Comments Posted By SlimGuy
Displaying 41 To 50 Of 106 Comments


Part of the reason for the 70% negative reaction is the are fed this stuff every day by the media as s**t on a stick and that all they have to go by.

Those who know are the other 30%.

How many stories like this will it take before the fools realize they are being used by tools?

Comment Posted By SlimGuy On 28.07.2007 @ 20:42



First of all you Bush ratings are old and not up to date, but I am sure that means nothing to you.

You assertion that Kos is not on the left and the rest of your comment reads with all the credibility of a PaulBot.

Saddam had years to get the WMD out of Iraq and the suppliers who enabled him also helped pull them out to cover their own trail.

Of course except for going to right of center blogs to place your comments I am sure you really look at all aspects of the political spectrum of arguments and read as much of them to develop a full spectrum analysis as an independent thinking mind.

Comment Posted By SlimGuy On 23.07.2007 @ 22:38


I follow hundreds of blogs each day since I am retired and have the time.

I you don't consider Kos as being on the left please give me an example of who you do.

You are purely not admitting history or logic.

Who was the spearhead against Joe Liberman?

Sure FireDog (Swamp) Lake and maybe Du Underground may be more wacko and maybe you could even throw in for good measure Mydd and a couple others.

But here you are trying to make walk like a duck appear to be a peacock.

No Sale.

Comment Posted By SlimGuy On 23.07.2007 @ 22:29


In the first case the perp got off with 3 months probation in the second he got six.

At that time my wife pillow talked me how she thought is was such a crock of sh**.

With the next two perps she eliminated the doubt factor.

My wife said to me she didn't want to have to look over her shoulder each day going to the store to shop for food to worry if the perp was drawing a bead on her or his son , wife , cousin or mother in law.

If she had to draw from all those potential shooters she said well the least I can do is take them down without malice because the other shooters will still be there.

She said the best I can hope for is that if I take them down, those around them will know from their past it was just a matter of time until someone did.

Comment Posted By SlimGuy On 20.07.2007 @ 21:41

My dear departed wife was with me there and she was a very beautiful woman who was considered a high value target there.

In the 3 years she was there some made the mistake to try her, because she was a national champion pistol shot.

She got one with a tripple tap to the knee cap , another with two double taps to each shoulder blade and two more with drilling right through their eye socket.

Each case was judged a fair shoot.

Comment Posted By SlimGuy On 20.07.2007 @ 18:55

Think I'm kidding, read the kill numbers, with half the population today they are still on track to blow past the number of dead from years ago.

Read the archives of the paper there before the storm. The weekend edition always had the police blotter with all the cruel stats.

The stories of all the rapes, murders and other killings.

Mothers ripped off street corner waiting for a bus to be raped and killed with children under the age of 3 left on the corner without regard if they would wander into busy traffic and become modern day road kill.

Doctors, lawyers , school teachers and retired people shot at random in shopping center parking lots, just because someone could.

Now try to tell me the music makes it all worth it.

Comment Posted By SlimGuy On 20.07.2007 @ 18:37


My family left New York the spring after all the kids in our family were that winter sitting in their snowsuits in the kitchen of the house with our feet stuck in the oven to keep them from freezing.

This was the same kitchen my mother couldn't mop the floor in from October to March because it would just ice the floor.

Move south if you wish, but if you choose to go to New Orleans, a few words of advice, Body Armor.

With 20 years of visiting and 4 years living there just before the hurricane I do not jest.

If you move slow, even that won't help.

The favorite tactic there is walking up behind someone, putting a 9mm to the ear and saying "this is for disrespecting me b**ch". About a half a clip later, it doesn't matter any more.

Comment Posted By SlimGuy On 20.07.2007 @ 18:18


Rick said

And to my righty friends who insist on believing that victory on the battlefield will translate into an Iraq with a functioning government that represents all the people while creating some kind of viable, multi-sectarian state I would point out that the military doesn’t do faith. Nor do they do trust. Nor do they do hope. And without those three attributes, Iraqi society will remain what it is today – a broken mess teeming with hate and vengeance.

Agreed you can't do democracy at the point of a gun, but this is a subject that for over 30 years they haven't even had a chance at.

When they had a chance they overwhelmingly voted for it.

But then they have others trying to cancel out that vote for their own reasons.

Do I think it is going to occur by September.

Yes I do, the only question is which year it will be down the road that September appears in.

This is not a McDonalds drive in quick solution, some need to grasp that and adjust their timeframes.

Comment Posted By SlimGuy On 20.07.2007 @ 17:33


At lot of the times I can read you for a different context but on this one I have to call BS.

We have total evidence Iran is providing EFP IED's and that has no doubt.

We also have a lot of data showing Iran was behind the shoulder fired missiles that took down a lot of our choppers a few months ago and now we have new data that they have provided new weapons to take down at least two of our jets taking off from bases in Iraq.

The surge is kicking butt on the bad guys and Iran is stepping up to the plate putting weapons in play to counter that.

Those weapons systems don't grow by themselves in the desert like opium in Afghanistan.

Reason will prevail if you let it.

Comment Posted By SlimGuy On 20.07.2007 @ 14:59


I loved the comment about 3am this morning made by one of the Republicans that under this amendment we would have to ask a guy caught planting an IED if he was AQ or secretarian civil war type and that AQ must now be required to wear Tshirts so we would only take out bad guys allowed under the bill.

Comment Posted By SlimGuy On 18.07.2007 @ 11:18

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