Comments Posted By Richard Bottoms
Displaying 51 To 60 Of 362 Comments


So is it your contention that because liberals are viewed as sympathetic to the black population, they can get away with saying something that a conservative never could?

Not viewed, are. And yes. Black folks hear white people say stupid insulting things all the time.

What matters is intent and track record.

Can't think of too many blacks who would donate the sweat from their lower parts to quench Strom Thrumond's thirst if he was dying of dehydration. We'd would have extended that courtesy to George Wallace were he around.

Elect some black people.

Then come calling. We want to be your date, not your beard.

Or are you telling me Michale Steele, the bumbling RNC head you dare not fire, is pure coincidence? Yea, right.

Comment Posted By Richard bottoms On 12.01.2010 @ 08:40

So for me conservative means asking people to be responsible for themselves that government is only there to help out in a crisis.

That's what conservatives say they believe. But, when George W. Bush has the reins of power, when the GOP had complete control of all three branches of government and enormous political capital to spend after 9/11, what did they do?

Two wars, one the president chose to initiate both almost lost, one trillion dollars vaporized, 4,000 dead, 50,000 maimed followed by the greatest economic collapse since the Great Depression.

How about torture? The loss of America's standing in the world, and a Christian jihad against science and reason led by a bunch of fruitcakes who think Fred Flintstone and the dinosaurs both popped into existence 4,000 years ago?

Sorry, what conservatives say they believe in and the total goat screw they delivered while in charge leaves a lot to be desired.

So I'll take the flawed, overly intrusive Democratic approach to government over the utopia promised by the Randians any day.

Comment Posted By Richard bottoms On 12.01.2010 @ 00:00

Big hairy deal? Yeah, you can take your racial equality crap and shove it back up your ass where it came from.

As I said, I know which party shows even the tiniest modicum of respect for black folks and it isn't the GOP.

Comment Posted By Richard bottoms On 11.01.2010 @ 21:51

The double standard doesn’t bug me near as much as Democrats or liberals who deny it exists.

That's you point? Okay, I'll respond.

You're wrong.

The GOP is the family values party with closet queens and serial adulterers who lecture everybody else about their morals so when one of them gets caught the sympathy meter is usually at zero.

Further the GOP is the party that prospered using the Southern Strategy, which held it would do well by becoming the home for Democratic racists who fled that party during integration. Black people are well aware of it. So when Trent Lott praises one of the most despised segregationists as a model for good government it's a major deal and he has to step down.

Reid on the other hand said what every black person knows to be true: Obama looks less threatening and he talks white, so he should do well at the polls.

To which we respond, big hairy deal.

The GOP is the party of "Christian" School set up to avoid sitting next to black kids.

The GOP is the party that thinks MLK is a commie.

The GOP is the party that hasn't got one damn black person in elective office.

And so, me and most of the other 19,999,999 other black people in America, think the GOP is full of it and we don't care what you think and are most assuredly not moved by the crocodile tears about equality and racial harmony.

Comment Posted By Richard bottoms On 11.01.2010 @ 20:38

But the Democrats who are so “ho hum” about this comment shouldn’t kid themselves about what would happen in a hypothetical situation where a Republican said the exact same thing.

The GOP has zero credibility to fall back on when this stuff happens.

I guarantee there will some watermelon joke or worse circulating in under a week from another Republican can grasp the simple nuance of how not to insult blacks.

Tell me exactly how many Republican senators or congressmen are black?

Zero you say?

Get back to me when that changes.

Comment Posted By Richard bottoms On 11.01.2010 @ 18:30

Want to know why we're not having a stroke over Harry Reid's comments?

I direct you the the Google archvies of Ebony Magazine's January, 1963 issue, page 36 and the ad for Dr. Fred Palmer's Skin Lightener Cream.

Just because you're late to the party about "good hair", and the term "high yellow" doesn't mean everyone is.

We know that if Obama looked less like Avon Barksdale and more like Chris Partlow he wouldn't be president now.

Comment Posted By Richard bottoms On 11.01.2010 @ 15:11

You can quibble about the “light skin” part, but forget running for president, code-switching is the standard M.O. for any African American with middle class aspirations.

To pinpoint the commentary, do you think I talk like I write and normally express myself out in Silicon Valley or on the job like I do when I'm back in Indiana with my homeboy of 41 years chillin'?

As TNC said, Negro please. (Which is the standard eye-rolling expression of pure doubt you never get to hear because we don't do it around white folks).

Comment Posted By Richard bottoms On 11.01.2010 @ 11:26

Impact on contemporary politics? Zero. Even Harry Reid’s ill advised comments about Obama’s “Negro dialect” appear to be blowing over thanks to the generosity of spirit (and political calculation) of such luminaries as Al Sharpton and the entire Congressional Black Caucus. Their forgiveness is touching. Too bad such virtuous behavior is reserved only for members of their own party.

There he goes again.

Ta-Nehisi Coates explains it better than I could.

I think you can grant that, in this era, the term "Negro dialect" is racially insensitive and embarrassing. That said, the fair-mind listener understands the argument--Barack Obama's complexion and his ability to code-switch is an asset. You can quibble about the "light skin" part, but forget running for president, code-switching is the standard M.O. for any African American with middle class aspirations.

But there's no such defense for Trent Lott. Lott celebrated apartheid Mississippi's support of Strom Thurmond, and then said that had Thurmond won, "we wouldn't have had all these problems over all these years.'' Strom Thurmond run for president, specifically because he opposed Harry Truman's efforts at integration. This is not mere conjecture--nearly half of Thurmond's platform was dedicated to preserving segregation. The Dixiecrat slogan was "Segregation Forever!" (Exclamation point, theirs.) Trent Lott's wasn't forced to resign because he said something "racially insensitive." He was forced to resign because he offered tacit endorsement of white supremacy--frequently.

Claiming that Harry Reid's comments are the same, is like claiming that referring to Jews as "Hebrews" is the same as endorsing Nazism. Whereas a reputable portion of black people still use the term Negro without a hint of irony, no black person thinks the guy yelling "Segregation Forever!" would have cured us of "all these problems."

Leaving aside political cynicism, this entire affair proves that the GOP is not simply still infected with the vestiges of white supremacy and racism, but is neither aware of the infection, nor understands the disease. Listening to Liz Cheney explain why Harry Reid's comments were racist, was like listening to me give lessons on the finer points of the comma splice. This a party, rightly or wrongly, regarded by significant portions of the country as a haven for racists. They aren't simply having a hard time re-branding, they don't actually understand how and why they got the tag.

Comment Posted By Richard bottoms On 11.01.2010 @ 11:22


But Obama... Teleprompter... Nigeria... Socialism... Must stop head from exploding.

Comment Posted By Richard bottoms On 10.01.2010 @ 14:46


There's only one thing about the Republicans that gets me down: Rupert Murdoch owns Buffy, The Simpsons, X-Men, and Avatar.


Comment Posted By Richard bottoms On 10.01.2010 @ 13:07

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