Comments Posted By Johnny Tremaine
Displaying 41 To 42 Of 42 Comments


B. Poster, you wrote an intelligent, well-thought argument. The only thing I'll disagree with you on is your analogy comparing the American public's attitude towards the current situation in Iraq with the Greatest Generation of World War II.
The thing is, the war against the Axis powers had the entire country mobilized for war. Every able young man was drafted into service; as a consequence everbody was closely related to a young man on the front lines. In addition: women mobilized to replace the missing men in the factories and workshops, which themselves churned out the literal machinery for war; civilians sacrificed on a daily basis, such as foregoing certain diet staples in order for enough to go around to send to the troops; young children were encouraged to round up scrap metal for use in war-making products; finally, there was the big push to sell and buy war bonds.
The result being, the public, down to the man, woman and child, had a personal and economic stake in the war.
The problem you have with a volunteer army, and with the White House's policy of guns and butter, is that segments of the public could choose to ignore it if they so choose to without any financial or personal consequences.
In this I would agree with the columnist Thomas Friedman, a pro-Iraq War guy, who criticized the Bush Administration for having a policy of "We're at war--let's party!"

Comment Posted By Johnny Tremaine On 14.08.2006 @ 17:54


All of a sudden one of Saddam's generals has instant credibility? Consider the source. Why should I believe this General Sada and what documented evidence does he have to back up his claims? How do I know he was even a real general? And why should I believe anyone else's claims that he really, truly, held this position in Saddam's military, and is he telling the truth? He sounds like just another schlub peddling a book.
Try to take everything you read and hear on the news or your favorite political show with a grain of salt.

Comment Posted By Johnny Tremaine On 27.01.2006 @ 00:18

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