Comments Posted By SShiell
Displaying 71 To 80 Of 223 Comments


I don't remember the Democrats expelling the far left radicals from their ranks - Anarchists, real Card-Carrying Communists, people carrying signs in protest marches telling soldier to kill their officers, Code Pink and the like. In fact I remember leading Democrats inviting Code Pink and other sorts of far left radicals into their offices and actively courting them.

But then again, you didn't see much of their ilk being reported because MSM edited pictures of their craziness from the reports.

Could it be the Far Right Kooks are being played up by MSM for all to see - just the reverse of MSM ignoring the Radical Left all of these past 8 years?

Comment Posted By SShiell On 14.09.2009 @ 21:03


Comment Seen at another Site:
So the Dems want to change the current bill to the Ted Kennedy Memorial Bill. Does that mean they are going to do what he did with Mary Jo Kopechne?

Do nothing and watch it die??

Comment Posted By SShiell On 26.08.2009 @ 21:30


In a MSNBC article Democrats are blaming Republicans for the removal the Public Option!

The Democrats can't even admit their own failings in putting forward an abortion (pardon the pun) of a health care bill and to save face they are blaming Republican opposition. Are they trying to save Blue Dogs from attacks from the left? Are they trying to set up the Republicans when not one of their votes was needed to pass the bill in either the house or senate?


Cowards, the lot of them!

Comment Posted By SShiell On 16.08.2009 @ 21:37


"Fearing some conservative boogeyman about “forced assisted suicide” is the problem of the gullable not your elected officials."

If you have a problem reading then you should take the proper courses to address that. I never once mentioned "forced assisted suicide." I never said once that my father had attended a single Town Hall meeting. You should never "assume" from your own perspective what I wrote or intended.

My father has asked question after question and he has not received a single answer that responded to his concerns - nothing but Talking Points. He has never attended a single Town Hall meeting, nor has he made anything but respectful inquiries of his Congressman, much less "warrant this thuggish behavior of killing debate and intimidating people."

And I would say that hysterical comments like your own about "Fearing some conservative boogeyman . . " creates the same type of misinformation you yourself are up in arms against.

I know better than to expect anything from my Congressman - Steny Hoyer - but my father does not deserve the treatment he has gotten from one of his own.

Comment Posted By SShiell On 7.08.2009 @ 14:19

Is it surprising that people who come to these "Town Hall" meeting are angry? My father is a retired Air Force Sargent (80 years old this December) currently on Medicare - for those who don't know this, all retired military medical coverage for retirees reverts to Medicare at age 65. He is concerned for his future health care needs and has written his Congressman dozens of times. All he has gotten back for his trouble has been a single form letter repeating the Democratic talking points on Health Care reform.

He is not computer savvy and is dependent upon friends to download versions of the bill which he has tried to read and understand. He has taken one such version, printed in very small font in order to keep it to 250 pages (printed on both sides), to his local congressman's office on two seperate occasions and asked the aides there to help him understand the Bill. Both times he has been sent away with a copy of the very same talking points memo sent to him previously.

And his Congressman is considered a BLUE DOG!

My father can trully be described as a "Yellow Dog Democrat." For those of you unfamiliar with the term, it is a old time Southern expression meaning he will vote for the Democrat on the ticket even if it is a "Yelllow Dog." And for the first time in his life he has been reduced to tears for his frustration with his beloved party.

In some ways I am not sympathetic to my Father. But his frustrations mirror all of his friends - good Democrats all - who just want assurances their health care will not be reduced to the Canadian standard or anything approaching that. (By the way his next door neighbor is a Canadian from Winnipeg who moved South because of the health care situation in Canada and is paying for the priviledge of getting health care here.) And to date they have not been provided with these assurances. Because, in my Father's words, "Every time I hear or read something from the Democratic Party on a particular issue regarding Health Care, I read a section in the bill that contradicts what I am being told."

I agree with you, Rick, that the anger being shown in the meetimgs across the country is not advancing the state of the debate at all. But the reasons are all there. The frustrations are real. And when "peaceful but loud" contituents are confronted with "goons" I tend to side with the loud folks, regardless of the situation. And in this situation, I am siding with one quiet but extremely frustrated veteran.

Comment Posted By SShiell On 7.08.2009 @ 13:07


I can only impagine the horror that would have been depicted in the media had this been done during the Bush administration. Poosible New York Times headlnes would have been some of the following:



Comment Posted By SShiell On 7.08.2009 @ 09:36


"The lack of leadership on this bill by the president has been astounding. While he has occasionally met with members at the White House, his efforts have fallen far short of whipping his reluctant party into line. He makes speeches. He holds town halls, He goes before his friends in the press."

Obama has shown the world one thing in his 6+ months of office - he gives pretty good speeches, with the help of a teleprompter. Beyond that, he is an empty suit. I doubt seriously he could manage a lemonade stand without the help of either his wife or two small children. He definitely has never shown the ability to do anything in the past beyond promote his own ambitions. And as time goes by the world sees more and more of this - in essence he is voting "Present" on his current position as President.

Whatever health care program he is able to cobble together will be a shodow of what is needed and with this so-called victory in hand he and his minions will cry to the heavens how he saved us all from all of those evil doctors trying to steal our tonsils and give us red pills instead of blue ones (WTF???).

With that health care program in place, it will take the US 20 years to fix the abortion it will turn out to be. As was stated in another thread, this health care program will be a bandaid in place of the bandage that is needed.

Comment Posted By SShiell On 23.07.2009 @ 11:41


Yeah, Drongo. And here's sopme more NHS nonsense. From the London Daily Mail, 11 May 2006:

"THE Archbishop of Canterbury warned yesterday that financial pressures on the NHS are pushing doctors and nurses towards the practice of euthanasia.

The culture of targets and of saving cash could 'accelerate the most worrying trends', said Dr Rowan Williams.

He warned that 'a target-obsessed NHS, managed with an eye to brisk traffic through its beds and reduction of expense doesn't feel a very good place in which to have a reasoned and balanced discussion of assisted dying.' The Archbishop said subtle pressures are at work in the Health Service, encouraging staff to get rid of 'inconvenient' patients.

Dr Williams spoke as church leaders joined the campaign against a proposed new law on 'assisted dying' which would allow doctors to help terminally-ill patients end their lives.

The Archbishop and Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, the leader of Roman Catholics in England and Wales, have both condemned the Bill, which was proposed by crossbench peer Lord Joffe.

It comes at a time when the Mental Capacity Act - passed last year - has given legal force to a 'living will' by which patients can instruct doctors to let them die if they become incapacitated and have lost the power to speak.

Some hospitals are running schemes to help patients indicate that they wish to be allowed to die - a system condemned by opponents as 'tick the box to die'...."

Yep, and the rubbish keeps piling higher and higher.

Comment Posted By SShiell On 19.07.2009 @ 05:38

"In England, the national health system provides a safety net which makes routine healthcare VERY available to everyone without any delays….. yes, some specialties can get delayed . . ."

Unless you are unlucky enough to have a kidney problem.

"An acute shortage of dialysis machines is causing numerous premature deaths in the UK, a study by the country's National Kidney Research Fund indicates. More than 100,000 people have kidney disease but only 34,000 are receiving dialysis or have had a kidney transplant.

Of the 71 UK kidney treatment units surveyed, 12 have been forced to turn away patients. Other units reported that they have been forced to take emergency measures to accommodate increasing numbers of patients. Some offer patients dialysis only 2 times a week instead of 3, while others hold overnight treatment sessions. Most units reported they were working at full capacity, with no appointment times for new patients. "Some providers acknowledged that the final options for such patients are conservative management and/or death," the report said."

Source: Canadian Medical Association Journal, 29 April 2003

The 12 UK kidney treatment centers mentioned above who were turning away patients developed a unique technique to fix the problem. All dialysis patients over the age of 50 were sent a letter that had the following statement regarding the lack of treatment available: "We recommend you put your affairs in order."

Not surprisingly the demand for dialysis soon "died"

Comment Posted By SShiell On 18.07.2009 @ 06:13


"All I’m saying is that people who believe that Joseph Smith was given magical golden tablets and magical glasses to read (and interpret) them with by an angel of the lord out in the woods on a hill, are brainwashed idiots who should never, ever, be allowed to run the most powerful country on earth."

And instead you supported a person who sat in the aisle of a church where the Minister treated his parishoners with statements like "Goddamn America" and Obama agreed with him to the tune of $27,000 in 2007 in tithes to that church. True, he later left the church stating he never heard such statements from the Minister. But if that were true, his book "The Audacity of Hope" would never have been written because the title comes from the Minister's very same sermon where he damns America and Obama quotes from that very sermon.

Chuck Tuscon…what a waste of breath.

Comment Posted By SShiell On 10.07.2009 @ 11:39

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