Comments Posted By JML
Displaying 11 To 11 Of 11 Comments


Ahmadinejad is a freak. He's also a politician. I think he's serving up his bellicose rhetoric to play to his fundamentalist base. To that end, he's really not that unlike Bush at all, he's just the opposite side of the coin.

Bush had his "Axis of Evil" and "Bring it on" (or was it "Bring 'em on..?) moments. While those phrases played well to Bush's base, they struck a chord of distrust throughout much of the world. Note that Iran was included in the axis. This is Ahmadinejad's equivalent play to his base. As aggresive as Bush has been in the middle east, are you really surprised that someone has choesn to challenge Bush, at least rhetorically?

"...the world’s troublemakers use Democratic party talking points when skewering America..." - It is only logical that anyone outside the US who is critical of the current administration would highlight opposing voices within the US, troublemaker or not. Were a Democrat in power and unpopular on the global stage, you can bet that the same troublemakers would tap into Republican talking points. That wouldn't make the Republicans complicit in the troublemaker's agendas any more than it would the Democrats in this situation.

It doesn't much matter what the Democrats think or talk about right now anyway. The Republicans are in charge. Either the Republicans deal effectively with Iran or they don't; if you're not happy with the results, send a message in November.

Comment Posted By JML On 11.05.2006 @ 00:52

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