Comments Posted By Pierre Legrand
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The funniest and saddest things about the WMD's is how much of a bunch of losers the Democrats really are and how bad that is for our country. After all they had the money issue staring at them across the table, the issue that would have galvanized moderates and leftists together with not a few right wingers and they simply ignored it.

A true opposition party interested in the well being of the country would have pillored President Bush for failing to round up the weapons we all knew were there. They would have rightly pointed out that he risked the well being of our country by delaying long enough for Saddam to actually do with the weapons what President Bush supposedly went to Iraq to stop, give them to terrorists and their sponsor nations.

But naturally they won't ever do anything of the sort. And naturally the Right won't ever actually hold President Bush to account for failing to find those weapons. Jordon almost paid for it with estimated casualties of 80,000 had those weapons gone off.

WMD's in Syria? So says two Generals from two different countries, Iraq and Israel...can they both be wrong?

Comment Posted By Pierre Legrand On 26.01.2006 @ 18:54

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