Comments Posted By SShiell
Displaying 171 To 180 Of 223 Comments


Yo T4: So condemning inexcusable activity is not "acting like adults"?

I don't care if it is partisan or not! I don't care if it was done by a Democrat, Republican, Socialist, Communist, Anarchist, or even the Anit-Christ! Deb Frisch didn't just cross the line. She didn't just make a few regrettable remarks. And she has been doing so as an oft-quoted representative of the Left. (By the way, Ann Coulter has gotten slammed by quite a few pundits on the right, myself included.) But with the right so buzzed by this episode, why isn't there some comment from the left, except comments like yours trying to put some sort of partisanship spin on the episode!

Crickets? Rick, I don't even here that coming from the left. But there is that rancid smell coming from that direction.

Comment Posted By SShiell On 9.07.2006 @ 00:40


"We have always said that in our war with the Arabs we had a secret weapon - no alternative." Gold Meir

And will it be too late when we reach the same point in our struggle against the COG? I hope not.

Comment Posted By SShiell On 7.07.2006 @ 11:03


Is that the best you can do? Your proof consists of:

Comments made by right wing advocates is "proof" that Republicans are behind their remarks?

Your "proof" we need more troops is comments from retired generals, not one of which commanded troops in the field in either Iraq or Afghanistan?

And now you jump on the author of this post for disagreeing with the Supremes? What color is the kettle in your world? How 'bout the pot?

You and the author of this post, and myself for that matter, are very much alike. Each of us have opinions - and assholes. The fact that the author's opinion differs from yours or the Supreme Court does not necessarily make him an asshole. But you clearly have established that moniker as your own.

My grandfather once told me never to wrestle with a pig - you get dirty and the pig loves it. PC, comment to your hearts fulfillment, I'm through wrestling with you.

Comment Posted By SShiell On 3.07.2006 @ 11:17

Yo PC - for one who says "You have nothing but spin on your side my man, no facts, and it shows." I would like to ask of you the following - Practise what you f*ucking preach! Lets see if you can put anything but slogans out there - back up your following comments:

"The freedom of the press is being squashed."

"The fact is, Republicans have people in the main stream media out there advocating ridiculous poison."

"So, we should not be projecting a larger armed force to the middle east?"

"Our military is the right size… for a regional war."

Go ahead and 'spain it to me! Back up your statements. Show me the links. Try putting some meat in your comments, backing up your "claims" with some evidence. Or are you just another f*cking left wing troll who only spouts slogans and rhetoric but doesn't have anything to back it up? Well? Show us what you got?

Comment Posted By SShiell On 1.07.2006 @ 12:12


In reading the decision, I find that the real issue here is that involving the courts or military tribunals. Stevens writes:

“We have assumed, as we must, that the allegations made in the Government’s charge against Hamdan are true. We have assumed, moreover, the truth of the message implicit in that charge —viz., that Hamdan is a dangerous individual whose beliefs, if acted upon, would cause great harm and even death to innocent civilians, and who would act upon those beliefs if given the opportunity. It bears emphasizing that Hamdan does not challenge, and we do not today address, the Government’s power to detain him for the duration of active hostilities in order to prevent such harm. But in undertaking to try Hamdan and subject him to criminal punishment, the Executive is bound to comply with the Rule of Law that prevails in this jurisdiction.”

The reader's digest version of the above is simple. So long as you do not torture them or try them, the court does not care where you keep these people. Keep them as long as the war lasts and you got no problem with us.

So that makes it simple - until Al Qaeda surrenders and the war is over you can put them behind bars and throw away the keys.

Comment Posted By SShiell On 29.06.2006 @ 15:14


I am a firm believer in the First Amendment's protection of free speech and I feel that an action such as an Amendment banning burning the American Flag to be contrary to the letter and intent of those protections.

But at the same time, I see bites being taken from the First in this day of politically correct thought and speech. How can you champion Free Speech and support actions that limit and/or punish hate speech. Yet we see it every day. How can you be a supporter of Free Speech and support convictions for hate crime. In these instances, thoughts along with actions are being questioned and punished to the detriment of the First Amendment.

You want to punish someone for desecrating the flag? Then where do you draw the line for the next "sacred" image or icon that requires such protection? The Koran? The Bible? We have to be careful of the path we take lest it lead to destinations never envisioned.

Comment Posted By SShiell On 27.06.2006 @ 14:57


This has been an amusing set of comments and they have run their course. Can we agree on one thing? The eagerness in which parties of both the left and right attack each other has reached a point of no return. It has gotten to the point where both sides are searching for new ways to slam the other. Boy, and look at me calling the kettle black and all. I am among the worst offenders attending this blog.

And, at least partially, a point that can be made here is the difference I see between the Left and the Right. Ann Coulter got slammed by left and the right for comments she made - and rightly so. But I have seen equally outrageous comments come from the Left and all I hear from that side of the fence is applause. (You want examples? Go see about "Screw Them" Markos. Go see any number of Cindy Sheehan rants. Etc., Etc.)

When you cross the line, you need to get stomped for it. But not only from the guy on the other side of the fence but also from your own. And when I see that type of commentary - both sides governing their rhetoric - then we may be able to see what you mean Ghost when you state "A democratic society is based in compromise, on being able to find common ground."

But you all still a bunch of poopeyheads!

Comment Posted By SShiell On 21.06.2006 @ 18:09

And to continue the theme of all the previous posts:
You are all a bunch of poopeyheads!

(PS - michael andreyakovich - I gotta hand it to you. Great Comment! Your "bang my head" comment caused a coffee spew. Now I have to go clean my monitor.)

Comment Posted By SShiell On 21.06.2006 @ 16:34

Oh Rick, you are just being an old poopeyhead!

Comment Posted By SShiell On 21.06.2006 @ 13:36


Tano, Thank You so very much. Too bad I can't say the same for you! But you never know. Maybe you are just having a bad day. Or week. Or month - oh hell - maybe this whole year just hasn't been all that good for you. You know, this could all be just a bad dream and in the morning you will wake up and find the headlines reading "Rove Indicted! Leopold Vindicated!"


Comment Posted By SShiell On 20.06.2006 @ 17:38

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