Comments Posted By SlimGuy
Displaying 11 To 20 Of 106 Comments


Pollster had historic data as to how all the polls did in past races plus a recent survey of how the polling companies rate each other. It came out as a sorta mixed bag.

The high undecided factors make you wonder if that could be true after about 2 years of looking at some of the candidates.

I think Iowa takes their king maker simi-pro status as important to their image and they might game the polls just to keep interest focused on them and how important they are to the process just to keep the parties from doing what they should have done long ago and say they are going to replace them with another state that does straight primary voting rather than doing all the game playing.

Comment Posted By SlimGuy On 1.01.2008 @ 10:27

Having watched this fiasco of a process they have in Iowa any way, one thing that has occurred to me is that I begin to wonder just how they manage to elect anybody for their own state and I am having wonders if they were running could any of these running on either side win against a local for state office.

Comment Posted By SlimGuy On 1.01.2008 @ 07:02

Even without the issue of polling around the holidays, Iowa probably has any home based land line phone warm enough to cook on from all the various polls trying to get someone to talk to them.

With the quoted percentages of undecideds that more gives credibility to perceived flaws with all candidates rather than the spinning of how much support they have.

If Fred can manage to hold on, with the continued unease for the top tier, this could play into his favor.

It just seems the limited attention span want the election all wrapped up by next week and that doesn't match at all with the stories last week of the Republicans maybe having to look at a brokered convention.

Not all the stories can be correct.

Comment Posted By SlimGuy On 1.01.2008 @ 01:01


What I am looking for I guess is does your experience with the general public around you support the poll numbers closely or in your area would you say based on what I see there is not a prayer those percentages could be right.

Comment Posted By SlimGuy On 29.12.2007 @ 23:59

Question for Rick and all commentors or lurkers.

How many people do you personally know or casually know from work or church or any source other than campaigners on the street expressed they support Huckabee. For me it's like 2 out of hundreds I know.

Comment Posted By SlimGuy On 29.12.2007 @ 23:57


Xmas cheer to you and all you hold dear.

For your listening pleasure

Mannheim Steamroller Silent Night

If you have never heard this version you are in for a treat

Crank up the volume and prepare to be amazed 

Comment Posted By SlimGuy On 24.12.2007 @ 17:28


I am well on record in that I have said for years that the concept of the first two primary states being professional king makers for the rest of the country should have been trashed years ago in favor of larger closely matched states.

Iowa gets way to much of candidate time if you look at the stats on the number of visits by all the players compared to other states they have been to.

I don't remember anyone dieing and making them king and it's long overdue for this to be the last election that occurs in.

Right now the field on the right is still so wide open that I don't think whatever happens in the first two states will have the impact it had in past years because it will still be a multi way horse race with the top position changing but the same ones likely staying near the top.

I don't think it is really going to become critical until South Carolina comes into play especially when you also consider how primary dates have been moved up and juggled.

The sad part is the big multi state primary day will possibly have voting going on with almost no visits to a lot of the states by some candidates at all or at least very few.

Iowa having a chance to do everything but watch the candidates techniques of flossing their teeth and much larger states will see a two day 15 stop whistle tour makes absolutely not a lick of sense.

Comment Posted By SlimGuy On 20.12.2007 @ 18:37


People want to talk about NAFTA and globalization and all the side effects.

Care to guess what would happen to the job base here and location of new plants by foreign companies if the corporate tax was eliminated?????

That is always left out of the fair tax debate like the big elephant in the room no body wants to talk about.

Comment Posted By SlimGuy On 13.12.2007 @ 10:30

First off, who ever is doing that commentary doesn't have a clue as to the mechanics of how the Fair Tax would work and it is the same tired wrong stuff that is put out each time someone tries to talk about something they haven't got a clue on.

Comment Posted By SlimGuy On 13.12.2007 @ 10:28


What I have issue with is how deep is support for Huck in the real world.

Most seem to claim that it is a surge of the religious right. I have issues with that concept since from the beginning of the early announced candidates, he would have been the one they were most likely to identify with.

His poll numbers were so far in the basement for so long that it challenges that concept. The only way you could explain it is that they would have supported him but considered in not electable and support has snowballed and fed on itself to get him where he is now.

Still I don't think the number of religion as a primary issue voters have that much strength and there is something else in play here.

I just don't think that from an electability standpoint he can go the distance and draw enough from the quasi or secular voters to carry the day. Plus I have policy issues with his positions.

Unless money has started to roll in for him, he had the least funds available except for McCain at the last quarterly report. He needs bucks to make it work and it could be flowing, but we really have no good way to gauge that at this point.

Comment Posted By SlimGuy On 23.12.2007 @ 13:16

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