Comments Posted By Hankmeister
Displaying 11 To 20 Of 47 Comments


Muslims convinced that the Christans are killing them to steal their oil.

Buwahahahaha. How can "moderate" Muslims not help but think that when people on your side of the aisle have been ranting "No War For Oil"! People like that have to at least accept responsibility for confirming in the Muslim mind this utter falsehood. Now I'm not saying that concerns for the oil markets don't come into play at some level, but c'mon NO WAR FOR OIL? Of course Muslims are going to be even more convinced of this simplistic "truthiness" when the radical left continues playing into the hands of sophisticated jihadists who now realize they have strange bedfellows (the left) who can help them defeat Bush and conservative America before making mincemeat of their good buddy lefties. Isn't this always what leftist regimes and Muslim thugocracies do once the main enemy is defeated, you get rid of the useful idiots. And don't forget, what the Muslim fundamentalist despises the most is the social and moral debauchery of modern liberalism. Where's the outrage from leftist feminists and militant homosexuals toward the Muslim predation which increasingly targets people like them when they would be the first targets under an Islamic global caliphate? Instead these liberals consider President Bush and American conservatives their first and foremost enemies - an "enemy" that has exercised EXTREME tolerance toward those who have coarsened the public debates with half-truths and failed social prescriptions, and degraded American traditions and the social structure of this country with their destructive attempts at social engineering for the last fifty years. It's true and you know it.

Comment Posted By Hankmeister On 9.05.2007 @ 08:56

Drongo, your mired in false moral equivalences. Of course it's a call to action. From a moral standpoint, if you want to falsely equate taking out a despotic regime with terrorist attacks on a civilian target, then go ahead and live in that world of twisted nuance.

As to your inability to blame the real perps who are blowing up moderate Muslims, then you're the perfect apologist for jihadists. As you well know, close to 98% of all moderate Muslims taken out since 9/11 has been the result of Muslim jihadists and that point should be made over and over to the "moderate" Muslim world. Your kneejerk reaction in wanting to blame-Bush/blame-America/blame-the-troops by claiming we're inciting jihadists to commit such heinous crimes against their own brethren is precisely the kind of attitude jihadists want to instill in their useful idiots in the free world. That's like claiming the reason for gang violence and murder in America is because the existence of law enforcement incites them to do such things as blowback. Not a perfect analogy but a good one nonetheless.

Comment Posted By Hankmeister On 9.05.2007 @ 08:42

Yes, this is a serious development but some may be taking a darker view as Rick suggests. Hopefully the various Iraqi factions will discover the principle of mutual self-interest instead of slaughtering each other in the name of Allah, the Koran and Mohammed.

As some have suggested, the war in Iraq was spectacular won, now its a matter of winning the peace in a land steeped in an ideology which claims to be a "religion of peace" but has proven to be anything but that ... the six Muslims plotting to attack Fort Dix is just another piece of that jigsaw puzzle.

Sure there have been missteps by this administration, just as there were missteps by FDR and his generals during World War II that cost tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of American soldiers their lives. But I believe its also true that many Americans refuse to see the elephant in the room, that is unless Muslim moderates begin to "take back their religion" as they promised they would do, Islamic fundamentalists will continue to flourish and continuing defining greater Islam in more fascist terms.

I'm sure we all have heard these words spoken by Teddy Roosevelt at one time or another in our lives, but I think it bears repeating today. I believe those Bush-bashers on the other more radical side of the aisle (not speaking of those here) need to reflect a little more about the truths contained therewithin and practice some respectful civility that can be exercised toward those who have the very difficult task of actually doing something that could lead to some kind of substantive achievement in the Middle East as opposed to anonymous hacks adopting high-minded contrarian views to justify their often quite useless Monday morning quarterbacking:

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

Comment Posted By Hankmeister On 8.05.2007 @ 18:41


Couldn't believe this New Age enviro-whacko totalitarianism when I first read it at Malkin's site early this morning. Maybe these people who are advancing such arguments ought to be the pacesetters and show the rest of us hoi polloi how its done by practicing what they preach on their own extended families.

It's very similar to the abortion paradigm, one has to wonder how many modern-day Einsteins, Jeffersons, George Washington Carver, Beethovens, and other great men and women have been prevented from being born in the name of some left-wing social prescription. We will always have the poor, but it only takes a very few truly great minds to totally revolutionize the human condition in a very positive way.

Comment Posted By Hankmeister On 7.05.2007 @ 12:59


I wonder if some of the political machinations of Chiraq and his administration will be revealed now that a non-socialist is the French president? I'm think of Chiraq's cozy relationship with Yassir Arafat and Saddam Insane to name a few.

Comment Posted By Hankmeister On 7.05.2007 @ 13:02


Looks like several of the Malkin links don't work for the PM vs Loose Change debate. Here's another link. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Comment Posted By Hankmeister On 6.05.2007 @ 12:34


Comment Posted By Hankmeister On 6.05.2007 @ 12:20

Here are some video links to the editors of Popular Mechanics debating the "Loose Change" 9/11 Truther crowd. It's really sad to watch normally intelligent people looking like excapees from the Bellvue Sanitarium. We also musn't forget the conspiracy within a conspiracy which claimed it was a rocket which hit the Pentagon on 9/11 and not Flight 77. We don't know if Karl Rove fired the rocket or not.

Popular Mechanics had previously debunked some of the more of the more general claims of the 9/11 Truthers here, but I've run into so-called mainstream liberals who are "Truthers" and claim Popular Mechanics has been "bought off."

As to the Kennedy Conspiracy theories, I believe the History Channel did a pretty bang-up job of debunking most of those theories, including the "single bullet couldn't have hit Kennedy and Connelly without violating the laws of physics" and there supposedly was high-tech audio proof that there were four shots and not three, etc. What is it about invoking "the laws of physics and liberal conspiracy theorists? Rosie O'Donnell recently claimed "fire melting steel" somehow violates the laws of physics!!!

As to the Kennedy bullet conspiracy theory, what the proponents don't realize is the bullet used came from an Italian Carcano which in this case used a round-nosed bullet that is notoriously stable and capable of over-penetrating a target, if it doesn't hit bone, because of that inherent stability. If a person understood where President Kennedy actually sat - higher and slightly to the right of Connelly in the front seat - it is entirely possible from the angle it was fired for the bullet to have hit Kennedy where it did, travel through his body and then hit Connelly where it did all in a straight line! The History Channel experts had a computer generated re-enactment to prove their case ... but then they're probably are being payed off by the powers that be, right?

As to the open-mike on the police motorcycle that supposedly recorded four shots instead of three, the conspiracy theorists audio software placed the motorcycle less than a half a block behind President Kennedy's motorcade. However, subsequent tests by debunkers put the motorcycle policeman a full block behind Kennedy's convertible which strongly suggests that a the angle he was in relationship to the shots being fired from the depository, the fourth "shot" was really an echo.

What's sad are those people who believe in such conspiracy theories or even in the "Bush lied" meme, is they will go to their graves believing what they do even if God himself were to come down and tried to straighten them out. So much for liberals being "open-minded" - it looks like all the wrong things get into those kinds of minds. Far better to be fair-minded and having no axe to grind. But conservatives have their own oxes than can be gored, too.

Comment Posted By Hankmeister On 6.05.2007 @ 12:19

Moonbats ... barking moonbats. This left-wing black helicopter crowd is an embarassment to the human race and it extends beyond our borders to Bush and America haters. This is how bad the anti-Bush Derangement Syndrome has gotten. Blame Bush, blame America and rarely blame the real perps. Yep, liberal insanity to the core. And remember, these kooks vote!

And isn't it interesting the lamestream media is suppressing this news about National Guard units meeting their strength levels six months ahead of schedule. Has anyone heard any major national news outlet breathing a word about this news that was released almost three weeks ago?

Comment Posted By Hankmeister On 5.05.2007 @ 20:30


From the Washington Post -- Iraqis: Don't Abandon Us

Comment Posted By Hankmeister On 4.05.2007 @ 23:39

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