Comments Posted By P. Aaron
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Many spout haterd for Bush not because of the WAR per se. I think that is merely one of the symbols of their disdain for rules and or civic responsibility. The Clintonian W-Sh-C's* are mad because they have been assessed, inconveniently it seems, for the cost of their freedom. And freedom is fight they have to engage in, as well as choose sides in the conflict. They have media and cover provided them by a generation of apologists and chickenhawks. But they prefer the bliss of ignorance, and would rather kick the can down the road for some other folks to deal with.

*would've, should've, could've's

Comment Posted By P. Aaron On 30.04.2006 @ 08:26


At Pearl Harbor in 1941 and the aforementioned American convoys to the British shores were 'military' targets sighted by anothger military. The battleground was obvious, and opposing sides acknowledged their differences and fought over them.

The hijacking punks of 9/11 were trained in secret and then turned loose upon a civilian society, hidden by civilian dress. They perpetrated their violence upon folks who may have otherwise conversed and considered the terrorists' a degree.

Yet in the end, free nations exposed by their ability to penetrate and kill here the utter damnation of their own societies in that we not only go had to go "there" and kick their butts, but then expend further blood and treasure to set up their society so THEY DON'T HAVE TO! Not only do they kill us, but we then go and straighten out their own country(s) in return.

They merely have to manage a maintenence schedule.

I'm done now.

Comment Posted By P. Aaron On 21.04.2006 @ 12:16


Russ Feingold has no idea what he is talking about. He's just dazzled by the same lights that usually tan Chuck Schumer's face. Fiengold has admitted as much that he had not viewed any prior judicial rulings regarding THE SPECIFIC NATURE of these wiretaps, nor has he done his homework regarding the Executive's Constitutional right to do it.

Overall, Russ is a typical moonbat left-wing nut-job with a slightly slower pulse rate than his wacked-compatriots.

Comment Posted By P. Aaron On 18.03.2006 @ 13:13


Rick, if one utilizes the 'foxhole' trust standard, you may consider rephrasing: "I’d trust Michael Moore before I trusted this guy", to: "...Loftus is about as trustworthy as Michael Moore".

Other than that...very fine writing.

Comment Posted By P. Aaron On 17.02.2006 @ 15:51


Everytime one thinks the moonbats can't go any lower, they accomodate us. Constructing a cogent statement encompassing it all would take the installation of a backup server to contain the bandwidth. For the task is not so much a summary as it is an undertaking of Micheneresque proportions.
Let's economize: the Dems lost to Alito not through political maneuvering, committee tactics, or legislative skullduggery, but becaused they were intellectually outclassed. The Republicans knew enough to back off...mostly. Democrats simply displayed their utter lack of legal 'Gravitas' looking bitter and sounding amateurish while doing so.

Comment Posted By P. Aaron On 18.01.2006 @ 18:35


Lalor Says:I suppose 24’s ratings will increase amongst the blue state set now that the writers aren’t writing about Middle Eastern terrorists, if I’m not mistaken (I’m half watching – they’re Russian, no?) They're probably twice removed Chechen rebels operating under some anti-democracy Russia guise, preferring a Stalinist gov't after (of course) they ransom some US dollars for start-up bucks.

Comment Posted By P. Aaron On 16.01.2006 @ 22:31

And By the By: Chloe is HOT! She cemented her cool collective and deceptively wimpish demeanor last season by whackin' the terrorist type with the machine gun. It's good to see her doing more field work. But we don't want too much of a good thing.

Comment Posted By P. Aaron On 16.01.2006 @ 17:04

"Suspend Belief" indeed. I still love the show. The Nixon look alike is well played because you see a 'lame-ass' needing an embarrassment to make him go away.

'Lotta moles though. Isn't there anyone loyal in Gov't service anywmore besides Edgar? They're all Stae Dept. career flunkies or CIA leakers. For once it would be nice to simply battle 'outsiders trying to get 'in'.

Call me a gun nut but, I like Jack's frontier-justice-wacking of bad guys. Skip Miranda, simply stand on the open wound while interrogating. Toss the attorney privilages and 'niceties' insisted upon by moderates. When we're talkin' terrorists, it'd be nice if some of the alleged 'liberatarian' left had a bit more bite for America's survival than a concern about appearances.

Comment Posted By P. Aaron On 16.01.2006 @ 11:27


Geez, I wish the ostensibly 'Conservative' Detroit News would grow a pair like the 'Trib. It looks like a smidge of sanity could come into the debate and we may actually...eventually agree on the terms of the actual argument about the War.

Comment Posted By P. Aaron On 28.12.2005 @ 22:14


Unlike Clinton who HAD TO employ a 'quick response team" to ANY critics. Bush may, in his heart not truly be a partisan. His "new tone" has resulted in absolute frustration for those of us that wish the President would not only respond more often, but employ acerbic skills similar to H.L. Mencken regarding his critics.

But alas, we must suffer, and with little help from the press who have grown dependant on AP, Al-Jazzera, Reuters type news parroting rather than reporting, a real thick boilerplate emerges. The media talk to each other. While 'fly-over' America wants forceful articulation from the President. I too am frustrated that he doesn't do this often enough. He's got the arrows: to paraphrase Lincoln, maybe I could use them if he's not going to.

Comment Posted By P. Aaron On 1.12.2005 @ 17:54

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