Comments Posted By Steve
Displaying 61 To 70 Of 177 Comments


"Unless you want to believe that millions of primary voters who will cast their ballot for John McCain tomorrow are idiots and don’t pay attention to what’s going on..."

I don't know Rick, this seems a rather plausible theory to me. Wasn't it you who posted the blurb on AT about all the Brittons who believe Churchill was fictitous, and Sherlock Holmes a real person? What do you suppose a similar survey in the US would show?

Comment Posted By Steve On 4.02.2008 @ 19:25


Sorry Rick, but you'll get no birthday greetings from me. Since you don't celebrate it, I am sure you won't miss them. This post is typical, narcissistic, baby-boomer, BS. Like no one else in history has ever gotten old before. Stick to politics, and share your stories about your prostate and how your wang wroks with Bill Clinton. He feels your pain. Normal people hate baby-boomers because they laid waste to the greatest nation on Earth, in a single generation. Thanks for that, anyway.

Comment Posted By Steve On 26.01.2008 @ 05:52


Interestingly, these studies only focus on deaths in Iraq since the US liberated the country from Saddam. They are silent about how many men, women and children Saddam massacred, how many mass graves have been found in Iraq, or how many torture rooms have been found. No mention of how many BinLaden converts have found their way to paradise thanks to the US military, or how many civilians were massacred by them before they were dispatched. The libs focus their "studies" on what will bring the biggest anti-US reaction, sell the most reports or garner more liberal donations. This is not Soros Derangement Syndrome, this is Ratherism at it's finest.

Comment Posted By Steve On 14.01.2008 @ 18:07

Liberals are all about hating big business and big corporations, until it comes to the Soros corporation that gives the libs so much money. And it is dirty money that the libs have no problem taking, Soros used currency speculation in Asia to make big money, virtually bankrupting several small nations. So he steals from the poor and gives to, and libs have no problem with that. Soros funding false reports of war statistics is hardly surprising, all this is completely justified in the warped mind of liberals. Any means to their end is justified. We fight him by publishing the truth of how he got his blood money, and his looney ideas of world socialism.

Comment Posted By Steve On 13.01.2008 @ 10:58


Yes, the bookcase conspiracy and the Paul is dead thing is a hoot. Can you conspiracy nuts spell "over analyze"?

The more that Liberals pile on Huck, the more Christian voters are signing up for him. You can call my momma names, but when it comes to my preacher, thems fighting words.

And that strategy that some Liberals are taking of laying off Huck until he gets the nomination, cause he will be so easy to beat in the presidential election? I'm guessing that Libs have never actually polled Christians in this country, after Liberals liken all preachers to Jimmy Swagart. (But careful there Libs, consorting with loose women is a presidential private matter.)

And who are they going to beat Huck with? A nasty tempered hag who sat around the White House for 8 years doing nothing, or a politically inexperienced Muslim? Are you kidding?

Comment Posted By Steve On 24.12.2007 @ 16:30


Islamonuts have been killing Americans for about 20 years now, The USS Cole, Beruit Army baracks, Bali nightclub, embassy bombings, Daniel Pearl, 911, German nightclubs, plane hijackings, the Achille Laro (cruise ship), and the list goes on. We have stopped many more plans to kill more Americans in the US. You know what they do to US soldiers when they capture one, no need to remind you of that. If you think that the average American cares if we torture one of them in order to infiltrate their networks to save more American lives, you're as nuts as they are. If your son or daughter was chained to their torture wall, and we captured one of them who knew where it was, you'd do the torture yourself. Anyone out there who would not?

Comment Posted By Steve On 7.12.2007 @ 14:52


Imagine Iran waving nukes around everytime they get upset at some country for insulting Islam. They will sell small nukes and dirty bombs to the highest bidders, no questions asked. Free to Al Qaeda. The only requirement in the sale is that you reserve a few nukes for use on Israel to "wipe them off the map".

We don't have to have a war with Iran, just tell them that if they build a bomb making plant, we'll bomb the plant. If it's underground, we'll bunker bust it. You just won't get the bomb, keep trying if you like, it's just target practice for us.

Would a nuclear Islamic state use the nukes? Russia understood the concept of mutually assured destruction, I'm not so sure that the culture of 57 virgins care if they die or not. If they are anxious to get to the 57 ladies, they can camp out by the nuke plants.

I can see the conversation now with my future grown grandchildren : Well, we could have stopped them back way back in 2008, but nobody had the nerve then. Now half the world is radioactive, it's a shame I know.

Comment Posted By Steve On 6.11.2007 @ 17:29


Doorhold, liberals ONLY want to apply the fairness doctrine to talk radio, where they can't compete at all. They DO NOT want to apply it to anything else. like TV or printed media. They want to be very selective about where they apply it. Can you hear the National Public Radio crowd screaming bloody murder if they are forced to be balanced? They will probably cry that they are protected from balance due to them being taxpayer funded. Our taxes used to distribute their agenda, thats what the liberals call balanced.

Comment Posted By Steve On 31.08.2007 @ 19:11

The liberal bias is business as usual. Dan Rather, fabricated war atrocities by the AP, .....what bias? You want to hear blatant and consistent bias, listen to your tax funded NPR, National Public Radio. Liberal talk radio can not support itself, only by using tax dollars can they stay afloat. Even Liberals don't want to hear anyone on the radio blather on about basic liberal causes, like higher taxes, socialized healthcare, surrender at any cost, and 3rd trimester abortions. They might as well name it National Liberal Radio.
The Fox News "fair and balanced" thing really gets under their skin, how dare anyone attack the liberal talking points on national TV!

Comment Posted By Steve On 30.08.2007 @ 22:23


I don't are if you smoke away from other humans, to me it's like illegal drug use. It's the lower end of the gene pool cleaning itself through natural selection...the addicted die soonest. Go to a cancer ward and take in the river of God awful misery that smoking has laid waste. The poor souls who can't get an ounce of oxygen into their blood anymore, they are slowly suffocating to death. No matter they are riddled with cancer as well. They have no insurance, all we can do is try to abate their unbearable pain until death. I'm a nurse, I see it every day.
But lets not, as you say, as a society, make any effort to deter this powerfully additive behavior, even from teens, because potato chips are bad too. With that logic, lets legalize heroin and crack.

Comment Posted By Steve On 22.08.2007 @ 19:40

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