Comments Posted By Scriptfox
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Wow. Just... wow. When you see the facts laid end to end like that, you marvel that anything could be done in the face of such a disaster.

I honestly wonder how much of the "angry outcry" comes from people who have much more ability to SEE what is happening and much less understanding of what is required to SOLVE it.

Very nice piece of research, Rick, and good luck with the continuation of it.

Here is an interesting set of poll results, via

Most Americans, 55 percent, also say Bush does not deserve a significant level of personal blame for problems in the federal response to the crisis. And while 44 percent do assign him blame, only about half of them, 23 percent overall, blame him "a great deal."

Translation: this is pretty much the usual percentages you can expect in the "blame/support" categories no matter what. 44 percent loyal Democratic base, with half of it being hard core, while the Republicans and moderates tend to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Anyhow, the rest of it can be found here:

I find the table about "emotions felt" to be particularly revealing... and again, the divide is probably more reflective of pre-existing opinion than of any new input from this particular event.

Comment Posted By Scriptfox On 6.09.2005 @ 01:04

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