Comments Posted By TallDave
Displaying 11 To 12 Of 12 Comments


For the last time, people who have not served in the military have NO RIGHT to have any opinion on what the military does.

For God's sake, what do you think this is, a democracy or something?

Comment Posted By TallDave On 26.07.2006 @ 10:21


OK, but if marijuana is bad and therefore should be illegal, why not make alcohol illegal, since it's clearly worse?

Oops, we tried that. It's time to admit it doesn't make any more sense to do it for drugs. The consequences are the same: black markets, hugely profitable organized crime, general disruption of society greater than the drugs themselves could ever produce.

And that's just in our country. In Colombia, at one point, half the Supreme Court and a good chunk of the legislature was assassinated. Imagine car bombs going off in DC, NY, and LA every couple days; that's the nightmare they;ve lived. And all courtesy of American drug dollars, brought south by 100,000% profit margins created by our drug policies.

Prohibtion was bad enough, but at least it only hurt us. Is it really fair to destroy S American countries for the sake of our social morality experiment?

Comment Posted By TallDave On 10.08.2005 @ 21:41

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