Comments Posted By SShiell
Displaying 181 To 190 Of 223 Comments


"Seems kinda absurd to me…."

Just like all of your comments!

Comment Posted By SShiell On 20.06.2006 @ 16:12

Tano, what went down is really simple. Leopold wished for something to be true. So he "pushed the button" in order to make it so. He decided that if he could crank up the volume enough he could force the issue. It did not work.

Is it true? Is this what really happened? I don't know but it is just as likely as anything you have put forward in your comments.

And if you really gotta know the gory details? Great. Have TO bring out their smoking guns and show them off. It is really that simple - Have TO reveal their sources.

Comment Posted By SShiell On 20.06.2006 @ 15:59

You are right, Rick. "This is actually sort of a sad story in a way." It is sad that the far left depends upon the likes of Leopold and Ash for their day of reckoning.

Right now the only way TO can rectify whatever is left of its reputation is to "out" their own sources. And what is the chance that will happen? So long as TO can keep the looney left on the edge of their seats drooling over whatever happens next, they will drag this story out.

Comment Posted By SShiell On 20.06.2006 @ 12:15


I would consider a "re-deployment" if one would present such a plan that made sense. The idea of a reployment within the country in order to allow the Iraqi security forces to take the lead in major areas of the country would make sense. And then a measured withdrawal depending upon events on the ground. But aren't we already doing that?

In his book "From VietNam to 9/11", Mr. Murtha states, "An ultimely exit could repidly devolve into a civil war, which would leave Amnerica's foreign policy in disarray as countries question not only America's judgement but its perseverence."

I put John Murtha in the same class as John Kerry. Both are politicol opportunists who do not care what he said in the past, what occurred in the past, but only care about whichever way the wind is blowing in order to capitalize on the events of today. And as a result, both of them should be viewed as embarassments to the politicol process in this country.

The scary part of this is not what either of these clown say. The real scary part of all of this is that people pay attantion and give credence to what they say.

Comment Posted By SShiell On 19.06.2006 @ 09:32



Excellent post. Kerry - you've just been busted! Go get your precious "hat" and take a hike!

Comment Posted By SShiell On 15.06.2006 @ 09:45


"If Libs had begun talk of amnesty, it would have been called traitors, comitting treason by selling out our troops. But when Conservatives do it, it is all good."

Amnesty has been proposed before. And much like the current discussion, many of the comments then as now center on who would be given the opportunity for amnesty. Those who have targeted civilians, targeted Americans, etc. The bottom line is the issue is not Liberal versus Conservative but ultimately an Iraqi one. And as I said in my previous post (#7), Maliki and his administration will have to make those decisions.

Now when a troll enters into a discussion such as this one, a good bitch slapping is in order. Are you next?

Comment Posted By SShiell On 16.06.2006 @ 08:34

Peter, what is this "moral relativism" crap? Do you not know how to read? What part of the post or any part of any comment does the term "Complete Victory" occur?

And when do liberals have enough guts to even entertain even the thought of "victory"? The last time I saw anyone from your side of the street with supposedly some street cred in this arena was some Congressman named Murtha who couldn't wait to show Al Qaeda our backsides as he wanted us to cut & run! Victory? I'm surprised anyone from your side of the street can even spell the word.

And what kind of kool aid could provide your meager little mind with enough ammunition to come up with such big words as "moral relativism"? Why don't you go back to your play station and let the adults continue our discussion. Oh, and don't forget to brush your teeth before you go to bed - that's a good little boy.

Comment Posted By SShiell On 15.06.2006 @ 23:10

For Maliki to succeed in his capacity as the leader of his nation, he has to show that he is independent and not beholding to anyone. It is possible that to accomplish this and, at the same time, heal a nation bloody from the sectarian strife of the last two years creates a dilemma that only through amnesty can he possibly succeed.

I want justice for all of the American blood shed on that ground. But maybe the justice we all crave is to really be found in an independent, free and democratic Iraq. An Iraq that has the ability and wherewithal to stand up for itself against anything an organization like Al Quaeda may throw at it. An Iraq that can stand on its own against the Mullahs of Iran. And isn't this the real prize we have suffered so much to attain? An Iraq like that may be the path to that justice. If that be the case, then I am for it.

Comment Posted By SShiell On 15.06.2006 @ 09:42


Satire? You mean this was all a ruse? A made-up story? I was in tears, sobbing like a baby, wondering how these poor muslim people could stand the inhumanity, the absolute terror of being incarcerated under such extreme conditions. And then to find out it was only a joke!

You are a cruel man, Rick Moran. Funny, but cruel.

Comment Posted By SShiell On 13.06.2006 @ 11:38


I think this post (and several others relating to the same topic) is illustrative of what I see is generally the largest difference between blogs on the right and left. As with Rick's blog, most blogs on the right are not shy of taking our leaders, writers and speakers who represent the Right to task when they individually or collectively "step on their d*cks."

When was the last time you saw one of Ted Kennedy's incoherent rants brought to task by Kos kids or readers over at DU? Or Pelosi? Or Dean? Or Durbin?

That is why I am a person of the right - and proud of it. Not proud of comments like those supposedly representing the right like Ann Coulter. But proud of a segment of our community that take's those comments and the commentors to task.

Keep up the good work, Rick. Keep fighting the good fight - not the fight for any particular ideology but a fight for what is and should be right.

Comment Posted By SShiell On 7.06.2006 @ 09:31

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