Comments Posted By Jazz Shaw
Displaying 11 To 14 Of 14 Comments


Rick makes a good point which I think applies to both parties. People rubbing their hands over this "schism" should remember the mirror image situation going on only a few short weeks or months ago. Clinton was the "predetermined" winner and the GOP was in "massive disarray" with a blood fued going on between Romney and McCain with several other candidates still in the hunt. Democratic buzzards were circling, exclaiming with undisguised glee that this thing was going to go to the convention... that Romney was unelectable... that McCain's own party was referring to him with every term up to and including "traitor" and - should he be nominated - that scores of Republicans would either stay home or vote for Hillary in disgust. Hogwash the whole thing was indeed.

Now, except for a handfull of bloviating outliers, the GOP is resigning themeselves to the inevitable and lining up behind McCain. The Democrats will do the same. This is just the exciting season of rhetoric while the Dem candidate's supporters launch their best hyperbole to get their person over the finish line first. The only difference is they are doing it later and taking longer than the Republicans did.

Another thing to remember is that the people producing new media and their followers still represent a slowly growing, but still very tiny percentage of the voter base. Most of America, sadly, is still barely aware of who's in the running and won't begin paying attention until August or September at the earliest, and by then we'll have two nominees getting ready to debate in an effort to win over the nation for the general election in November.

I would say that any glee over Rezco and Obama's pastor is also a bit optimistic and overblown. Both relationships are certainly valid areas for examination and discussion, but I'm still waiting to see any real meat on those bones that would move the needle very far in the general election. And let's remember that pretty much every politician has had some pretty shakey "relationships" and actions in their past and somehow America gets over it. In fact, we have a president right now who had a DWI, faced suspicions of past drug use, and had a multitude of shady relationships with a series of failed business interests, both domestic and abroad with a cozy relationship with some high profile Saudis in the oil industry. None of this ultimately seemed to bother his electability.

No, in the end, I suspect that all of this media drama will be exactly that. And in November we'll see yet another nail biter just like we have for quite a few years now, and it will all come down to who can GOTV the best, just as it has in the past. The KOS "writers strike" is just the latest piece of fluff in a new media machine waiting to be fed something - anything - 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Comment Posted By Jazz Shaw On 16.03.2008 @ 03:58


I wish you would stop trying to be so damned reasonable. I've been freezing my ass off up here in New York since October. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get back outside spray aerosol deodorant off my deck again for the afternoon.

Comment Posted By Jazz Shaw On 2.03.2008 @ 13:03


Rick! When did you join the Democrats??? ;-)

Comment Posted By Jazz Shaw On 7.02.2008 @ 12:10


Great. Now I have to add "definitional crisis" to my web lexicon.


Comment Posted By Jazz Shaw On 5.02.2008 @ 08:03

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