Comments Posted By Surabaya Stew
Displaying 61 To 70 Of 255 Comments


So sorry about that, Rick, I didn't mean to call you a "Twit", I meant to say "Twitter User". This complicated (and stupid) jargon is yet another reason to hate Twitter...and to humbly request that you look into another blogging software that allows users to edit comments!

Comment Posted By Surabaya Stew On 28.08.2009 @ 21:22

Please Rick, lay off Twitter (and Facebook for that matter) unless you are spending the majority of your waking hours on the computer. Oh, wait a minute, you already are...heh heh heh...what the heck, another hour online being a Twit is no big deal when you already have 14 a day under your belt!

So Tweet all you please, but this old-fashioned reader of yours will keep coming back here. There's just something about reading the nuthouse on a large screen that no hand held device can replicate...

Comment Posted By Surabaya Stew On 28.08.2009 @ 21:16


The death of a leader has inspired and motivated his followers to carry out his last wishes for tens of thousands of years. Can't see how it would be any different this time.

Comment Posted By Surabaya Stew On 27.08.2009 @ 09:33


A whopping 83% of Americans believe the quality of health care they receive is “excellent” or “good” according to this Gallup poll from last December. And 67% believe their health care insurance is also “excellent” or “good.”

Err, who's arguing about the quality of healthcare in the USA? Its the COST thats the problem! That same Gallup poll said:

...the overwhelming majority of Americans -- 79% -- say they are dissatisfied with the total cost of healthcare in this country...

Comment Posted By Surabaya Stew On 19.08.2009 @ 21:19


I think part of the answer is a matter of scale. The successful co-ops in Seattle and Minneapolis are small enough to be well run and large enough to spread the risk out over as many people as possible.

That, and the average resident of the above cities is probably somewhat more liberal and therefore more deposed to the idea of co-ops in the first place. I'll bet Co-ops would be a runaway success in Berkley and Cambridge, while they would be non-starters in Birmingham and Orange County. Other parts of the midwest with histories of progressive policies (such as Wisconsin), may also find success with co-ops.

Which raises an interesting idea, could the solution to the health care crisis be for each of the individual states to come up with their own answer under a loose federal mandate? We leave the implementation of so many responsibilities (such as education) up to the state governments, why shouldn't health care for all be any different?

Comment Posted By Surabaya Stew On 18.08.2009 @ 13:04


Rasmussen now has over 40% of voters *strongly* opposed to Obama and to Obamacare, and a majority opposing Obama.

Obama will only worry about his ratings when someone other than Ramussen does the polling. It's well known they have a srtong Republican bias in their numbers.

(A) That’s false generalization (what about that College kid that stumped BHO in Colorado?), (B) that still covers at least half the voters, and surely represents ‘mainstream America’ and (C) How did you detect the ‘class’? The lack of ascots? No Benzes and Jaguars in the parking lot?

(A) I plead guilty to generalizing the average Tea Party goer, but I don't think calling the vast majority of them older is false. (BTW, did you mean the one who worked for the RNC? That's certainly not your average college kid!)
(B) That's certainly true, but isn't this same segment of "mainstream America" thats been against every liberal movement and government action since FDR's time? (And where were they during the last 8 years protesting government overreach and budget deficits?)
(C) Guilty again; I was just looking at how people in the videos were dressed and how they were talking/screaming, when I made my comment. I didn't detect any graduate degree holders, millionaires, welfare recipients, non-whites, children, gays, or disabled/sick Americans protesting against health care reform. Did you?

Comment Posted By Surabaya Stew On 17.08.2009 @ 23:26

The town hall voices merely were a reflection of the wrath this failed power grab stirred, and voters will register their anger at the polls against this slimy crew next year and again in 2012.

But are the town hall voices representative of America? When I look at those protesters, I see that 99% of these folks are white, over 40, and lower/middle class. (Not exactly the Democratic party's base of supporters.) Were some of these folks disgruntled Obama supporters, he might have to worry about 2012, but I'm willing to bet that practically all of the town hall "angry participants" all voted for McCain or Ron Paul anyway. Certainly they can register their "anger" at the ballot box, but its not as if they weren't going to vote against the Democrats anyway.

Comment Posted By Surabaya Stew On 17.08.2009 @ 09:03

They’ll call it the Ted Kennedy Health Care Reform.

I'll bet they will...heh heh heh!

Comment Posted By Surabaya Stew On 17.08.2009 @ 00:41


Rick, you’re unquestionably the next John Cole.

Now that would be entertaining to watch, if Rick made that sort of transition. I recall catching the tail-end of John Cole's transition to the the reality-based community (and the last gasps of the winger commentators 0n Balloon-Juice), and it was non-stop amusement! From what can tell, Mr. Cole is a happier man and has more readers than from his old online persona, so perhaps there's hope for Rick yet...

Comment Posted By Surabaya Stew On 11.08.2009 @ 01:00


No wonder Obama isn't taking charge of the health care reform debate; why would he want to tar himself with this kind of madness? I previously thought that Obama's lackluster presser on his health care plan stemmed from his disinterest in the subject, but perhaps he was being far more clever than everybody else.

One of the best way to win a debate is to demonize your opponent, and this works even better if the demonization is self-inflicted. Thanks to all the videos of these townhall cluster-fucks, every media outlet and DNC fundraiser will have enough gas to power 1000's of Conserative hit-pieces! Even if health care reform fails to pass this year, the President and every Democratic congressperson will have a big new stick to beat the GOP with in the 2010 election cycle.

Palin underestimates Obama at her own peril...

Comment Posted By Surabaya Stew On 8.08.2009 @ 23:36

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