Comments Posted By Michael B.
Displaying 61 To 70 Of 127 Comments


Well said, Rick... I needed a smile. I enjoyed that immensely.

Comment Posted By Michael B. On 23.06.2008 @ 08:59


Yossarian would be proud.

Comment Posted By Michael B. On 22.06.2008 @ 16:39


Its a bit creepy, but is not in the same league as Al Gore creepy. That knuckle-dragger actually had his crotch airbrushed to look bigger for the cover of a magazine (I think Rolling Stone).

Now THAT is creepy.

Maybe BO just want a Coat-of-Arms, but doesn't have British ancestry.

Comment Posted By Michael B. On 23.06.2008 @ 14:21


Boumediene vs. Bush is possibly the most dangerous ruling in the history of SCOTUS. Scalia is correct, that American citizens will die as a result of this ruling. And if you think that ruling is bad, just wait until President Obama appoints 2 or 3 more pathetic fools like Souter- it is quite possible that your life will change DRAMATICALLY.

I believe this to the core of my soul: the greatest threat from an Obama presidency is his judicial nominations. So as much as we don't like McCain, it is imperative for conservatives to pull together and start supporting him. As a minimum, we need to avoid losing in a landslide, which the democrats will claim is a "mandate".

So let's all stop bitching, whining, complaining, and criticising our man. He's not perfect... he's really not even good, but he's all we've got, so let's support him. Write him a check today, or keep your f*cking mouth shut when they swear in that corrupt, socialist asshole.

Comment Posted By Michael B. On 20.06.2008 @ 14:38


It has always baffled me why so many people begrudge others making big profits. If you ask them if they would like to make those profits, they would affirm that they do- they just don't want others to make them. I suppose they are simply envious that they were not savvy enough or smart enough to make the hard investment decisions that would have resulted in a winfall for themselves.

Also, for all the political talk about "don't underestimate the intelligence of the American people", I can tell you from vast experience that the "common man" is barely above mental retardation. Try this test... ask 10 "average" people you know if they know the name of their congressman. You may get one right answer, and 9 shoulder shrugs. Ask anybody that believes that the oil companies should be nationalized, why? There can be no cogent answer, but you'll get a good laugh listening to what they come up with.

Ultimately, we have the following problem: stupid people get to vote, and Lord Tytler said it best when speaking of the fall of the Athenian Republic: "A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves money from the public treasure. From that moment on the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most money from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's great civilizations has been two hundred years. These nations have progressed through the following sequence: from bondage to spiritual faith, from spiritual faith to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependency, from dependency back to bondage".

How old is our country? I'm with you, Rick... I despair for the future.

Comment Posted By Michael B. On 19.06.2008 @ 10:03


I'm with you- no more Bushes. But don't discount another Clinton- but her name is Chelsea. I never thought Hill was dumb, but her intellect (as Dick Morris says) is a "shadow of her husband's". Chelsea (by some reports) may have gotten her father's IQ and ambition. I'm sure that she is praying not to inherit her mother's backside.

Comment Posted By Michael B. On 18.06.2008 @ 08:48


Bravo, Manning. I've been saying for months that he is only a golden throated orator when he's reading a teleprompter, but gags, sputters, and rambles extemporaneously. He's the reincarnation of Christian de Neuvillette, and the political speech-writer-wonk is his Cyrano de Bergerac.

Of course, Bush isn't the greatest speaker either, and I voted for him.

Comment Posted By Michael B. On 17.06.2008 @ 14:42

Bill Arnold,

I never said that he was insincere. In fact, I said "if he truly believes these things... GREAT!". I question his timing more than anything- why now, and not the last 18 years? Is the problem with absent fathers in the black community something new? Did he suddenly become concerned about this issue last week while contemplating Father's Day? What happened to make this an issue, when it hasn't been an issue for him for the past 18 years? I'm fairly sure that white, independent voters hold the answer to this mystery. Its a pure, brilliant, political stunt- for Christ's sake, the man has the chief right-wing-nut believing that he's a social conservative.

Comment Posted By Michael B. On 17.06.2008 @ 07:32

Its a pure political stunt. Take a message that is wildly popular with white voters, work in a sympathetic twist (his own single parent upbringing), and presto-change-o, the media focuses on his new conservative familiy values (correspondingly now ignoring his gaffes, poor judgment, shady relationships and inexperience). If he truly believes these things... GREAT! But why wait your entire life to make a Father's day statement about this- as you pointed out, this has been a huge problem in the black community for all of his adult life.

He risks NOTHING by this. There is nothing he can say or do that will cause him to lose the black vote (97% in one poll), but it is an appealing message to white independent voters. It a brilliant move.

The validity of the message is not negated by his motives, but don't be so naive as to believe this is not a calculated political speech.

Comment Posted By Michael B. On 16.06.2008 @ 13:09


I clicked on Drudge mid-afternoon, and was shocked to hear of his death. I felt like I'd been punched in the stomach. He was a great journalist, and I will miss him.

Comment Posted By Michael B. On 13.06.2008 @ 16:58

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