Comments Posted By Redbeardguy
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I have read your post and agree with the premise of your thoughts. I to would like to have seen the true patriot at heart politicians support what started from the beginning.

This morning I listened to the 9/20/2001 speech by President Bush to congress and remembered where I was when I heard it for the first time and can remember what I was thinking at the time. I listened to the words of the President and thought "After over fifty years of terrorists now we can do away with them and not have to worry about my children having to read about and see things like this when they have a family."

That was six years ago. From that time of complete unity of the nation on the words of the President until not I have noticed a steady and strong progression by the democrat/liberal political structure around the country do everything they can to tear down our country's efforts to do away with terrorists and their beliefs.

After reading books like "Story on the Constitution", "Conciliation with America" and the Founding Fathers papers I have come to the conclusion I have not wanted to come to. That their is a political party in my beloved America that is hell bent on it's destruction through internal and geopolitical politics.

Pictures of our Presidents that date back to the daguerreotypes as compared to the pictures of modern Presidents tell a deep story and leave you wondering what was on their minds. Take for instance a picture of President Lincoln and compare it to a picture of President Carter or Clinton. You will notice that they do not compare. Take the same picture of President Lincoln and compare it to one of President Bush and you will notice something striking. Its the same thing you notice when you read about President Washington going out into the woods to pray. The same thing the farmer saw in President Washington when he saw him praying on his knees in the dirt and snow.

What is it? What do you see in the eyes of such men? What takes them to a place that puts that much in their eyes? How does one come to understand what his mission is while so many are trying to do so much against you?

I don't know what I see in their eyes but I know it is good. The sort of good that is deep down inside a man and that almost never comes to the top. The kind of good that you see to seldom in a lifetime.

So, is President Bush doing the right thing taking it to the terrorists? I believe he is and he must. Is their "political terrorists" working on Capitol Hill trying to tear this country down? I believe their are. We see and hear them every day on the media.

So what should we do? Just click the tv and radio off and go to sleep or read about good men and put their ideals forward? Should we cuss the "political terrorists" and then go play golf or should we take after the sons of B!^$#es and put them out of office and in some cases in prison?

You can guess which one I intend on doing.

Comment Posted By Redbeardguy On 27.05.2007 @ 21:02

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