Comments Posted By Oldcrow
Displaying 11 To 20 Of 30 Comments


michael reynolds Said:
3:25 pm
It seems to have escaped the notice of many conservatives here that Obama is against prosecution.

Uh huh and monkeys will fly out of my butt, dear leader knows exactly what he is doing he knew full well once he released those memo's that the knuckle heads such as yourself would do the heavy lifting for him.

michael reynolds Said:
3:20 pm
commonly-accepted bounds of morality

Really? So the poll just taken that shows 70% of the public support it means your statement is false right?

Comment Posted By Oldcrow On 25.04.2009 @ 16:04

michael reynolds Said:
3:25 pm
Support for a government that can operate without regard to law or treaty or commonly-accepted bounds of morality is not conservative, it is radical and statist. It is authoritarian, the antithesis of genuine conservatism.

And again I ask what law? What treaty? None let me repeat that N O N E, Z E R O, Z I P, N A D A law or treaty says it is illegal quit the contrary the treaty we have signed and ratified "Geneva Conventions" says just the opposite of what you are it states terrorists have no rights under except to be summarily executed that is.

Comment Posted By Oldcrow On 25.04.2009 @ 15:53

Ah yes the libtard priests the sock puppeteer Sullivan who has the IQ of an ice cube and Yglesias who tries to make an argument that a common criminal is the same as an AQ terrorist what a specious argument! And no we are not mentally sick since enhanced interrogation is not torture and again what was done by the Gestapo and Japan called the "water cure" is not even remotely the same as what was done to KSM and Joe there are only three terrorists these methods were used on Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Abu Zubaydah, and Abd al-Rahim al-NashiriBUT then being the useless idiot that you are you probably believe they are innocent.

Comment Posted By Oldcrow On 25.04.2009 @ 15:13

Um one small problem with your argument, we never ratified the convention so there goes your argument right out the window.

And this is totally false:

michael reynolds Said:
1:32 pm
We haven’t just maintained this difference, we’ve enforced it. We’ve court-martialled American soldiers specifically for waterboarding. And we’ve executed Japanese soldiers for doing it to our people.

Not one single U.S. serviceman has ever been court-martialled for waterboarding and what the Japanese did in WWII was actually known as the "cure" and it is not even remotely like what was done to KSM. Enhanced interrogation techniques are not torture period! All this knashing of teeth and giving terrorists rights is actually causing more civilian casualties and encouraging the terrorists to keep doing what they are doing how on GODS green earth can you compare the Nation of Japan which we were at war with to the terrorist organizations we are at war with now? They have no protections under any treaty we have signed or ratified and for every "expert" you find that says it did not work there is one that says it did, but as they say the proof is in the pudding and the reports state it worked, feelings are good but they are not facts!

The CAT was ratified by the senate October 21, 1994. It was not to go into effect until applicable US law was passed which occurred almost simultaneously with the passage of the law I quote above.

As for the rest, you set up the same strawman - US servicemen are not covered under the convention while our prisoners are. This seems to be a bit of information that has a very hard time penetrating people's minds.


Comment Posted By Oldcrow On 25.04.2009 @ 13:49


I could not disagree more with you and the others such as AJSTRATA about Glenn Beck, I just started watching mister Becks show and yes he sometimes is eccentric but a kook? No I don't see it remember he is an entertainer as well as a commentator so he has to bring in the fringe also but he does not play to them if anything he destroys their arguments, I have found his show to be spot on in most of what he says and have seen zero facts saying otherwise, I will continue watching his TV show and listening to his radio show and I do not believe he is a detriment to the conservative movement quit the opposite in fact.

Comment Posted By Oldcrow On 8.04.2009 @ 14:33


As you said this was expected and it will get worse as we go. Obama has lied so many times it is hard to keep track and he has not met a promise he will not break at the first politically expedient moment a new type of politician? The change candidate? yeah RIIIIGHT! Can you say old style Chicago machine politician? As much as I despise MCcain he does have a few good attributes one of them being he keeps his word, I gotta tell yah the thought of pulling the lever for MCcain is getting easier and easier.

Comment Posted By Oldcrow On 21.06.2008 @ 14:07


As I recall the Chicoms did the same thing to dogs last year , I saw a video of a bunch of government employees beating a dog to death on the street it was pretty bad.

Comment Posted By Oldcrow On 9.03.2008 @ 15:52


And none of this is being covered by the national media and never will, they are busy "Making themselves a President" either Hillery or Obama it does not matter as long as it is a socialist Democrat and the typical voter is ignorant and believes the BS hope/change message the Messiah (pbuh) is putting out never bothering to research and find out that Obama is a Chicago Daley machine corruptocrat.

Comment Posted By Oldcrow On 9.03.2008 @ 16:00


My only point of contention with the White House and the Republican Congress, and I guess with you and other conservative bloggers, is the lack of specificity of a stated specific goal for victory in Iraq.
Barry Allen Said:
10:32 pm

Well Barry I don't know how the REPUBS and President Bush can get anymore specific as Bush and everyone else in the ADMIN and Military has stated the goal is a "stable, free Democratic Iraq able to handle its own security". What else can they say do you expect them to hand over the entire detailed plan to the NY slimes?

Comment Posted By Oldcrow On 23.06.2006 @ 21:50


The people of Unis took out their frustrations at the polls in November. And which party do you think suffered the most?
By: Rick Moran at 7:13 am | Permalink | Comments & Trackbacks (22)

And the answer is NIETHER because the people were more interested in who was voted off the latest UNIS idol show anywho the people suffered and the pander train rolled on and on and on.

Comment Posted By Oldcrow On 29.04.2006 @ 23:17

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