Comments Posted By Richard Bottoms
Displaying 61 To 70 Of 362 Comments


Actually, Richard, losing 2010 seems very important to the Democrats. Then again, you have reminded people why they threw you on the ash heap of history a couple of decades ago so your four-year exodus from the wilderness is about to end.

Big talk from a political party that owned the world nine years ago who went on to get their butts roundly kicked two elections in a row.

No matter what happens in 2010 you can't outrun demographics and Hispanics despise the GOP almost as much as black folks do.

Foaming at the mouth racist teabagger will be unrestrained in their anger at the brown and black people they blame for all their troubles.

The insult fest will be so nauseating that that precious 2% will once again see your party for what it always was and still is no matter what face you put on it.

The fact remains is if unemployment is below 10% by next year's election you'll gain squat.

And I can tell you now after a year of nothing my phone is ringing off the hook like it's 1997 again. If tech in California is any indication, spring will be on fire.

Comment Posted By Richard bottoms On 10.01.2010 @ 10:24

Did St. Gladney ever get health insurance? Wait a few more weeks and he can sign up for Obama's plan.

Comment Posted By Richard bottoms On 9.01.2010 @ 21:27

Who is stupid enough to still believe the lefty blogger lie (passed on by the LSM) about Sarah not believing evolution?

The issue has nothing to do with whether Palin believes in evolution or not, It's that not a single one of current or future GOP candidates for president can dare say they don't believe in it for fear of enraging the snake handlers who think the earth is less than 10,000 years old.

Same way they have to weasel about the Confederate flag for fear of hurting the feelings of the neo-Confederates who make up the Southern wing of the party.

Comment Posted By Richard bottoms On 9.01.2010 @ 20:00

Tesrs were shed when the dog got shot - Why waste a bullet on you?

If I was afraid of angry white guys I would have given up long ago. I wasn't afraid of your threats then, I am not afraid of them now.

The world has changed and whether it's cowards with hoods or chickenhawks with computers America is vastly different and better place than when I was growing up.

I couldn't be happier that the over-sized armpit called the South is losing its influence over the direction of this nation.

Comment Posted By Richard bottoms On 9.01.2010 @ 17:56

SShiell Said:
9:13 am

“Though last time I upset the local crackers they shot my mom’s dog instead of me.”

Tesrs were shed when the dog got shot - Why waste a bullet on you?

I know Rick gets upset whenever I get too mean in needling conservatives.

Ordinarily I'd expect this type of comment to be beyond the pale, but who knows. Winning in 2010 is pretty important to the GOP.

Comment Posted By Richard bottoms On 9.01.2010 @ 12:01

SShiell Said:
11:57 pm

It’s going to be a joy to watch once the weather gets a bit warmer (and football season is over) when all the angry white men will hit the bricks, tea bags firm in one hand and a shotgun in the other with Dick Butts lined up in the sights!

White men killing a black man because they don't like him being uppity? Yeah, that does happen. Though last time I upset the local crackers they shot my mom's dog instead of me.

Like I said, teabaggers will bring teh crazy in 2010.

Comment Posted By Richard bottoms On 9.01.2010 @ 02:55

A blogger's parting with the right
Blogger Charles Johnson

Blogger Charles Johnson said this week: "I like to think I am pretty independent of [the] political winds."

Charles Johnson's Little Green Footballs website once was devoted to writing about the 'Loony Left.' Now he prefers to focus on his liberal social views and disagreeing conservatives.

Back when he built his Little Green Footballs website into a favorite of the conservative right, Charles Johnson liked to write about the "Loony Left" and "Bush Derangement Syndrome."

He would pair accounts of extremist violence with sarcastic headlines about Islam, the "Religion of Peace." A 2006 anti-war rally in Washington went down as an "Idiotfest" and activist Cindy Sheehan "Mama Moonbat."

Imagine the surprise among conservatives to learn -- in a series of postings over nearly the last two years, and then in an official declaration of estrangement a little more than a month ago -- that their darling did not love them anymore. Maybe he never did.

Johnson's posting on Nov. 30, “Why I Parted Ways with The Right,” created a maelstrom in some corners of the blogosphere and the Twitterverse. Onetime hyperlinking pals have called him a tyrant and a traitor. Earlier, one had questioned his sanity.

In Johnson's mind, he has not really changed but merely shifted his focus. Where once he was preoccupied with national security, staking out a hawkish, pro-military position, he now spends more time focusing on his liberal social views, and gripes with conservatives who disagree. "I like to think," he told me this week, "I am pretty independent of [the] political winds."

But not totally immune. As I talked to Johnson in his office, an alert flashed on one of his two giant computer monitors. An angry screed targeting him on another website concluded: "I think a visit to Mr. Johnson's home might be warranted. Anybody got his address?"

Such veiled threats are at least one reason why Johnson, 56, relocated not long ago. He remains in the Los Angeles area, but now is in a gated community.

The man who once decried vitriol spread on liberal websites now says: "The kinds of hate mail and the kinds of attacks I am getting from the right wing are way beyond anything I got when I was criticizing the left or even radical Islam."

White Supremacists and tax protesters an angry lot, film at 11.

The Right will bring teh crazy in 2010.

It's going to be a joy to watch once the weather gets a bit warmer (and football season is over) when all the angry white men will hit the bricks, tea bags firm in one hand and a shotgun in the other.

Comment Posted By Richard bottoms On 8.01.2010 @ 22:52

ALL it is- “belief” NOT fact

Just because you don't believe in electrons does not mean they don't believe in you.

Comment Posted By Richard bottoms On 8.01.2010 @ 17:15

BTW, the issue isn't whether Palin believes in evolution or not

It's that, even it she did believe in it, she would never come right out and say it because it would piss off the multitudes of silly people who believe the earth is 6,000 years old.

You know, just like all the Republican politicians who hem and haw about whether Obama is a US citizen. They just can't flat out admit they know it to be true, because 30% of Republicans doubt the fact, and a similar percentage aren't sure whether Obama is the Anti-Christ or not.

So they continue down the path of irrelevancy, which seems to be the thesis you yourself present.

Comment Posted By Richard bottoms On 8.01.2010 @ 16:06

I hate Sarah Palin. But what was done to her by her opponents and the media was unconscionable.


Kitchen. Heat.

Obama is a Muslim/Anti-Christ, etc.

Comment Posted By Richard bottoms On 8.01.2010 @ 15:56

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