Comments Posted By Schratboy
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Ignore the nutroots at our own peril? Seriously, the vastness and un-tapped power of the Internet aside, legions of liberal minions all blogging one million hours straight will not take over the world. I really don't think they are any more capable than any other constituency. They may be more active only insofar as their work, or lack therein, affords them more time to blog. Conservatives may be more hard-working, hard-playing or even more practical and smart, they just need to be realistic that the liberals, like cockroaches, are toiling away in dark corners, out of sight, intent upon ascending to the top of the food chain. The right is just as capable if not more so. Having listened to Air America recently to understand the liberal mind, I'm convinced the left are comprised of decent people who just happen to be timid and need to be cared for. The nanny-statism of the libs must be appealing. Therein, is the opportunity. Eschewing compassionate conservatism which has been ruined forever, the GOP needs to demonstrate how they're helping people, the environmnet and economy and change their rhetoric. It's not really a matter of changing our principles but reframing them into more populist terms. Everything the GOP stands for, aside from the pitiful implementation from our current administration and representatives, is the right thing for America. We just need to package and deliver what we say and believe. Otherwise, we're just democrats in GOP clothing.

Comment Posted By Schratboy On 6.08.2007 @ 10:14

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