Comments Posted By Steve
Displaying 151 To 160 Of 177 Comments


Good summary as usual.

While Henderson and Jack were recalling the "good ole days at CTU," I thought Jack missed a hint when Henderson told him he never believed he was dead. Then a few moments later, Henderson did not know that Bill Buchanan was in charge of CTU.

How could Henderson know about Jack "demise" -- which was a closely guarded secret -- (or even his "resurrection"), but not know who was in charge of CTU?

And why did Jack not pick up on it? Jack is usually good at sensing when something is amiss.

Comment Posted By Steve On 28.02.2006 @ 11:46


If I was Logan, I would be hard-pressed to OK the release of the gas in the mall. Can you imagine how pissed Teddy Kennedy would be?

First, the terrorists would probably [try to] kill Jack, and second, there was no certainty they would return to their hideout once the gas was released. (I think Lynn said he was 100% certain they would return and CTU would track them.) It appears these terrorists, like Marwan last year, are a little smarter than CTU thinks.

Of more importance, where was Kim? The teasers I read indicated she would return in last night's episode!

Comment Posted By Steve On 14.02.2006 @ 09:32


Consider this, whenever something occurs such as Abramoff or the NSA tracking what do the Dems do? They run right out in front of the (willing) cameras and start their "culture of corruption" tirades. They go on and on with this even though they know full well and good that they are also involved.Unfortunately it takes time before the facts come out that the Dems were involved, like Harry Reid taking money from Abramoff's clients (and he's not the only one)and the Dems who were privy to the NSA briefings. Notice how they are not beating these drums very loudly lately. They are moving on to the next topic (probably the shooting). Why would they do this, you ask? Because they know that with the MSM's cooperation they can bleet their message many times before exposure. In this way they will convince some who are less than learned with the old axiom that if you say something long enough it will be believed. As for not releasing some of these documents have you considered the idea that maybe the Dems are requesting these just for the sake of bogging down the administration. Or maybe it's more than meets the eye, maybe they are requesting documents that they know are not harmful. They make a big issue out of it and then ask for more documents and more documents all for the sake of a fishing expedition.

Comment Posted By Steve On 13.02.2006 @ 12:41


Ann Coulter is about mediocrity. She is about appealing to the lowest common denominator and nothing else. No one ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the average person and Ann Coulter proves this.

Comment Posted By Steve On 9.03.2007 @ 13:10

hidy ho boys! hify ho!

Comment Posted By steve On 11.02.2006 @ 17:42


Great summary! One minor correction: Audrey's late husband's name was Paul, not Curtis. Curtis is still very much alive.

Another minor quibble: your January 17th post said that President Logan was the vice president under President Keeler and became the president when Keeler was killed when Air Force One crashed. We don't know that for certain. We were told that Keeler was incapacitated and Logan was going to assume the duties as president under the 25th Amendment. Since Season 5 begins 18 months after Season 4, we can assume that either Keeler remains incapacitated, resigned or died.

Comment Posted By Steve On 24.01.2006 @ 09:40


Your question about "the easy way or the most effective way" isn't an either/or question. The answer to what you asked is, "yes and yes." Yes it is easier, but I suspect the President's reasoning is more along the lines of "I have this authority (based on advice of counsel), I don't need to ask for permission. Therefore, I won't ask permission so I avoid setting a precedent." The answer to the second part of the question you asked is "yes, it is more effective." It is much more timely, since any court review must also go through several lawyers' reviews. The preparation time is significant - anyone who tells you that it doesn't need to take long has never gone through the process.

Comment Posted By Steve On 28.12.2005 @ 07:00


Better yet, lets show video of the crime scene where "Tookie" and his ilk have killed inocent people. Lets show graphic scenes in full living color of the blood spattered walls etc. Lets talk to the families that are alive and having to cope with life after such an event. Lets let the kids, wives and families talk about what these killings did to their lives, THEN lets show the rather inane punishment given to poor "Tookie".

Comment Posted By Steve On 19.12.2005 @ 12:44



I'm sorry, but that a few scientists want to put their faith before empirical evidence does not mean one can say that evolution and evolutionary theory are bunkum. The evidence in favor of evolutionary theory is vast and deep. It spans various fields from biochemistry, to physics, to paleontology, to genetics.

As for the tenets of faith for the Christian religion they are just that tenets of faith, not facts.

My objection to such an appointment isn't based on religious beliefs per se, but that these beliefs violate what we know to be true about nature (i.e. ressurections don't happen) and rely on the supernatural...myth when you get right down to it. Suppose the official were to believe in astrology I somehow doubt the defense would be as vigorous.

Comment Posted By Steve On 30.11.2005 @ 00:14


Would being an idiot disqualify him?

Comment Posted By Steve On 29.11.2005 @ 18:24

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