Comments Posted By Righty
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I agree. Beck makes no sense in the ways that he puts facts together.I really hate it when he poses these questions like "Was Obama affiliated with ACORN?" and then show this mishmash of conspiratorial fact based quotes from elected leaders saying ONE THING in one clip, and then ANOTHER THING in another clip a few months later. He thinks these are "lies" and chooses to call them out on it ON AIR! Who does he think he is? Rush Limbaugh? Then, he cashes in on "patriotism" to foment people to oppose the left leaning president's socialist policies based on economic facts! He must think he's on Fox. Heck, I feel like I'm watching something so true to life, and geared towards the working, no-handouts, "I-know Obama-hates-white-people-because-of-the people-he-surrounds-himself-with-hate-white people",real liberty lovers, it must be illegal. Also, because this forum has no registration process, I feel that the 6/6 people posting they hate Glenn Beck is disproportionate to how many people - like me - who love his fact based reporting. Everything he says he backs up with historical facts/writings/video/media of the people he talks about. He doesn't need "educated elites" to explain to us, whose "intelligence cannot be underestimated" to explain things. All he does is open the box on lies, backdoor deals, and secret alliances from Washington. All we liberty lovers have to do is hear what is said at the Union meetings and the Latino and Black caucuses. All we have to hear is the contradictions, and where the funding goes. We know what to do from there. At the very least you leftists should love it, as it represents the 1% opposing voice to the 80% of newspapers/MSM/White House who oppose him. Remember the Fairness Doctrine! Tut tut, let both sides be heard! Yet he consistently has these huge ratings! The majority of Americans must agree with him! I know his show sure beats the hell out of Air Amerika! You can't beat lies with truth. The best you people can hope to do is smother out and black bag his show. Even then, the truth of liberty, and freedom from the government will be heard somewhere. You will never smother us.

Comment Posted By Righty On 22.09.2009 @ 14:43

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