Comments Posted By Mavent
Displaying 11 To 20 Of 26 Comments


Sorry you are the one who is constantly changing the topic to your MSN rant when I have no posted one word on this as an issue.

I think it clearly says that you are lying and that you have no proof defending what Ann Coulter wrote inher book against the 9-11 widows, a group which she attacks as a group:

“These self-obsessed women seem genuinely unaware that 9-11 was an attack on our nation and acted like as if the terrorist attack only happened to them. They believe the entire country was required to marinate in their exquisite personal agony. Apparently, denouncing bush was part of the closure process.”

“These broads are millionaires, lionized on TV and in articles about them, reveling in their status as celebrities and stalked by griefparrazies. I have never seen people enjoying their husband’s death so much.”

That has been the thrust of this thread and my postings.

So stop trying to change the subject to MSN.

Try to be honest here. No one here is a 3-year old : >

And stop the name-calling with no basis or substance. According to you that is a democratic liberal behaviour.

Obviously you are not a conservative.

Comment Posted By Mavent On 9.06.2006 @ 02:45

"just who on the Democrat side does this exemplify?"

I thought that you posted not longer ago that the matter is not about Republican and Democrats?

No matter, it is good that you acknowledge that nobody in the Republican White House, Senate and the House possess these true conservative values.

If you want to talk about Democrats, what about Paul Hackett who at least calls it as he sees it? Who served our nation in the line of fire in this Iraq war?

Comment Posted By Mavent On 9.06.2006 @ 02:34

Deagle, stop trying to divert the issue to your MSM rant.

The issue here in Ann COulter wrote in her book in which she attacked the widows of 9-11. In her book, she did not differentiate which widows she was attacking.

The more your avoid addressing this issue, the weaker your defense of Ann Coulter.

You are the one I feel sorry with because you obviously live with the hate-filled bubble with the rest of the fanatics.

Again, such fanatics can never be considered true conservatives who practise real conservative values.

Comment Posted By Mavent On 9.06.2006 @ 02:29

"I am a conservative and I do not equate support of bush as being conservative because he does not represent Christian values of peace, thrift, honesty, compassion, tolerance and HUMILITY as well as conservative values of fiscal conservatism, small government and public accountability."

Comment Posted By Mavent On 9.06.2006 @ 02:22

There is no validity to Ann's statement about widow's taking advantage of their situation.

Ann Coulter provides no proof in her book or during ther tal;k shows, especially for her comments that these widows are millionaires and took great pleasure at their husbands' deaths.

Only a souless ignoramus would think that there is any validity to such statements.

The only one profiteering from the the plight of the 9-11 widows and the deaths of the husband is Ann Coulter in her wish to make millions from her book by making these widows the next whipping dogs for fanatics, psuedo-Christians, hatemongers.

I sure don't see her and her supporters conservative. Being Conservative is a much higher moral standard.

Comment Posted By Mavent On 9.06.2006 @ 02:18

I have made it very clear that Ann Coulter did not single out a few widows in her malicious attacks on 9-11 widows. She did not say a few of them in her attacks against this group of poor women in her book. So your defense of her is definitely not truthful or honest.

Your points are too biased to be reasonable. Are these widows to be taken seriously only if they mouth Republican talking points?

Or does that mean they do not have a right to speak out for their political beliefs and religious convictions? Ann COulter certainly has no issues exerting her right to these things at everyone's expense.

Does that mean that these liberal widows and their republican counterparts have no right to focus the White House attention on the weaknesses in national security that still plagues America, as is clearly shown by the bipartisan 9-11 commission?

I think they are doing mroe service to the nation rather than push a homophobe campaigns as a superficial electoral strategy.

Try to be honest, these widows did not blame Bush initially but grew disenchanted with him based on the findings of the bipartisan 9-11 commission which showed clearly that Bush and his administration ignored warnings that Osama was planning to attack America and that hew as trying to hyjack planes.

Their distaste grew when the commission pointed out that 4 years after 9-11 the administration still had not remedied the gaps in America's national security even after the publishing of their findings.

Only a moron will still be pro-Bush when the situation clearly showed just how little the deaths of their husbands mean to Bush, other than as a cry to rally support for his administration.

Ann was WRONG. And the media covers these widows' concern regardless of political affilation. And if you label them liberals because they are anti-Bush, then like Ann COulter you are dead wrong when it is obvious you have no proof for your stantements as well as Ann's

I am a conservative and I do not equate support of bush as being conservative because he does not represent Christian values of peace, thrift, honesty, compassion, tolerance and humanity as well as conservative values of fiscal conservatism, small government and public accountability.

He is none of these things. He is merely an opportunists who is trying to play both sides of the fence. Just look at his immigration bill.

If you are anti-Bush, it only means you are anti-incompetence.

Comment Posted By Mavent On 9.06.2006 @ 02:12

By the way, I don't kid when it comes to beliefs or when it comes to attacking widows who lost their husbands because of a tragedy. There's more than enough nutcases pretending to be real Christians and conservatives : >

Comment Posted By Mavent On 9.06.2006 @ 01:42

Hi Deagle, try to be truthful please.

If you read Ann's book, you would know that she did not say just a few widows. She herself uses no such qualoifications in her book, nor proof that any of them profited from their husband's death in 9-11 tragedy. She only mentioned it as a defence on Today show.

You also miss the gist of her argument: "“These self-obsessed women seem genuinely unaware that 9-11 was an attack on our nation and acted like as if the terrorist attack only happened to them."

All the widows, including those Republicand and Demoracts are constantly doing their duty by reminding the country that the lessons of 9-11 have not been taken to heart by the Bush administration and the nation is as unprepared as it was in 2001.

She lied blatantly about the motives of these widows. No sane person with a conscience will support her in here hate-filled lies.

At least I know no true Christian or conservative would.

Comment Posted By Mavent On 9.06.2006 @ 01:37

The funny thing is that most of these widows vote Republican but Ann Coulter choses to mix them up in her writings attacking LIberals and Democrats as traitors and godless people.

And you still claim "Being Republican or Democrat has little to do with the statements." No one here is a three-year old.

This is the statment by the widows:

"We did not choose to become widowed on September 11, 2001. The attack, which tore our families apart and destroyed our former lives, caused us to ask some serious questions regarding the systems that our country has in place to protect its citizens. Through our constant research, we came to learn how the protocols were supposed to have worked. Thus, we asked for an independent commission to investigate the loopholes which obviously existed and allowed us to be so utterly vulnerable to terrorists. Our only motivation ever was to make our Nation safer. Could we learn from this tragedy so that it would not be repeated?"

Is it too liberal for people like Ann to accept? Or far too conservative and rational?

Comment Posted By Mavent On 8.06.2006 @ 23:28

The truth that you fail to mention is that Ann Coulter attacked the widows of 9-11 as millionaires who take joy that their husbands died and made insinuations such as no one knows if their husbands planned to divorce them.

Every sane person is having problems accepting her defense of these 2 segments from her book:

"These self-obsessed women seem genuinely unaware that 9-11 was an attack on our nation and acted like as if the terrorist attack only happened to them. They believe the entire country was required to marinate in their exquisite personal agony. Apparently, denouncing bush was part of the closure process."

"These broads are millionaires, lionized on TV and in articles about them, reveling in their status as celebrities and stalked by griefparrazies. I have never seen people enjoying their husband’s death so much."

What truth is there? What Republican or Christian values do you see here? What have these widows done to her?

Last time I checked, being conservative does not mean being an intolerant and vindictive hate monger.

You claim there is truth in what Ann says.

Then prove it.

Comment Posted By Mavent On 8.06.2006 @ 23:21

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