Comments Posted By Sirius Familiaris
Displaying 41 To 50 Of 128 Comments


I'm still don't understand how offering Iran a place at the tabke is a good idea. Given the history between Iran and the U.S., any prudent course of action should begin with the assumption that they're lying. So when they claims that they're only interested in stablizing Iraq, containing the conflict, blah, blah, blah, we should remember that Iran interfered in Afghanistan and it continues to interfere in Iraq -- at the expense of American troops. It's obvious Iran stands more to gain from U.S. failure in Iraq than anyone else.

Except the Democratic party, of course.

Comment Posted By Sirius Familiaris On 23.02.2007 @ 12:52



Anyone aspiring to become POTUS must demonstrate they can exercise a modicum of good judgement. Considering the fact that about 80% of the people in this country identify themselves as Christian, Edwards' decision to keep two people on his communications staff who hate Christians suggests political incompetence, self-delusion or both. Anyone who takes either his explanation or Marcotte's and McEwan's non-apologies seriously is wholly bereft of common sense.

Admittedly, it would be entertaining to see Marcotte delivering the daily WH press briefings...the female counterpart of Andrew Dice Clay meets the late Susan Sontag.

Comment Posted By Sirius Familiaris On 9.02.2007 @ 09:57



I know you don't suffer fools graciously, but bear with me...

Based on Edwards' decision to keep the errant bloggers on his staff, can we assume that 1) Edwards simply doesn't give a damn what kind of message this sends to Christians in general and Catholics in particular and 2) in the event he receives his party's nomination and is elected President, Marcotte and McEwan will occupy powerful positions on his communications staff?

Comment Posted By Sirius Familiaris On 9.02.2007 @ 08:56


We increasingly, in this country and in this medium, refuse to let a thing play out. Before a story is even broken and understood, everyone is opining and taking sides, everyone is blabbering, everyone is finding a target, and it’s not serving us as bloggers, or the nation, well.

Right...I remember a time when Americans didn't take themselves so seriously. The sad part is, I'm not even that old.

Comment Posted By Sirius Familiaris On 8.02.2007 @ 12:57

Certainly our motives lacked nobility. I will be the last to argue that anything more than “scalp hunting” animated this effort.

Those who publicly questioned Edwards' choice to hire these bloggers may have done him a favor. Anyone seeking the highest office in the land can ill afford the liability that Marcotte and McEwan would have undoubtedly brought to bear on his campaign. After reading a bit of what gets posted at Pandagon, it's clear Marcotte is possessed of a sociopathic hatred of men, Christians, et al. Had her insanity not been brought to Edwards' attention now, certainly it would have been used against him later.

What remains a mystery, however, is that Marcotte apparently never considered that anything she'd written might reflect unfavorably on her new employer. Of course, that begs the question as to whether those her share her views are comfortable with dehumanizing other people the way she did at Pandagon. Perhaps she just hasn't grown up enough yet.

And the questions I raised in the quote at the top of this page remains valid: Is this all we are? Is this what we have become?

For what it's worth, Rightwing Nuthouse offers more depth and insight than most of the political blogs out there. So the answer is no.

Comment Posted By Sirius Familiaris On 8.02.2007 @ 11:48


Two questions...

Should Edwards choose to keep the errant blogmeisters on staff, will it really impact his chances of securing his party's nomination?

If they stay, will the kind of vitriol evident in Marcotte's musings become the new normalcy in the language of Presidential politics?

Comment Posted By Sirius Familiaris On 7.02.2007 @ 12:34


Colour me confused, but, since the whole point of demonstrations are to gain publicity, how can not reporting a demo be an act in its favour?

Do you seriously not understand why the Code Pinko protests at Walter Reed might reflect poorly on the anti-war "movement," or are you simply trying to provoke an argument? Because common sense tells me that even if I were interested in actively protesting this war, yelling at people who have served their country at the price of an arm, a leg or an eye would probably not be the best way to get my point across.

Comment Posted By Sirius Familiaris On 1.02.2007 @ 10:17


Per your suggestion, I read John's blog entry at Opfor. He's right - any fight against the kind of ignorance evident in Arkin's screed is unwinnable. As long as these people - I use that term loosely, in Arkin's case - command audiences larger than any of us can, the narrative of which you've written will continue perpetuating itself.

If we do wake up one morning 20 or 30 years from now and find we no longer live in a nation worth defending, we'll have Arkin and his ilk to thank for it.

Comment Posted By Sirius Familiaris On 1.02.2007 @ 09:08


I call them what they are; rank cowards.


Comment Posted By Sirius Familiaris On 28.01.2007 @ 15:41


Damn, I knew I forgot something...

Happy Birthday, Rick!

Comment Posted By Sirius Familiaris On 25.01.2007 @ 10:55

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