is elected he would generate more disappointment among his followers than any other president in memory."

Lack of experience? Didn't you guys all rally behind a former president's son who never succeeded in any business venture he's ever embarked on? Didn't you republicans elect a Commander in cheif who shirked his oppurtunity to serve by joining the natioanl guard during Vietnam? Didn't that same president send thousands into battle after whimping out himself? Isn't that same president the biggest dissapointment in U.S. History? Sorry, Mr. Moran but no president will ever be able to match the pure dissapointment that your party gave us.

Let me tell you what Obama is going to do and why those 75,000 people gathered to help him do it. Its not so much what he's going to do, it's what he's going to un-do.

First - kick every republican out of the adminsistration. The EPA global warming deniers and big oil and coal enablers. He will clean out the Justice Department - a right wing attack machine. He will tell the big robber-baron elitist rapers and pillagers to get in line and start helping america instead of looting it. The Haliburtons and Blackwaters that pillage our coffers while young men and women spill blood will have to move to Dubai instead of just sheltering thier money there.

America is rallying behind Obama not because of what he can do but because of what we want un-done. The party - your party is over, Mr. Moran. How dare you attack Barack Obama after what your white-man good ole boy thugs did to this place. What can you compare him to? Your president never accomplished a single, solitary thing except spill the blood of other people's sons with a bungled war. Not one single improvement. Not one single landmark legislation. You have no right to knock anybody.

Oh yeah - thanks republicans for leaving America in a ditch. I hope your dishonest, selfish heroes and cronies saved their loot in a safe place.

For such a good writer, you really are dissolusioned, dishonest or both. My thought of what drives republicans? Hate and Apathy and selfishness - try that name for your party because right now, your party is mud.

"If we were dog food, they'd take us off the shelves.."
Didn't one of your own say that?

Comment Posted By Tim On 19.05.2008 @ 22:17


Yes, the lies are bad.

Yes, Wright's ranting is bad.

However, these both are red herrings. Since we can be 99% sure Obama agrees with the Trinity UCC teachings, we need to examine those. These center on Dr. James Cone and his Black Liberation Theology. If one inspects Dr. Cone's seminal works, Black Power and Black Theology, and A Black Theology of Liberation, we run into the most troubling fact of all. Dr. Cone's work is simply opposed to the idea of black people living in harmony with white people. Even if we grant the obfuscating claim of Cone's proponents that his use of "black" and "white" are merely symbols for "oppressed" and "oppressor", his work clearly fosters the idea that blacks should not cooperate with the "white system".

The "Black Value System" championed by Trinity clarifies that Cone's values are their values. It continually speaks of the "black community" and "black values". Are these the ideas of one who would claim to unite the American people? Denial ain't just a river in Egypt!

Comment Posted By Tim On 7.04.2008 @ 11:14


The DNC, all Democrats, the media, and the general public should be absolutely disgusted about Hillary Clinton attempts to break the DNC's own rules and get Florida and Michigan delegates seated. Little kids on the backyard baseball field know how to follow their own rules better than does Hillary Clinton.

Her "win at all costs" attitude, sacrificing truth, integrity, honor, and her own party's rules is the exactly the type of Washington thinking that got us into the trouble we're in today, and exactly the type of questionable character that America does not want to see in our next president.

Comment Posted By Tim On 6.03.2008 @ 12:06


I like the quote from James Antle:

"I also think Barack Obama is a good and decent and honorable man."

Stop right there. The reason so many indies and republicans may be embracing Obama is that America really does want a decent and honorable man in the white house. Something we have been sorely lacking in the past 7 years. Look at where we are and where we stand in the world. Decency and honor is not how the world describes us now. They used to.

Second - What's all this fear about so-called "liberalism 2.0"? Personally I hate the word "liberal". The way I see it, this goverment has been a liberal clearinghouse, only instead of handouts to the poor, we've been doing it for the rich. How much richer have the top 1% become since 2000? A whole lot richer. What is this? Wealthy welfare? When goverment policies enable one sector to reap wealth while 99% of the rest of the country is stagnant - what's that called? Sorry guys but if conservatism is so great, we should be flying high right now. Democrats only won congress a little over a year ago. It has had its chance.

Let's ditch the labels and do what's right. I'm not one to champion liberalism but please don't preach to me the beauty of conservatism - atleast not until your party somehow proves they can get it right. Ordinary Americans deserve much better than this. And anyone can do it better than the 108th, 109th congress, George W. Bush and this crop of republican candiates. Don't fear the "D" so much. Mcain is pandering to a past that didn't work, Obama could be a bright future. The liberal label is misleading.

Comment Posted By tim On 27.01.2008 @ 19:20


I for one would prefer a clinton-free general election. But I'm not so worried about "spouses-in-chief" as I am about other parties sharing the duties of exectutive policy. For instance, I'm sure the coal miners would prefer that former mining executives not be in charge of mine safety. The environment would do a lot better with out former petroleum executives running the White House Council on Environmental Quality. Energy policy would serve the country's needs much better without oil and coal executives and former lobbyists making their own rules to serve their interests.

With so much policy power blindly handed over to lobbyists and special interests through the corporate-to-government revolving door, one spouse hardly seems as much a threat as a sign on the white house that says, "Come on in, Corporate America! Make your own rules!"

Still you have to admit, Bill has a much greater legacy than George W. Bush will ever have. His approval rating towered above Bush's even while Clinton was impeached. I'm sure Laura Bush wouldn't run even if she could..

How much damage could he really do? The Clintons would have to try really hard to take us lower than we are now.

Comment Posted By tim On 28.01.2008 @ 19:22


Harry Reid, shut your big mouth and let this nation's generals do their job. Quit being a backseat driver, and quit insulting high ranking generals because you don't think we belong in Iraq.

Harry Reid is a joke. His antics are turning him into a point and laugh politician. How is anyone supposed to take him serious when he spews this kind of garbage out. It's his own reputation he is destroying, I say carry on. 19% approval rating speaks for itself.

Comment Posted By Tim On 16.06.2007 @ 18:51

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