Comments Posted By Stretchman
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At the internet's (actually, arpanet's) inception, anonymity was generally the rule instead of the exception.

The ability to develop a virtual personna was not only satisfying, but gave people the freedom to express themselves as they saw fit. Now there may be some validity in criticising people who post anon, but ostracising them for opinions is exactly why they choose to remain anon in the first place. In the good old days, before pop ups and cartoons, the Inet was actually a place for intellectuals to share ideas and opinions, daring to forage new ground and imaginings of possible outcomes.

Nowadays, we are forced to write on an 8th grade level, be politically correct, and are virtually assured that everything we ever say is guaranteed to come back and haunt us. The bright side is that we have found ways to get bouncing titties and beer burps to our 3g phones, while public safety is fighting for bandwidth.

I guess the best part of this is that with UVerse speeds we manage to absorb less information than that contained in the time honored pages of "GO dog, GO!" Back when 14.4 was fast, we used actual content to make up for the speeds that we didn't have.

If anything good has come of this, it's that the IRC tradition of sexchat has made it into the cellular world, where kid's families can pay upwards of thousands of dollars a month at 10 cents per message. Where did we go right?

Oh well. At least pron has gone hi def. After WE get done using our own true identities, will any of us have an identity left?

Thanx but no thanx. JMO.


Comment Posted By Stretchman On 7.06.2009 @ 20:57

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