Comments Posted By SurgeUSAorg
Displaying 1 To 2 Of 2 Comments


“When you get some money, organization, professionalism, and a little more realism, come back and see me.”

I think you may be missing the point. The idea is to NOT be centrally organized, slick, well-funded by the usual sponsors, tied to PACs or lobbyists, etc.

That gives the Democrats no easy target to demonize. It is ordinary individuals - not a top-down movement tied to Washington interests or elected officials or Republican Party leaders. It's coming from out of the blue, and they're not sure what to do about it, other than to ignore or belittle it and hope it just fades away. Next event: April 15. Then July 4.

Comment Posted By SurgeUSAorg On 3.03.2009 @ 12:08

If Illinois Republicans would stop acting as though they were so smart and superior, and actually improve the Party and the quality of candidates, and what the few who are actually elected do while in office, then maybe it would stop losing electing after election.

Feed your ego by sitting back and criticizing what others are trying to do, if that makes you feel better. The Party leadership has made itself largely irrelevant in Illinois, or even an embarrassment. At least some people are trying to do something about it. It has to start somewhere before all the nuts at ACORN have even more resources to swing elections.

Comment Posted By SurgeUSAorg On 3.03.2009 @ 12:02

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