Comments Posted By HE HATE ME
Displaying 31 To 40 Of 41 Comments


His supporters will rationalize and enable the most egregious bahaviors- not his fault the various people he associated with are racist ministers, Chicago slumlord crooks, former domestic terrorists , et al.
Local moonbats tell me whatever Obama is, he's still much better than McCain or Bush. And there is much true about what the Rev stated- like govt. injected black in Alabama with syphilis (yes, I know it is another big lie from the left).

I lump BHO in with Ron Paul as to both being ignorant of what was going on under the noses. I see The Anchoress blog thinks what garbage the Rev. spews is really no reflection on Obama.

Would like to see what spin 60 Minutes or Dan Rather would put on this story, if they'd even touch it. I'm sure the media is dying to come up with something on McCain. Imagine if Eliot (Mess) Spitzer were a Republican.

Does anyone know whom the Paultards are now supporting? I figured Obama, but a few have said no. In any case, both Paul and Obama have that cult of personality down. Americans don't have a clue. One leftard tried to tell me Che Guevera is idolized because he was a doctor who helped the poor and fought against Castro's communism. Right. And Mikey Moore speaks truth to power.

Whites make life hell for blacks. Of course OJ and Oprah are exceptions.

Comment Posted By HE HATE ME On 15.03.2008 @ 16:32


To some extent, the world is filled with people who have little regard for any sentient being, unless it is the likes of a Mumia or OJ. Doesn't India allow rats to flourish abd feed off of their grain silos? And the sacred cows that must not be used for food? Saw some dude on one of the science channels feasting on cockroach. We all know Koreans relish eating dogs and Europeans delight in horsemeat.

I feel bad when I see flyers of cats who have gone missing or see dogs and cats struck by cars. Of course the Cat Holocaust is barbaric and it would be great if we could boycott the Olympics and all Chinese goods, but it won't happen. Better for the cats if we designated them as terrorists and then the lefty might campaign for their humane treatment. I really cannot fathom why so many liberals keep up the drumbeat of Bush taking away their rights and the bogus torture talk. The scum at Guantanamo is living far better than many of the planet's inhabitants.
May the poor felines rest in peace.

Comment Posted By HE HATE ME On 10.03.2008 @ 13:45


"Lengthy history involving pets and animals".....a relative involved with caring for discarded animals....pets in poor condition in his room....

I see nothing wrong with the host's hypothesis. There was some reason why he was cooking up the ricin. Perhaps oecolampadeus might start his own blog and publish his own opinions on whatever. Seems to me that Mr. Moran can think anyway he wishes. Perhaps Mr. Bregendorff will yet reveal his dark secret? Not to say that the authorities won't downplay it.

Comment Posted By HE HATE ME On 3.03.2008 @ 15:15


I love Banjo's overconfidence that the left will prevail..just like goracle and lurch did the past two presidential cycles. It ain't over until the fat lady sings. I really don't see what Obambi brings to the table. Do Americans want illegals to have licenses? We should worry about the concerns of Islamic states (screw Israel)? Cede Iraq to terrorism/caliphate? But then, I suppose most people believe the spin of the treason media.

Comment Posted By HE HATE ME On 3.02.2008 @ 00:12


Great- just what we need some bureaucrat's arbitrary standards and gatekeeping of health resources. I don't buy into those approved tables. I'm six three and 195# and look skinny and some table says I should be #165. I was 135 in high school and looked like a concentration camp survivor. Everyone has some bad habit or another. Screw Nurse Bloomburg. Screw the Goracle for his AGW religion (speaking of one porker and another in Fat Teddy K).
No doubt society as a whole overeats the junk food. Let's make it more expensive by pushing for more ethanol. Let's ignore use of nuclear plants and our huge coal supplies. Maybe Jonathan Swift satire had it right- eat the Irish infants or in this case the ubiquitous illegal alien offspring that gets automatic US citizenship. Wonder what price it would bring? And let's round up those of us who bitch about overpopulation and euthanize THEM forthwith or at least sterilize the lot.

Comment Posted By HE HATE ME On 2.02.2008 @ 20:39


Which candidates managed to govern rather well in hostile environments? The old boys' Senate congeniality club served McCain's compromising qualities well. I see McCain going along with Fat Ted's, Lieberman's, Feingold's et al desires in legislation. Bush is usually the same. WHEN do libs compromise. When GOP had control of Congress, why did they kiss lib ass so much? They appear to work better as a minority in at least stifling some of the socialist agenda?
What if a President McCain decides he will embrace shamnesty regardless of what he says now? How come the money to build the fence was withdrawn?
Huckabee sure as hell governed in a kiss Mexico's ass fashion in Little Rock (Mex. consulate crap/ in state tuition for illegals, etc. I suppose if the mad mullahs renounced allah and embraced Jesus, he bend over backwards for them too?
I still think we need to work for conservative judges appointment to the Supremes. I can envision big icehole Bubba Clinton getting an appointment via Hillary. The three dem contenders are all a total sack of spit with their class warfare/ tax and spend one world government/ goreacle worshipping agenda. I don't know- McCain looks pretty scary to me. Guliani or Romney have to be superior to those donkeys. Funny how media vilified Dan Quayle as being inexperienced Senator and yet he had more seniority than any of the libs.
There must be a reason why senators do so poorly as candidates. Please pass on McLame....and that Holy Roller sanctimonious two-faced Huckster. And god forbid the Paultard!

Comment Posted By HE HATE ME On 23.01.2008 @ 17:45


Let's see- you had draft dodger Clinton win twice against war heroes George HW Bush and Dole and the Goreacle and traitor Lurch nearly win against Dubya. With the media oeverwhelmingly on their side will either sHrillary or Obambi lose against old man war hero RINO McCain? Say it ain't so. You're supposed to feel guilty if you keep the first woman or black out of WH?
If what I've read is accurate down the road, whoever gets in will have to deal with some deep doo doo. We are living in interesting times. I don't like McCain but no way do I ever want the dems in white house either. The potential for a flood of far left judges being appointed is bad enough. Who are all those people who already pay no income taxes and are promised more fed largesse going to opt for a their leaders? No voter ID results in how many felons and illegal aliens voting dem? How many women will automatically cheer for a sister? Ugh.

Comment Posted By HE HATE ME On 20.01.2008 @ 12:19


#9 but if a killer/rapist etc. finds Christ and is "reborn" in prison, Huckleberry would say they're rehabilitated and should walk amongst the free again. Of course the recidivism whereby the formerly lost souls committed further mayhem, murder and rape was unforeseen and they deserved their chances.

I suppose we all have our religious prejudices. I want nothing to do with so-called "holy men". The ones who have crossed my path have been sanctimonious, holier-than-thou hypocrites of the first order.

I asked one friend who became a fundamentalist minister about preachers so often getting in parishioners pants, for example. He claimed that the devil puts far more pressure on the very religious because they are a bigger catch for hell. Sure. When I was 37 and smitten by a young lady of a fundamental congregation, that minister took me aside and read the riot act. Seems I was too old, too divorced and too spiritually weak. This while married members were having their extramarital affairs and so forth. The fact that Huckabee is an ordained minister means nothing to me other than I don't trust him and, looking at his "conservative" claims, I think he's a lying sack of spit. There are those of us who don't go so far as to accept atheism, but some of us do find organized religion detestable.
Give me someone with executive experience who has done a good job even with stiff opposition to his goals. Senators as a group are rather worthless cogs in the old boys' club.

Comment Posted By HE HATE ME On 17.01.2008 @ 12:30


And the story now is that Fred is "too late". Captainsquartersblog has results of a "CNN poll" claiming that registered Rupblicans support McCain with 34%
of vote, followed by Huckabee with 21 and Guliani with 18%. McCain also generates the highest amount of enthusiam with 31%.
Would someone explain to me why conservatives would prefer the RINO McCain like that?
That recent editorial cartoon highlighted over at the corner put it into sharp focus to me just what a liberal the Az. senator is. And that's not even mentioning his stance on Global Warming.

Comment Posted By HE HATE ME On 11.01.2008 @ 19:28


#2 If you don't vote for Obambi you must be a racist. He has a vision and will bring back America's former glory. You see how much has been accomplished by Bush's sucking up to fatboy teddy kennedy. Even if McCain were CinC, he too would work to compromise with the left on immigration, judges and campaign finance plus crack down on the evil drug companies.

Would also be nice for Barack to have Hillary as Veep. Wonder how long it would take for him to have a fatal accident? I know, all those mysterious deaths of people connected to the Clintons were just coincidental or somehow work of the VRWC?

Some of the Paulbots are claiming the Hillary is also a neocon and Obama or Edwards will do fine if the PaulWad doesn't win it all.

Comment Posted By HE HATE ME On 6.01.2008 @ 18:07

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