Comments Posted By JayMagoo
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The Republicans have a tough job. They have to convince the majority of the American people that they don't really want the entitlements like health care and Social Security that the American people have demonstrated emphatically that they do indeed want. If the Republicans can't do this, then they will have to find a way to do this. And that is the second part of the Republicans' tough job.
In recent years there has been a huge tectonic shift in wealth in this country from the huge middle class to the Republican rich. At the same time taxes to the Republican rich have been cut back drastically, endearing the Republican rich to the Republican party. Now Republicans, in order to get elected, must somehow pay for those entitlements, and the most logical way would be to levy taxes on those bloated incomes and inherited mega-estates that the Republican rich enjoy.
But that would cut off the support of the Republican rich, you say, who also fund the Republican party.
So the Republicans have to play a shell game. Reagan was successful in convincing the middle class to vote against their own interests and for the interests of the Republican rich. He did it by mocking the government that took care of people and by convincing people that they should not take care of their fellow man and that they should not insist that government provide government services, but should return the money to the super rich.
Can that smoke and mirrors game still work?

Comment Posted By JayMagoo On 19.08.2007 @ 09:24

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