Comments Posted By SShiell
Displaying 201 To 210 Of 223 Comments


Nicely put, Rick. And if this guy had as much as a two-digit IQ, it might make him stop and . . . wait I almost said "think" didn't I? This guy doesn't think. What he writes is the equivilent of what I flush once a day - when I'm regular!

Comment Posted By SShiell On 1.05.2006 @ 16:22



Rick, that's not a fair question. An obvious one, but not a fair one because MSM has to come out on the side of the "leaker". If they don't, where are they going to get their headlines for tomorrow? They might have to - work for a living?

Does it matter that they are being played? No. Does it matter that they are being manipulated? No. Does it matter that they are negatively affecting our nation's prestige? No. Does it matter that they are providing aid and comfort to the enemies of this nation? No. Does it matter that those who print the "leakers" stories get Pulitzer Prizes? Yes!

Comment Posted By SShiell On 26.04.2006 @ 09:47


“They are, in fact, two sides of the very same patriotic coin.”

If there ever was a quote that reflects the "two sided" nature of the junior senator from Massachussetts, this could be it. What in the world did he mean by that piece of rotten analogy? Only the convoluted logic of a twisted mind such as his could come up with such a quip - and do so with a straight face.

The fact this man did not become President could be construed as proof positive there is a just and loving God!

Comment Posted By SShiell On 24.04.2006 @ 10:40


Yo Mole:
Run a simple google search and see how many self proclaimed lefty sites still display the USCS student's press release, complete with names and contact information.

Now, do you advocate the authors of these sites be treated in a similar manner as Malkin? Take a minute and think about that.

I'll wait.

Michelle Malkin posted only what these students gave to the public, nothing more. The results of their stance is brought on by their own actions, not by Michelle. And the way they and their supporters are reacting to the results of their actions make me seriously doubt their commitment to their convictions. Either Stand up and be counted or sit down and STFU!

Comment Posted By SShiell On 20.04.2006 @ 14:29


There are 2 dominant themes in any liberal/Democrat thesis on the Impeachment of President Bush.

The first is easy - BDS (Bush Derangement Syndrone). The hatred of all things Bush, whether his actions are good or bad, even to the point of blaming him for - the weather?

The second is retribution. Getting even with the Republicans for the Impeachment of President Clinton. When you can finally find a Liberal/Democrat who can discuss this rationally, you will find that they believe the Clinton presidency wouyld have been regarded as one of the most effective in history if he had not had to turn the West Wing into a fortress, defending himself against the onslaught of the vast right wing conspiracy. And in so doing, tainting the legacy of his administration.

The Bush Administration has its faults. It has made many bad choices. And in some eyes, these faults/bad choices are too numerous to name. But if these are the gist of Impeachment, then we have indeed lowered the bar for the Impeachment of a standing president. How will that effect the administration of succeeding administrations? Simple - if your do not control the House, hide and wait, impeachment is on the way!

Comment Posted By SShiell On 19.04.2006 @ 09:09


In response to your points in order:

Kennedy and Khruschev may have been facing an abyss but what we could be facing here is a new "Dark Age". Imagine what a few weel place nukes would do to the world as we know it - international markets, monetary systems, health organizations, the very fabric that our lives are built around.

I agree with you here that no garuntee for the current or any regime will affect the situation.

Ahmadinejad may not be speaking for the people in the street but he will have at his disposal the equivilent of "the football". It doesn't matter how pro-US the people are.

I do not believe these people have any concept of what nuclear annihilation means much less fear it. We (for those of us over 30) grew up under the nuclear umbrella. It was in one way a shield and in another way a constant threat that silently affected our daily lives. Books, treatises, movies and television showed us the potential effects of a nuclear showdown and if struck fear in our hearts. Same for Iran? I doubt it.

And lastly their nationalistic fervor is the one thing that will add to the very flames of rhetoric spewing from Ahmadinejad. Watch the people as he speaks - they agree with him.

On a personal note - I take his threats, especially regarding Israel, seriously. And to take it one step further, I believe he has to wonder if there would be any retribution directed at Iran if they were to put a bomb to Israel. All you have to do is look at how the world sees Israel. Could he believe he could get away with the unthinkable?

Comment Posted By SShiell On 14.04.2006 @ 14:17


Clauswitz once wrote "war is simply a continuation of political intercourse, with the addition of other means."

To "rattle your sabres" is an appropriate option in discussions with Iran. But it should not be the overriding alternative.

Clauswitz also wrote "Policy is the guiding intelligence and war only the instrument, not vice versa."

Is there a disconnect here?

Comment Posted By SShiell On 14.04.2006 @ 09:20


Even more telling is the fact that while Left leaning folks like Feingold and such would like to censure the President because he “knowingly broke the law”, there has been exactly zero move to stop the NSA's so-called lawbreaking actions. I would think that if laws were being broken there would be some action taken to stop it? Go Figure!

Comment Posted By SShiell On 17.03.2006 @ 01:37


I think you are giving Steve more benefit than he deserves. A "graduate of one of the elite liberal colleges with degrees in kissass the professor." I think not. More likely he's a high school graduate wanna-be, sitting in a Mr. Beamish geography class and getting off on being able to use big words like "fascist" and "theocracy". Why he is probably even getting extra credit from Mr. Beamish for his entry - God knows his regular grades won't get him through to the 10th grade.

Comment Posted By SShiell On 15.03.2006 @ 13:51


Hunk, you’ve made a good point. Security has risen to the top and fear is driving it. I agree with you. And you’re right; a 9/11 a month still does not equal the mayhem that occurs on our highways, as an example. But no matter how many car accidents you witness, how many gruesome examples of highway carnage you relate, none of them will be seared on the American psyche like that of airliners crashing into the twin towers. And the fear generated by this scene is not the thought of a repeat but what could be, as Clancy wrote of recently, “The Sum of All Fears” or a similar type occurrence. Do our enemies have the wherewithal to do something like that? It is debatable. If they had the wherewithal, would they do it? And this is the answer that generates the fear – YES. I am a retired military veteran of 24 years service and it has my utmost attention. And the reason for their hatred, their anger, their desire to bring harm to us? You can talk all day about our support of Israel, or this or that. What generates their desire to hurt us is the very freedoms we live under. Think of that for a moment. The freedoms that we take for granted is the cause for their hatred of us. If that does not generate fear, I cannot think of many things that could top it.

You state “I refuse to have my nation’s foreign and domestic policy run by people who base their every move on the exploitation of fear . . .” I agree with you that their motives are fear. And if I were in Bush’s shoes I would be greatly feared too – of another occurrence of 9/11 or an even worse one. I believe the Bush administration is trying to do the right thing. I may be wrong but I do not believe there is a cold blooded effort on his part to profit from fear. You disagree? Fine, but that does not make you wrong nor me right – and nor will the polls of this or any other November prove the rightness or wrongness of either position.

You study history in order to learn from it. Simply said but not so simply done. You can try to equate today’s situation with another one from history and you will still not find a pure correlation. The article Rick presented, from The American Thinker, was one way to approach it from a historical perspective. Was it all inclusive? No. But was it wrong? You got your opinion, so do I. See Ya!

Comment Posted By SShiell On 13.03.2006 @ 09:42

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